
Saturday 9 February 2013

Alpha Challenge - 'E'

The current Alpha Challenge at the Craft Barn is for 'E'. First I tried E for elephant, but didn't really like the page, as it reminded me of the work-sheets I used to make for the kids at school! 

So I started again....This time with 'even numbers'. In case you have forgotten what you learned in school, this is the definition: 

Even numbers are numbers that can be divided evenly by 2. An even number ends in 0,2,4,6 or 8.
There is even (no pun intended!) a song about them, which you can find here.
I used a dictionary page, which was gessoed, and then placed the fussy cut numerals onto it and sprayed  over them which blue ink. When it was dry, I edged them with faux stitching. I added lots of different numerals in various sizes to make up the background, before adding the large cut out ones. I was also able to use up some peel-offs which have been in my stash for years, and this gave a bit of colour. Then I added lots of crazy faux stitching in all directions.

We had a lot of snow again in the night, so I am off now for a refreshing walk!
Take care, have a good weekend, and thanks for coming by!


  1. boah.. ich mag bei dem unteren Teil ganz besonders wie genial die Nähte das machen und überhaupt..die schönen Lagen und die Farbharmonie sind wunderbar ..auch Deine Elfeantenarbeit mag ich - die Schnörkel und das Gold... das macht es so edel --klasse!
    Hoffe Du hattest einen schönen Spaziergang!
    schönen Samstag!

    lg Susi
    hatte auch schon HUndespaziergang ---sehr kalt aber ich genieße inzwischen jedes Wetter.. am schlimmsten ist für mich nur sengende Hitze im Sommer..da kann ich mich nicht wirklcih schützen dagegen, außer ganz früh am morgen zu starten..
    aber alles andere kann irgendwie durch Kleidung angenhem gestaltet werden!

  2. Firstly can I saw that I am loving the elephants :D

    'Even' is a wonderful word to choose and you have really done it justice. I love the addition of the leaves.

    Thank you for joining us again over at THe Craft Barn x

  3. Val, I love both of them - the elephant page is really elegant, and the numbers one is fantastic with the many layers and colours! Have a good weekend, hugs, Sarah

  4. both masterpieces as usual, Valerie. The 'Even' piece, at least in the photo looks very much like a quilt - and your "quilting stitches" are so beautifully even and neat (you get extra points for that). Love the colours in the quilt. Hope you had a lovely walk. hugs, Donna

  5. So wunderbar beschwingt Deine Nummernseite! und "e" wie Elefant, einfach klasse, sie sehen wirklich majestetisch aus, Deine schönen Riesen ;)

  6. Loved your elephants but the 'eveness' is brilliant too, Valerie!

  7. I do love the elephants, but the 'Evens' looks fabulous, great background and lovely fresh clean springlike colours.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne x

  8. very creative take on the letter 'E' Valerie, it's pretty. And spring is not far off!

  9. Both are fun pages! Wonderul elephants! I like that you added the fun little cheerleading verse on your evens page.

  10. Two very creative letter E pages. I love the elephants but the simplicity of the even numbers page really does it for me, my favourite of the two.

  11. Wow, these are both immensely gorgeous! I love the Elephants (your students were lucky to be taught by such a creative teacher). The Even numbers is the best though, I love all the color and playfulness you have put into that. ~Diane

  12. Love your colourful page with the even numbers!!

  13. Beautiful work for your 'evens' Valerie. I love the 'fussy cutting' and the colour contrasts. Perfect!

    We had snow today too.... it didn't lay though.

    Well done going out for another walk :)

    Karen x

  14. I like both pages because I really like elephants! We woke up to a foot of snow which was not too bad! It is very cold today though!

  15. Have to say I love the Elephant page; also great use of the word "even" so bright and colourful
    which cheered up a grey rainy foggy day thanks Valerie :-)


  16. Hi Valerie,
    WOW Love the E pages and the elephants.
    You are simply so creative and extremely talented.
    Sounds like you are enjoying the snow there too. Great time to create.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  17. Both pages are great! The second one though really stands out. Love the soft colors on it too. I would say that you made good use of the letter "E" and actually your work is just "Excellent!" :) Take care and be careful walking in the snow.

  18. Both your pages look wonderful. Love how you used the letter of the week. Very creative once again.

    Keep warm my friend.


  19. Love both of these Valerie and they are quite different. Clever choice for the even numbers-I am fascinated by numbers.

    Have a good day

    Best wishes Chrissie xx

  20. Love your pages:)
    The colours in even numbers are so bright and cheerful:)
    *Hugs, Inger*

  21. What a contrast both pages are! I agree the first looks like an educational sheet (but who's to say that's not the look you were going for - e is also for educational). The even numbers are inspired I love the funky feel of this.

  22. Both pages are lovely, although the equal numbers one is may fave, love the cheery colours! Take care, hugs, Barb

  23. So pretty! Love the elephant and I can never get enough of numbers and text on pages. Lovely layering!

  24. Amazing pages Valerie, the elephants are wonderful, and I love your colourful numbers x

  25. I did like the Elephant page (love elephants), but I like the Even numbers "even" more lol.
    Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn

  26. Zwei wunderschöne Seiten hast du gestaltet. Ganz besonders gut gefällt mir die mit den geraden Zahlen :)

  27. Love your Evens page with its bright colours, numbers and stitching, but like the elephants too.

    Sylv xx

  28. I love your numbers page! It is very pretty!


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