
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Circus at OOAH

Hi you all! The theme over at Out of a Hat Creations this week is 'Circus'. Hmm, not really something I like. As a kid I hated the circus, and found the clowns terrifying. I still find clowns scary, and would never go to a circus voluntarily. But back to the challenge! I found a half sheet of Graphics 45 circus paper in my stash, and decided to use it. I altered a little notebook, and as I had a few tiny scraps left over from that, made a mini-book as well. Both pieces have been given a coat of matte varnish to make them more durable

Here Fräulein Holzbein is holding them for the photo.

The finished piece is 11 x 7 cms. I cut out one clown and fixed him to the front with foam pads.

I added some stickles to his clothes.

Inside the cover there is a little pocket with 2 matching tags.

The little book is 5 x 3 1/2 cms. I had some scraps of wood left over from another project, and used them for the covers. They were covered with paper inside and out. The edges have been inked with rusty hinge DI. The pages have been cut from some left over strips of drawing paper. I never throw them away when I cut things to size, sooner or later they come in useful.

I tore the paper against a ruler to give rough edges.

I used my BIA to bind it. The o-wires were on an old notebook that had been used up, so I took them out carefully, cut them to size and re-used them here. I like recycling where it is possible.

That's all for today. Have a good one, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Beautiful work Val! I'm not a circus fan either, but the kids love it! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wonderful little notebooks Valerie.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Just gorgeous Valerie. So lovely and bright. Great recycling too.
    Have a lovely day too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. Fabulous little book Valerie and wonderful that you made it for the Hatters challenge even though you are scared of clowns. Seems that you aren't alone by the sound of things with the comments on my blog post:(

    Hope you day is going well

    Chrissie x

  5. Love the papers you've chosen for the decoration. Sweet little notebooks. x

  6. Always amazed at your little books!

  7. Wow, das ist ganz großes Kino, Valerie, beides gefällt mir sehr gut

  8. I am so with you on the clown thing! But, they are cute little books. Fun to read how you put them together.

  9. Super wee books Valerie, love the addition of the tag and pocket on the bigger one. Have to say though, they are a bit creepy! Lol xx

  10. Yeah, that's what I don't like about clowns!

  11. I too find them creepy and scary but you did such a wonderful job with these, the books are great! Kudos on the recycling too, you are the queen of recycling for sure! ~Diane

  12. Hi Valerie. These are lovely!!! Love the details you added. Great Mini-Books. xxx

  13. Lovely circus notebook. Agreed clowns can be scary.

  14. Love your little books, but I must admit, I don't much like clowns either! Hugs, Barb

  15. Brilliant books Valerie, but I don't find clowns remotely funny either xx

  16. So I am not alone as I never liked the circus and find clowns to be so scary, they are stuff of nightmares!
    Wonderful use of the papers to create those notebooks.

  17. Wonderful books, love the bright colours. Not a fan of the circus either. It was the caged animals I felt for, especially when they were whipped to do the tricks.
    Yvonne x

  18. Was ein großartiges Projekt!! Dafür dass Du Zirkus nicht magst, hast Du hier aber gaaaaanz viel Liebe reingesteckt....einfach toll geworden Deine zwei fröhlich und bunt :) ♥ Conny

  19. das ist ( auch wenn Du Zirkus nicht so magst) eine sensationelle
    Show Valerie..
    das Büchlein ist ein Kleinod!
    Du mit dem (kaum was wegwerfen) geh ich mit Dir konform,
    wobei ich echt immer wieder mal ausräume,
    denn ich will auf keinen Fall zu einem Messie werden.. nö nö...

    Ich bin unter anderem auch noch hier um Dich einzuladen zur neuen


    Love this circus theme... awesome art, Valerie!! :]

    ** fell in love with the mini book and the gorgeous tags ~xx

  21. both pieces are jaw droppingly (can I say that?) awesome. You would never know you didn't like the circus! Oh, I do wish you could come over and play. Beautiful morning here - I have all the doors open to the outside - feel like I'm living in Bali. hugs, Donna

  22. You're only making me a little bit envious today, Donna - it's lovely, warm and sunny weather here too!

  23. Love it! Can only imagine the notes this beauty will hold.

  24. Hi Val this is a wonderful notebook and fab tags. I am with you regarding clowns just hate em. But glad you did this for OOAH wonderful. Hugs Sandra X

  25. Hi Val Fabulous notebook & tags your clowns are great
    Thanks for joining us at OOAH
    Janet x

  26. what colourful, bright and very useful pieces - just right for the OOAH theme this week.

  27. I do like your books, especially the ring bound one, but I also find the clown a bit frightening, I suppose they aren't really.

  28. I love this Valerie. What a great little book. Colors are awesome and the clown is great. Boo! Watch out for the clown. :) tee hee.

  29. What a fun little book. love the colors.


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