
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Tags made of this and that

Hi you all! Here it has THAWED! It's already 13° this morning, wild, wet and windy, but not cold. The birds are singing again; when it was so cold I only saw and heard the ravens, jackdaws and magpies, and they are not very musical. They sit in the trees behind the house, and watch  my their balcony to see when I put out food. It's really entertaining to watch them.

The first tag is for Tag Tuesday, where we are doing 'D' this week. I chose d for dream, as we all need our dreams. The background has been made from paper, covered with tissue and mod-podge, and then pushed about to give the structure. Then came several layers of gesso, paint and sprays, and some inka gold in copper to highlight the texture. The little girl is a stamp from LaBlanche, which has been fussy cut, coloured and popped up with foam pads.

I made these two tags a couple of weeks back, and lost them under a mound of other stuff. I found them yesterday while looking for something else....
I have used cardboard, Utee and scraps again. I am really enjoying working with cardboard just now.

Yesterday I oversaw the last step when going downstairs - I wanted to go for a walk - and fell. I managed to get up again with the help of the banisters, and then crawled back upstairs to nurse my bruises. I don't seem to have sustained any bad injuries, but I have a lot of aching parts now that I could have done without! And the moral of the story is - take care! Have a good day, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely tags again! Sorry to hear about your fall - perhaps you should let the doctor check your injuries? Take care, hugs, Sarah

  2. diese Tags sind einfach himmlisch.. diese Strukturen genial.. ein Jammer wär das gewesen, wenn die zu lange verschütt gewesen wären.
    Oje gute Besserung.. oh ja .. man muss echt immer bedacht sein.. ich hab nie viel geachtet , bis ich mal be suablöden Bruch hatte vor drei Jahren OP und Rekonvaleszenzzeit und und und..
    und seither bin ich ein wenig bedachter mit all diesen scheinbar harmlosen Dinegn wie Treppen, Hügelchen, Teppichkanten, Borsteinkanten..
    ich will jetzt nicht ins Detail gehen, aber ich hab mir bei Abspülen vor vielen Jahren sogar mal eine hartgewordene italienische Suppennudel unter meinen Daumennagel gerammt ..und lach jetzt nicht..ich musste zum CHirurgen deswegen, der hat es rausfriemeln können und ich war ihm dankbar denn sonst hätte er den Nagel ziehen müssen!

    ALSO Gefahren lauern immer....


  3. Oh Valerie, I hope nothing's sprained and you're able to get out and enjoy the milder weather today. Nice and sunny here today but still a bit chilly. Beautiful tags, those ladies are lovely. Have a good day - and take care!! Xx

  4. Sorry you've had a fall, I hope your aches and pains heal quickly.
    Your tags are beautiful.
    It's still dark when I take the dogs for their walk in the morning, but today the birds were up and singing their little hearts out - it was lovely. Take care.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. OOooooo! Falling. Not a good thing and more importantly, against the rules at our age. Hope you are not in pain and you heal quickly. Your tags are simply divine! So much fun .. they always make me smile just to look at them. Take care and have a good day, Valerie. Hope your birdies come to see you today. hugs, Donna

  6. I cannot pick a favourite as I love each one for different reasons.
    Glad it has thawed!!!! Here we have a bright blue sky but strangely enough the rain is battering against the window.

  7. Please be careful Valerie, glad you are ok and that the birds are singing again too! Beautiful texture on those tags!

  8. So many beautiful pieces.... I adore the textures, especially that last gold one.

  9. Oh poor you with the stairs. So easily done.

    Beautiful work as always Valerie...
    especially dream.... so sweet :)

    Glad the snow has thawed for you and for us...

    Karen x

  10. oh my gosh, GO TO THE DOCTOR!! You should alawys have a fall checked out!

    Beautiful work, I jus love what you do, you do so well,

  11. My dear friend, I hope the pain is not too much, do take care and get some rest today! These are gorgeous also Valerie, so many wonderful textures and layers, you put these together so masterfully! ~Diane

  12. Glad your fall was not worse, but yes we do have to be so careful! Hope you are feeling less sore!!! Your tags are so gorgeous with this and that and you know I love that gold! Take care! Hugs!

  13. I love your tags and how they are different but equally wonderful! You always amaze me at much you get done, ALL the time!
    Please take care- falling is NEVER a good thing!

  14. Your tags are beautiful Valerie and especially love the background of the first one. Sorry to hear about your mishap and am pleased you haven't suffered lasting damage. Hugs Annette x

  15. Beide Tags sind so liebevoll und aufwendig gearbeitet. Ich könnte mich gar nicht für nur eines entscheiden, soooo wunder-wunderschön, Valerie

  16. Oh dear Valerie I hope you are not so sore today. Steps are dangerous things!

    Lovely tags. I really like your dream with the little girl and big hat. Super colours. x

  17. New follower. I must say I really love the "Dream" Tag. That background is amazing!!

    Look forward to seeing more of your work.

    Happy Crafting

  18. Oh my gosh, hope you're o.k... Love all the tags you've made, (especially the "remember" tag)and I'm feeling inspired to get out my corrugated cardboard! (Gee, sometimes I FORGET what I HAVE around here!).. Beautiful work Valerie! ~tina

  19. These are gorgeous Valerie, I love the texture of your 'dream' tag, and the UTEE on your others looks so luxurious. Sorry to hear about your fall, have a nice hot bath to banish the aches and pains xx

  20. Such fabulous textures! Love the gold embossing. :)

  21. Great tags, love the textures on the first one. Hope you are recovering from the fall. Take care of yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Absolutely beautiful tags Valerie. Love all the texture and layering and the big hat image is a favourite of mine.
    Glad to hear you've had a much warmer day, better than here in fact!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  23. Oh no! Sorry to hear about your fall, but I am glad that you didn't break anything! The tags are stunning with all the textures and layering!

  24. 13 degrees! Holy Cow! Keep warm - LOVING these tags and images (love the lady with her hand on her head) and I too love cardboard - so addictive right? xoxo

  25. Beautiful tags Valerie! I do hope you aren't aching too much today :0) Mo

  26. I do love popping in and seeing your wonderful creations. These tags are amazing. Well done my friend.

    Be careful and take care!


  27. Love the tags, Valerie! :]
    what fun... you are very creative. ~xx

  28. Hope your aches are going away a bit today Valerie--flippin stairs are such a nuisance.

    Love all of the tags and the gold stands out so well on anything.

    The little girl stamp is adorable on the first tag.

    Tag care and have a hug from me

    Chrissie xxxxx

  29. You take care! Love your dream tag for Tag Tuesday as well as your other tags--the gold is particularly striking!

  30. oh Valerie sorry to hear about your fall and do hope that your " parts " have stopped aching. Fabulous tags, as always lots to see and admire, love the gold and gorgeous texture's.



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