
Friday 26 April 2013

Alpha Challenge, Moos and an orange moon.

Hello everybody. It's weekend already, and I hope you will all have a fun and relaxing weekend. I was up early this morning, thanks to the postman who loves to get me out of my bed to take parcels for neighbours who are able to sleep through his persistent ringing! Anyway, it meant I was able to get the shopping early, and spend some time doing the dreaded, but rather necessary H*******K! I think the dust bunnies seem to breed at my place, I have no other explanation for them always coming back!

For the alpha challenge at the Craft barn we have to use the letter 'w', and as an extra, use circles on our page. I chose the word 'word blind' (alexia) after a long perusal of my Greater Webster's Dictionary. The dictionary page has been pounced over with white gesso to blot out some of the words, and then stamped with an alphabet stamp (Kaisercraft). I used a white pastel chalk to partly cover some of the stamping. The lady has been cut out of a magazine. I cut circles out of black card for her glasses. I used stenciled and self adhesive alphas to embellish the page. The magnifying glass has been fussy cut and stuck to the page.

The Moos are, of course, for the Moo-Mania challenge, where the ladies want to see spring moos this time round. I used scraps of paper which have been collaged, painted, doodled and embellished.

Then I decided to make the four moos into 2 little hangings, and mounted them onto ribbon, adding some beads onto them to help them hang straight!

They were fun to make. I am also linking to Manon's 'Paper Saturdays'

Yesterday (Thursday) evening we had an orange coloured moon. I have never seen the moon this colour before, it was so fascinating, I could not stop watching it.

That's all for today. Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Your projects are fabulous. Love those moos, they make brilliant little hangings. Enjoy your weekend! Petra.

  2. Beautiful work again Val, you manage to be so creative every day. Your alpha project is great, and I love the moos. The photo is marvelous! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Very fine Moos, I like your flowers and the birds. How strange to have the orange moon, I wonder what the explanation was?

  4. Valerie, is that the real color of the moon??? I have never seen anything like that. Your art this week is beautiful. I love especially those amazing moos. And the word blind piece is fantastic. Beautiful art work, Valerie.

  5. I love your art this week! I was hoping to see the orange moon too, but ours never did look like yours! Happy PPF!

  6. Beautiful work on the challenges. Your orange moon is fascinating!

  7. we had an odd moon last night as well and it was huge and golden but not that creepy red... not sure I like that ... love those tags though... beautiful ... xx

  8. I love your "W" collage - it's really wonderful. And your moos - so sweet! What a gorgeous moon. Thank you so much for sharing that. Happy Friday and thank you for your kind words on my blog!

  9. OH Just LOVE the glasses! That must have been very fussy to achieve. Great piece. Your little moos are charming and so inventive to make them into hanging moos. :o) That orange moon is really something. Have you checked NASA for info? I think I will google it - has me curious. Really beautiful! hugs, Donna

  10. Oh I love the word bling cool the way you did the glasses... I love words so this speaks to me!! The moo cards are adorable too!!

    Happy ppf!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. I read after posting last night that there had been a partial moon eclipse, which I did not see, but it explains the colour!

  12. Wow Valerie the makes for today are wonderful.

    Would never have thought of your word for the alpha page and you have done stunning word to illustrate it.

    The Moos are adorable with beautiful colours and images

    Have a lovely weekend

    Chrissie x

  13. Your page is awesome! Its so clever, I love it! the moos are so pretty and cute! xx

  14. Again you made me smile thanks for sharing. I feel very inspired now :)

  15. What a great word to choose Valerie and your dangly moos are beautiful. Xx

  16. Well, I learned a new word today already! Then I had to go look up what it's meaning meant. LOL Fantastic page!

  17. Absolutely stunning and so very different Val!

    Karen from The Craft Barnx

  18. Love your word for the alpha page, a great pair of spectacles. Fantastic hanging moo's as well.
    Yvonne x

  19. Wonderful W page Valerie so inspired, love your Moo's so cheerful and the picture of your moon is amazing, have never seen the moon this bright orange colour either hope you are going to frame it would make great wall art!!


  20. Your Alpha Challenge page is awesome, the MOOS are covetable (haven't had time to do any for an aaaage!), and that orange moon is incredible! Hope your weekend is going well :0) Mo

  21. What do I comment on first! Let's start with that gorgeous moon. I have never seen anything like it either! Now I never heard of moo moos before but I know I like what you did! The colors are wonderful!! Now on to your dictionary page - how clever! I never heard of this word before. You definitely used some neat ideas with this and I really do like the arrows pointing to your word.

  22. What a gorgeous shot of the moon! I have never seen it this color, but I have read that it is also due to the size of the pollution particles or where it is in relation to the horizon. Very pretty moos!

  23. fun projects!! That moon picture is amazing. I can't remember ever seeing the moon be so orange!!

  24. I love your word blindness pages Valerie! They are so creative and I love the use of the girl image.
    Those moos are so pretty - I've never made one of those!
    I've never seen an orange moon - no wonder you had to keep staring at it.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  25. What a clever way to illustrate alexia. The jumbled up letters in all of their sizes and fonts, the glasses and magnifying glass all tell a powerful story. Gorgeous colours on that wonderful background. Your Moos are delightful. So much colour and detail on just a sliver of art!

  26. gorgeous and i love those dainty little full of poetry! Love the gorgeous blooms too..all so very beautiful..fantastic! and Love the photo of the powerful!

  27. Oh Du meine Güte Valerie! Alles HAMMER!!! bin baff!

  28. Alles, aber auch wirklich alles, sieht super und wunderschön aus!!

    GLG Doris

  29. What a fun page. And I always love seeing your moos..


  30. Lovely work! Found you at the paper saturdays party, dropped by to say hi.

  31. Very impressive art. Love your pretty moos too and wow look at that moon! x

  32. Your alphabet page is amazing, and these moos are so cute xx

  33. Love the "word blind" page and your moos are gorgeous.
    Wow, that moon is awesome!
    Hugs xx

  34. Beautiful Moos, love the little birds, and the Word blind is very cool, but the moon really stole the show in this post! Such a stunning photo! ~Diane

  35. What a creative word you have chosen and I love how you have depicted it. Your moos are fab as well. Now about the orange moon. On Friday I was in Istanbul having dinner on the terrace of a restaurant when I noticed the orange moon and thought it was very unusual. Strange coincidence.

  36. I love how all the projects came out. The journal with lace and fabric is fantastic. Blessings, Janet PPF

  37. LOVE your interpretation
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn

  38. Your moos are fabs. I can't decide which I like best, but I trending toward the one with the butterflies.

    What a spectacular photo of the moon!


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