
Friday 22 February 2013

Paint Party Friday

Hi you all, another week has flown by and it's party time again! Paint party Friday is hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.
I have been busy this week with journal pages for Carolyn's workshop 'Use Your Words'. This journal spread is for the last lesson we had, laugh and play with fonts.

I masked 'my' head before spraying with my home made inks - made from a mix of food colouring, water, perfect pearls, cheap ink from the Euro shop and a lot of hope and guess work. I let it drip, and splodged some gold ink on to it while it was still wet. Once dry, I stamped the 'filling' for my head, using stamps from Paper Artsy, Artemio and LaBlanche. The words have been stencilled using the 'waste' from a sheet of alphas I used up years ago, it's sometimes quite good to keep things till you need them!

The other pages which I made this week can be seen here.

Here's wishing you all a good day, take care, have fun, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely pages, those hands are so expressive and add more to the actual words.

  2. ein großartiges Kunstwerk ist das, Valerie. Die Farben sind so sommerlich, wunderschön

  3. You are always so creative with your head. I love the way this one looks. And what a wonderful message here. I LOVE it.


  4. Oustanding piece of art! Very unique! Just love the Face and the grass and all that it is such an amzing work LOVE IT!

  5. These are brilliant pages Valerie. So much to look at on them--I will need to come back later for another peep.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Summer colors! Beautiful! Happy PPF!

  7. Wonderful concoction of color!! It worked marvelously!! Good job!! Very Beautiful!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. really beautiful mixed media pages.I love all the colours you used :) HPPF

  9. I envy how much you manage to get done each week, and it's always so beautiful! Love the way you did that profile and of course, the lettering looks gorgeous!

  10. I love the spraying, Valerie1 and of course the head is my fave! beautiful job as always!!

  11. You are a great ink mixer- it turned out fabulously! Love all the fun in your person- the hair is perfect!

  12. Very creative, Valerie! Love the little hummingbird eyeing the goodies in your hair. Home made inks - brilliant. hugs, Donna

  13. Lovely journal pages, great colours - clever to mix them yourself! The head is totally gorgeous! Hugs, Sarah

  14. Valerie, I am sometimes almost speechless! I love that head and the masking you did, but the plants growing from the brain, way cool! Every little detail and coloring is simply amazing! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs!

  15. Stunning piece Valerie! I love the head and all the interesting things going on it (much like your own, lol). Your background is beautiful and so very clever how you added so much to this piece. ~Diane

  16. Love your journal page, so much for the eye to take in. HPPF!

  17. I think the head is just awesome. Very nicely done Valerie. I too love how the plants are "growing" from the brain. You are very talented. Thank you. Happy PPF!

  18. This may be my favorite page of yours yet! Love the head, the funky flowers in her face and the best part is that hand thumbing her nose at whoever.... made me laugh out loud!! Off to pin...

  19. This is my third attempt to leave a comment so you might get a few of them. Fabulous pages bright and cheery and so much to see.


  20. das sieht wudnerschön aus .. auch das mit den Blumen Valerie! WOW...

    zauberhafte ARbeiten..

    ja aufheben tu ich auch fast alles, aber leider find ich es nie, wenn ich es dann brauch... ich verräume alles immer so gut! lol!

  21. this is such a fantastic page!!! Wasn't carolyn's creative ideas and videos FUN?

  22. great journal page and I love the colour palette you used. Such a concoction of medium you use and you always create such wonderful effects.

  23. Oooh, I love love love this Valerie!! Everything about it :0)) Mo

  24. ooh am so enjoying your wonderful pages and this spread is fabulous.
    Happy PPF, Annette xx

  25. Wonderful and unique! I love the sprayed background!

  26. I love everything about this one--especially how you filled in the head! Have a nice weekend!

  27. Loving your head thumbing a snook! Goes with the sentiment so well. Your pages are beautifully coloured too. x

  28. Brilliant way of incorporating the Paper Artsy eye - fabulous Valerie.

  29. Great pages Valerie.... I like the thumb to the nose and the hair especially!!!

    You are right no dangerous sun rays today.... it snowed.... well, tried too!!!!

    Karen x

  30. Wow, Valerie, what wild, wonderful, warm colors! Your pages here and on the other place you linked to are just fantastic. Your technique sounds so much fun and really potentially very messy. I don't think I'll try this in my temporary art place (my dining room with the white Chinese rug). But I might do it upstairs in my art room. My knee is getting better with the physical therapy so I'll be back up there soon.

  31. Wonderful post ~ very creative stenciling art ~ ^_^

  32. this page is fabulous with a capital F.... love those textures and patterns laid down behind the face... and the details in the fingernails... looks like you are being inspired...xx

  33. Wow, this is fabulous Valerie. Love the white against the vibrant colours and the stamping in your head ! Also loving your Mohican hairstyle!! Xx

  34. Fantastic pages, love the stamping in the head. The hand is amazing.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne x

  35. Wonderful idea! Love love love his hair!

  36. Hach wie fröhlich und frech Deine Seite daherkommt...meine Stimmung steigt, hihi...ganz toll finde ich all die Stempel rechts...die passen wirklich gut...und ihre Haare erst :)))))) PS dem Ärmchen gehts schon bischen besser :)

  37. Cool! And I do ... Enjoy life!!

  38. I looked at all the pages. I enjoyed the flowers and the Rainbow just as much as these pages. Blessings, Janet PPF


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