
Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Post and a Moo pocket book

Hi you all, and happy Mother's  Day to all Mums, Moms, Muttis, Mamans, Mamas, Imas etc out there! Have a good day, and let your family look after you!

I received a big envelope in the post, from Petra's Giveaway a few days back. I love all the lovely ribbons, flowers and buttons. 

I especially love the stitched and pleated ribbons, so beautiful!

And this lovely tag came with it, really beautifully made, as is everything she makes.
Thanks a lot Petra!

I am in a mini-book mode just now, and made some more little books. This one is already winging its way into the world, and the others you will see bit by bit.
I used one of my Moo cards to decorate the front, and put some more into the pockets inside. There are 7 pockets inside, which can be used to hold tickets or receipts. It is small - not much bigger than a moo card - and fits snugly into pockets or purses. I used some leather-print paper for the covers.

This was the first Mother's day Card I made for my mum, and probably my first card at all! I was 4 1/2 then, what a long time ago!

Here's wishing you all a great day, take care of yourselves and of your Mums!
Thanks for coming by!


  1. What a lovely prize Valerie and personally, I'd be really happy with just the fabulous tag!
    Really gorgeous mini book. Love the bright colours and wonderful texture.
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Great prize, fab mini book, and that card is priceless - you were a clever little girl! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Gorgeous little mini book with all those pockets to hold secret treasures! Lovely set of goodies and what a fun tag. Your Mother's Day card is so sweet, a definite treasure.

    Hope you enjoyed your trip to the cafe! x

  4. Just look at all that happy mail. How cool.. Enjoy playing with it all. And what a sweet card you had made when you were young.. So cute.

    Happy Mothers day!

  5. Love the 'wallet' you made and it is a great idea.

    Beautiful things you received and can't wait to see what you make with pleated ribbon which I have never seen before.

    Fancy you having the first card you ever made--my mum never saved anything we made though I think my gran may have but I never got to see any of them.

    Hope your day is going well

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. What a lovely selection you have for us today Valerie. Gorgeous goodies from Petra, beautiful moo book (that must've been fiddly to make) and how fabulous that you still have some of your first artwork! Have a lazy Sunday afternoon! xx

  7. Looking forward to seeing those beautiful ribbons & buttons showing up in your art! The Mother's Day card is priceless!

  8. Hi Valerie, love the goodies you received and you made a lovely minibook. Great job! Hugs Frea

  9. The goodies look beautiful bet you cannot wait to get using them.
    Fantastic Moo book, must have taken ages to make. What a lovely memory to have, it must have been so special to your mum to keep it safe.
    Yvonne x

  10. I really like the ticket holder very much I could do with one of these, thanks for the inspiration Dxx

  11. That's a lovely little booklet. I love your very first postcard, it's so great that you still have this little card full of memories.

  12. Lovely mini book Valerie. Great gifties from your friend, she is so generous! Hope you are having a great day! ~Diane

  13. das Moo Büchlein ist wieder ein Traum Valerie! Deine Gewinn sieht toll aus .. aber wahrlich begeistert bin ich von Deiner Retro - Muttertagskarte anno 1951...

    Du warst eben eine Kunstfrau von Anbeginn! sieht man schon an der Komposition von damals!

    lg Susi

  14. Wonderful moo-book and great pressies from your friend! LOVE the card from 1951, what a treasure! Hugs, Barb

  15. Really gorgeous, I love the image and the colours on the first one, just fabulous
    Lindsay xx

  16. Such a lovely post! Your wee mothers day card from when you were a wee quine is so cute. Such sweet memories. I have a letter I wrote when I was 8, for my mum when she was in hospital. Your Moo pocket folder is very clever Valerie. You are so inventive. Hope you've had a fab weekend :0) Mo

  17. I love your little moo book Valerie, and your card to your mum was the perfect Mothers Day card xx

  18. Awww thats so sweet that you've still got that beautiful picture Val. Just had my weekly catch up and love everything you've made again. Those dolls are fantastic, thanks for the link. Your little parcel is winging it's way to you at last so hope the postie doesn't get you up too early when he knocks. Have a good week. x

  19. OOoooo! Nice everything, Valerie. What a delightful win - so much to play with. Love, love, love your book - of course it is RED! And the old Mothers Day card - how beautiful to have. hugs, Donna

  20. Valerie... such beautiful things here!! :]

    ** pretty buttons & ribbons

    ** LOVE your altered mini book, you are so wonderfully talented.

    ** aww... how adorable!! THANK YOU for sharing your first Mother's Day card. IT IS WONDERFUL!! ~xx

  21. Awww, love the cute card you made for your Mum - you had very good handwriting for a 4 1/2 year old!


  22. Another great moo mini! How wonderful that you have that sweet card from (ahem) a few years back... lovely!

  23. Love it, love it so much --- anything that has Moo on it has to be good don't you think. Could you put some of your spirit dolls in an album. Your very first Mother's day card is delightful!!! Really neat that your Mom kept it.

  24. Valerie I was so moved to read your little note to your mum for mothers day how touching and the fact that you have kept it for so many years. The mini moo is sensational full of your fabulous style.



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