
Wednesday 6 February 2013

'Peace' journal pages

Hi you all! We have been having crazy weather here. On Tuesday we had a snow storm and sunshine at the same time, followed by a rainbow. Today I woke up to a blizzard, good 6" of snow had fallen and was still coming down hard and fast. A couple of hours later, when I went to do my shopping, the snow was melting in the sun, the roads were wet, dirty and mushy, and while getting out of the car at the store I trod into a puddle, and squelched around the shop, wet to my ankle!

I have made a painting for my journal, and am entering it into 'Art Journal Journey', where the theme this month is 'Peace'. The background has been given a very thin coat of metallic paint in blue and green, and some spots of gold ink, and was then sprayed with more blue and green and allowed to drip. The text is computer generated onto a transparency and glued on. I used a template to add a little bit of patterning at the bottom, and have stamped the background with a scrip stamp, but it doesn't show up in the photo. The birds were made with a template using window colour, as they were intended for my windows. I didn't like them there, so they have flown onto my painting. My grumpy neighbour looked, shook his head, and said, 'Peace? Those birds look like they are going to attack each other!' Well, I like them! This will also be my entry for Paint Party Friday, as I don't think I will get anything more painted by then, I need should MUST do some dreaded H*******K tomorrow.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. I actually like the birds-they are so pretty and stylized. They also look great on the blue background!

  2. Lovely painting, I like it all! We had snow today, too! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Mr Neighbour needs his eyes testing- those birds are beautiful! Don't overdo it tomorrow!! Xx

  4. I NEVER overdo it with H*******K!!!

  5. wow the colours are wonderful Valerie and am loving your gorgeous birds. Hugs Annette x

  6. wonderful peace painting! We're supposed to get a lot of snow tomorrow and it's bitterly cold!

    Canada is phasing out the penny due to the cost of producing it, the Government thinks they will save a lot of money.

  7. Love this Valerie, your birds are gorgeous, and definitely peaceful! x

  8. This is beautiful and your birds are gorgeous and very peaceful in looks too. Don't listen to that ornery neighbor, he has no taste! ~Diane

  9. Gorgeous painting. Obviously your neighbour should change his name to Mr. Grouch. The birds are beautiful, the colours fabulous. hugs, Donna

  10. Gorgeous painting. Obviously your neighbour should change his name to Mr. Grouch. The birds are beautiful, the colours fabulous. hugs, Donna

  11. What a beautiful peace work. Your birds are darling as is the background. Great job on this Valerie. It's a good thing you didn't slip out there. Take care of yourself. Did you buy good stuff? :) Can I have some?heheehe. Take care.

  12. A lovely painting Valerie fabulous birds!

  13. Those birds looks beauties to me as well, its a wonderful page. Don't get working all day and over do things tomorrow.
    Yvonne x

  14. beautiful painting, gorgeous birds!

  15. The colors are so pretty. Nice idea to use different languages. I love that!

  16. Das ist ein traumhaft schönes Werk. Dein Nachbar liegt total falsch. Die Vögelein unterhalten sich sicherlich über friedliche Zeiten.

  17. Wow- your colors are fabulous! Love the idea of creating and not H****K...: ) You used your time so well- the birds are fabulous!

  18. Boah Valerie! Das ist wunderschön !

    Hab lieben Dank dafür! Ich bin total begeistert!

  19. Lovely painting Valerie!
    I personally think, the birdies are beautiful... shame on your neighbor.
    Perhaps, there is no "peace" in his heart, sad...
    Wishing you some sunshine, my friend! ~xx

  20. Sounds like strange weather Valerie and we are back to a light snow covering and ice today.

    Love the page for your journal-very peaceful colours and terrific fonts.

    I will be joining you today doing some DREADED--YUK

    love Chrissie xx

  21. I think this is my favorite so far. Awesome birdies! :)

  22. I like your birds too- and the way you added the words around them. VERY effective, very Valerie!
    Hugs and Happy PPF!
    P.S. Yes, I am hoping to make it to the party this week!

  23. I too, think the birds are wonderful and don't think they look like they're going to fight at all! Silly old man!! Having said that, I wish him peace in his art-free world :0) Mo

  24. Oh this is beautiful and very peaceful! Love those birds!!! Enjoy the day! Hugs!

  25. Good luck on entering your PEACE journal as it is beautiful, at least the pages I've viewed so I know the entire journal is exquisite.


  26. Wow, Valerie, das ist wunder-wunderschön geworden. Ich bin hellauf begeistert.

    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende

  27. Your page look amazing. And those birds look so pretty. You did a great job..


  28. These birds are awesome. I wonder how you did them? And did you use stickles in the process?

  29. Ok you used a window paint motif for the birds.

  30. Wunderschöne leichte und fröhliche Seite, ganz genau das richtige für das Thema Frieden :) LG von Conny über AJJ

  31. So stelle ich mir den Frieden vor, harmonisch Miteinander in fröhlichen Farben. Eine wunderschöne Seite!
    LG Claudia

  32. Fabulous ! and the birds look peaceful to me your neighbour is a nutter !


  33. Lovely page. Maybe they want to kiss and not fight...:-)

  34. You have made PEACE in every language so beautiful and sweet!


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