
Friday 26 October 2012

Quick Update

Hi you all! Sorry, long time no see, no hear, but I am still feeling really bad! Good news -  The Op was an absolute success, no complications, my knee is healing well - but....Still got high fever. I'm taking antibiotics and tablets to reduce the fever, and the doc is doing lots of tests. Next week it will continue....The blood tests have shown bad liver and kidney values. And the positive side? 7 kilos less in a week!

Take care of yourselves, I will try to get on the computer again when I have a bit of energy!


  1. Oh no, Valerie, that is really bad news and sounds like rather a drastic way to lose weight :(

    Wishing you better very very soon,


  2. So sorry to hear you're feeling bad Valerie and managed to miss your earlier post.
    Hoping you recover soon as the weight loss sounds rather scary.
    Take it easy and hope it all gets sorted out.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. I hope you will be feeling better soon Valerie, awful news!

  4. Hi Valerie
    I am catching-up with your Blog and reading your news.
    Oh you poor thing. I am glad the op was a success but it isn't good news that you have a high fever.
    Take good care.

  5. You must be feeling so weak Valerie, that's a big weight loss. You seem to have very good medical care over there so hopefully they'll get you sorted out soon. Take good care and thanks for keeping in touch. Sending humongous hugs. Suze xx

  6. oh my gosh, 7 kilos in one week, thats not good, please take care.I hope that medicine soon starts doing its work!!!!!

  7. 7 kilos in 1 week! That is a hard way to lose it I am sure, I don't think I want your diet, lol. Sorry you are still not feeling 100%, I do hope the fever passes and the liver function tests come back better. Hopefully it is from the meds they gave you for the surgery, they can be tough on your liver and kidneys. Take care of yourself, we all miss you!

  8. Sorry you are still struggling. Glad to hear the knee is good. It is a drastic way to lose weight - would be a lot worse to feel that badly and gain weight though!!! Hoping you are back to your healthy crafting self very soon.

  9. OH man, sorry about the continuous fever and all that comes with it: jitters, lack of energy, and just feeling BLAH. Hope they find the source quickly!

  10. Many medications can be hard on the internal organs, so hopefully that is the case! Sorry you are not feeling well and that the doctors get you back to normal quickly! Take care and sending healing hugs!

  11. Gosh you seem to be having a realy bad time of it. Its good news about the knee. I do hope they get your fever under control soon, losing that much weight so quickly must have left you feeling weak.
    I hope you have a better weekend and feel better soon.
    love and hugs Yvonne.

  12. Sending ((hugs)) your way Valerie
    Von ♥

  13. Not the best way to lose weight! Hope they sort it out soon! Sending healing thoughts.

  14. Oh no, that's definitely not the way to loose weight! I am so sorry to hear that you are still poorly. All the best, take care and BIG HUGS, Petra.

  15. Poppin in to check on you. Darn Valerie, I hope they find out really soon what is causing your fever.
    Weight loss is nice but not this way!
    Stay in bed and get plenty of rest.
    Get plenty of fluids too.
    I'll pop back in again soon to check on you.
    Love and big get better hugs!

  16. I'm so sorry that you're still not well - please get better soon.
    Hugs Hazel xxx

  17. Hope you are feeling better real soon. Lots of rest, take care x

  18. Oh you poor thing...

    sorry to hear you have been feeling so bad.....

    please please take it easy and get better soon

    Love Karenx

  19. Hi Valerie, I do hope this finds you comfortable and improving. Have a good weekend. x

  20. Well, the good news is you are at your computer and your fingers are working! The rest of the news is the pits. I hope they find out what's going on soon so you can get back to health. Take good care, Massive amounts of Love, and huge hugs, Donna

  21. Hi Valerie, so sorry you are still not feeling good and have to stay in bed. Glad your knee is healing good. I hope you soon feel better. Hugs Sandra XXX

  22. Oh poor you Valerie, I hope you start to feel better soon, but off to bed with you for now lol x

  23. Hope you are feeling loads better as soon as possible. Rest up!

  24. I am so sorry my friend. I do hope the antibiotics kick in soon.


  25. Oh Valerie, so sorry you are not feeling well. I have missed so much with the loss of my father. Do hope you recover. I would ask the doctor what your white count is??? that is a clear indication that something is not right. Not to alarm you but you should ask. Losing that amount of weight in a week is not right. Feel better soon my dear friend.

  26. So sorry to hear you are feeling bad.

    Sending healing thoughts your way!

  27. Hello Val. I hope you feel better soon. Rest up. :0) Hugs

  28. Please, take good care of yourself, wishing you well!!

  29. It hurts just to think about it! Sending a hug and get well wishes!

  30. Sending healing thoughts and wishes! No way to loose weight..take care and do all as instructed..advice from someone who had to learn it!

  31. So very sorry you're not well Valerie! Sending you wishes for a speedy recovery!

    Wishes From A Broad

  32. Valeri, sending you huge hugs and positive thoughts and hope you are well soon, seven kilos my goodness thats a lot I could do with losing that much myself !! take care



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