
Monday 22 October 2012

Happy Mail

Lately I was lucky enough to get lots of happy mail. I did an 'exchange of words' with Donna, where we each sent die cuts of words we had. This is just a small selection of my words, I am going to have fun with them. Donna sent a lovely card, and as usual, put a wonderful selection of stamps on the envelope. What did the post do?? Some ASSH*LE there cancelled them with a black felt-tip pen. How silly can you get????

The second mail I received was a tag swap I did with Denise of Coffeeberry Cottage. She packed her beautiful tag with lace and ribbons, and I was very happy that it got to me safely after the long journey from California!

And today I asked my neighbour to look in in my mail box, as I do not want to be crutch-hopping the stairs too much. And he found this gorgeous envelope from Donna again! This time the mailman had left the stamps in good condition, well done! Donna knows how much I love Halloween!

Inside I found a Halloween Folder....

Filled with goodies

And papers.

Looks like I am going to have fun!!

Thanks a lot ladies, you made my day!

Have a good day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Enjoy! Hus, Sarah

  2. Hope you are feeling better today, Valerie. Glad they didn't obliterate the stamps this time. Have fun - I know you will. hugs, Donna

  3. Woohoo for Mail Art!
    Some lovely goodies for you to play with....
    Good idea to not crutch hop on the stairs too much.
    Take care Valerie.
    Hugs xx

  4. what beautiful gifts, treasures really.

  5. Happy Monday to you, love you happy mail! Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you are better very soon.

  6. Lovely goodies for a lovely lady!

  7. Love all the beautiful treasures you got in the mail! The words are gorgeous, wonderful for tags too. Love the lace wrapped tag with the teapots and the Halloween folder of goodies is awesome! What a loved and lucky lady you are!

  8. So lovely to get presents in the mail! Hope you continue to heal and have fun with your Halloween goodies.

  9. How fabulous to have some lovely new goodies to keep you busy during your recovery. Take care. xx

  10. Wow, I've just been doing catch up on your blog, and WAT an eventful couple of weeks you've had! I'm glad your knee is healing (and sorry I didn't get the chance to offer you well wishes before and after your OP) and you're back to creating.
    I know your mail pressies were wonderful!
    I've missed you!

  11. Wow, I've just been doing catch up on your blog, and WAT an eventful couple of weeks you've had! I'm glad your knee is healing (and sorry I didn't get the chance to offer you well wishes before and after your OP) and you're back to creating.
    I know your mail pressies were wonderful!
    I've missed you!

  12. Gosh what a lot lovely things all in one post

    Have fun playing.

    I love the tea time tag.... its so sweet


  13. Enjoy your happy mail. Hope you are feeling a bit better today.
    Yvonne x

  14. oh my gosh what beautiful gifts!! I'm embarrassed to say my blog was hacked again!! I had to start a new one from the ground up, I have added you to my blog list again, I hope you might find me too!

  15. Awesome Valerie. Enjoy and get well soon.

  16. Lots of wonderful goodies you received. You are loved..


  17. Hip, hip... hooray for happy "mail-art!" :]
    Look at all those goodies, you are going to have a blast creating with all this... enjoy Valerie. ~xx

  18. What lovely and thoughtful gifts Valerie blogging friends are the best.


  19. So glad it arrived in good shape and happy you like it.Denise from Coffeeberry Cottage


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