
Saturday 23 March 2013

Cardboard City

Brrr! It was sooooooooooooooooo cold today, and as a bonus we had an icy wind blowing us fresh air from Siberia. Even the post man said it was too cold to be outside, so I took his advice, stayed home, and used the time well to do some crafting. The challenge at Eclectic Paperie is to use corrugated cardboard on a project. I have made a mixed media piece, which I am calling 'The surreal world of cardboard city'. The background has been painted and then sprayed. I used 2 stencils from CWS to do some shading in the background. The houses have been made from cardboard which has been peeled, and gessoed. I used the CWS stencil again to add some shading in wild honey DI to give the impression of windows. I stamped various figures with archival black, cut them out, and let them fly through the sky, together with the umbrella man, who has been cut from miri card. I used the waste to add some more shadows to the sky. The giraffe and leopard are rub-ons. This was fun to make, and kept me warm!

Have a good weekend,  stay warm, and  thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your creative city! It feels much colder than what the thermometer says here, too! Must be the wind.

  2. I love this Val, great idea,and very quirky. I sometimes wonder how one head can have so many fantastic ideas! Keep warm! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oohh this matches my mood right now, we have more snow, lotts more!!! Love the way the cutouts are floating about and those houses are so quaint. Thank you for reading my story Val. xx

  4. This is fabulous Valerie, I love corrugated card, and your surreal city is wonderful. Good luck with the Siberian winds lol xx

  5. very fun piece val, well done...

    maria xx

  6. Cowboys, bunnies and giraffes, oh my! I LOVE this - and the cardboard is a great call, lovely texture, xo

  7. Love your cardboard city! What a great use of texture and images! Hopefully it warms up soon for you, but staying in is a great idea! Enjoy the weekend!

  8. What a delight your city is! Love everyone flying every which way - it would be interesting to watch the traffic pattern in real life! :o) I think all the controllers would run like mad. Anyway, another success in the cardboard department. I'm going to come over and crawl inside your mind when you are sleeping just to have a peek. hmmmm. Hugs, Donna

  9. Lovely work, the cardboard really works with this piece!

  10. Such a gorgeous mixed media piece Val.. love the corrugated houses... and the beautiful images...

    Jenny ♥

  11. You are a star with corrugated card Valerie. Just love the way you have used it on this piece. My the man with the umbrella gets around doesn't he lol underwater one minute and free flying the next--you have a wonderful imagination.

    Siberian wind here as well and I am staying in again.

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Great fun Valerie. I think the weather's going to be cold for the whole week, so looks like we're all going to have a big "craft in". Xx

  13. Such a great whimsical piece - great use of the corrugated card.
    Valerie thanks for the comment on my Springtime canvas. Yes, maybe it will entice Spring to not be so shy, anyway I enjoyed every minute creating it.

  14. AWESOME!!!Very pretty project,Stay warm...

  15. A great fantasy city. The cardboard houses are brilliant.
    Yvonne x

  16. Another fun piece Val, love the many contrasting elements in your picture! Hugs, Barb

  17. Your cardboard city looks amazing. So creative my friend.


  18. Cardboard gives great texture. Well done!

  19. Love this Valerie, it looks so fun and whimsical with everyone floating above the buildings! ~Diane

  20. Weird! but in a totally good way.

    Karen x

  21. Looove your cardboard city,what a fun place to be!!
    Freezing and snowing here in Scotland today..thermals at the ready.
    Thank you for joining us over at eclectic Paperie.
    Big hugs

  22. I sure do love your creativity - when I saw this piece I immediately started singing "we build this city on rock and roll!" Wonderful work Sugar!!

  23. I love it, it made me smile. Love how everything seems to be blowing in the wind, it gives it a very surreal feel. Beautifull!!

  24. Das ist der Hammer, ganz tolle collage, richtig fantastisch wie im Märchen.

  25. So whimsical! Love your creative city.


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