
Wednesday 15 May 2013

More spirit dolls

Hi you all! These little dolls were made in my last 'play time'. They have been made from some 'my mind's eye' double-sided paper, using both sides to get some variations. The bodies have also been stamped. These are quick and fun to make, and at the moment I am trying to reduce my mountain of scraps and half used papers! I think I will mount these onto some dark paper - chocolate brown or black, perhaps, and make some cards out of them. Or put them all together on something? Or make a journal page with them? We shall see!
I got a mail from one reader asking me if these were meant to be voodoo dolls. Actually, no, that never occurred to me! ! But looking at the sentiments on these dolls - creativity, wisdom, and joy - if I could magically install these virtues into some of the miserable peeps I see every day when I go out, I would! But I need to practise first!

It is still cold, wet and windy here, and will stay changeable the next few days, but the sun did peep out here and there, so that was nice!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Oooohhh Wow valarie,deine dolls sind ja der knaller,soo genial gemacht und zusammengestellt,ich bin seehr begeistert.
    sie in eine journal page ein zu bauen ist eine geniale idee und ich bin gespannt was dabei rum kommt.

    Ganz lieben Gruß Jeannette :-)

  2. They are lovely, Val, and would like great on a dark background in a journal! Hugs, Sarah

  3. These are gorgeous Valerie and love the warm colours too.
    It's wild and windy here too but not currently wet (we had that all night instead and I couldn't sleep - says she, yawning)
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. so gorgeous! You know how I adore spirit dolls. These are fun because you can use them in journals, cards, etc. Like that. Might have to try some! hugs, Donna

  5. Terrific spirit dolls Valerie.
    Hugs Annette x

  6. I love your spirit dolls Valerie. Could you make a sunshine one please cause it's blooming freezing here! Xx

  7. I think 'spirit dolls 'is a good name to call these beauties. Wet here today and a possibility of snow.
    Yvonne x

  8. These are great! They would be fantastic on cards or as part of an art journal page. Can't wait to see where they end up! x

  9. Love your spirit dolls, and if it were me, I'd probably hang them up somewhere, so that every time I see them, they would constantly send me good vibes! ~tina

  10. Gloriously creative Valerie! I love your little dolls, particularly the one with the ribbon flower. I keep imagining them joined up all in line to make a garland. . . . they'd brighten up my craft room today as it's very overcast here.

  11. Was für süße Püppchen, äh....neee, das sind eher heiße Feger!
    Klasse gemacht!

  12. Hi Valerie. Hope you are doing well. The sun is out over here. Yesterday it was in the 90's. Ugh. I love winter. Your dolls are just wonderful. They don't look like voodoo dolls, they look like each has a message of hope for you. Very nice job on all three. I would say they look like faith, hope and health to me.:) Have a wondeful day.

  13. cute dolls expressing wonderful sentiments,!

  14. I LOOOOOVE your ladies, Val - these are full blood women! Hugs, Barb

  15. I love all of your spirit dolls - so much fun and so creative. You had some pretty good ideas on what to do with them!!!!

  16. OH MY!!
    I LOVE THESE... :]

    ** such a creative art project.

  17. Valerie, I am so behind on comments and had a look at what I have missed here. You have been so busy and quite beautifully I may add! Love these dolls and all your gorgeous art! Will be back on track! Hugs!

  18. I really do love these. They make me smile..


  19. These are the opposite of voodoo dolls, what fun to make something just because. I like the owl and the orange flower additions.

  20. da ist eine schöner als die andere... Du angehende Voodoo Zauberin - LOL!

    ja wenn wir denn per Bastlen die Welt ein klein wenig weiser , klüger, barmherziger, gesünder machen könnten..wir würden garantiert den dazugehörigen Online Workshop buchen, oder?

    lg und noch einen schönen Tag!
    Übrigens je öfter ich sie hier ansehe umso mehr gefällt mir die Idee sie als Blumenstecker zu missbrauchen....

  21. Ja, tolle Idee - vielleicht probiere ich Puppe am Spieß demnächst!

  22. I think your spirit dolls can be inspirational!

  23. They're fabulous! I'm going in reverse order today so I got to see their new home before these close-ups.

  24. These ladies look gorgeous! I thought they looked more dressed up than the last time I saw them ha ha! ~Diane

  25. These are wonderful Valerie, and I got to see them on their journal pages too. If you ever get the knack of the voodoo can you send me one that says 'sticks to her diet and goes to the gym everyday' lol xx

  26. No, now Sue - that would be a VERY big porky pie!


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