
Friday 14 September 2012

Cissie goes Greek and Paint Party Friday

Hi you all. It's Friday again, which means it's time for Darcy's Postcard Challenge, where the theme this week is Greece; and Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Kristin and Eva.

Here is the latest news on Cissie, Jason & Co:
The whole family is sitting happily round the table, looking at the photos of the opening of Jason’s and Shannon’s new shop, which is called ‘Yesterday in Print’. The opening went well, and the shop is always full of people browsing old copies of newspapers and comics. Elderly people relive their youth with old copies of 'Eagle'. 'Beano', 'School Friend', 'Girl' and many other collectables. ‘I knew it would go well!’ says Jason ‘That’s ‘istory what I’m selling’. ‘People seem to have money to waste on junk!’ sniffs Thelma. (She’s still in a bad mood, because her knees are hurting) ‘But still, if you and Shannon can live off it, why not?’ ‘Yeah, we can!’ says Shannon. ‘Stop knocking Jason, Mum!’

Cissie and Thelma have been invited to an evening ‘do’ at their ladies’ club, and the theme this week is Greece. ‘I’m really looking forward to seeing the slides’, says Cissie, ‘And of course to the food afterwards!’

They get themselves all dolled up in the evening,, both in white and blue in honour of the Greek flag, and off they go. They hear about the history of Greece, about the gods who reside on Mount Olympia, about the culture, language and famous sights, and see lots of pictures. Cissie is soooooooooo hungry, she can hardly concentrate, as she only ate one portion of fish and chips and 2 cream cakes to leave room for the buffet to come….

Meteora Agios Triadas (Holy Trinity Monastery)

Port of Patras

The Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens

Alexander the Great /Battle of Issus 333BC


The White Tower and Promenade in Thessaloniki

Athens and the Parthenon

Mount Oylmpus

But sooner or later the lights go back on, everybody starts to move towards the laden tables, and even Thelma with her aching knees is almost at the front of the line. Thelma and Cissie get some black looks when the others see that they have once again managed to be at the front of the queue. ‘Well,’ says Cissie; ‘It would be rude to behave as if we weren’t interested in the wonderful food after people have worked so hard to prepare it!’

(All photos courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

And they are rewarded with platters full of delicious food, of which I am showing just a small selection, which they wash down with copious amounts of Retsina. At the end of the meal they toast each other with Ouzo, and vow to do something like this more often. There is enough food there to satisfy even the hungriest ladies; no one leaves hungry, and from the singing and loud conversation at the end, nobody leaves completely sober either. Cissie and Thelma leave arm in arm, happily singing, with 2 other ladies, whom they do not particularly like, but the Greek spirit seems to have got hold of them. Or did they get hold of too much Greek spirit?

Here is the card they take home for the kids. Cissie was quite delighted that the photographer was able to adjust the photo to make her look more streamlined, and took a note of his phone number for future jobs. Thelma refused, as usual, to be photographed.

Jámas! (Cheers)

For PPF I finished off the triangular painting I started last week, and made a second one to go with it. They have been painted with acrylics, and the 'deities' have been collaged. This time I chose Thot, the scribe, and Lord of the Moon, who is often  pictured as an Ibis. I placed him in front of the sun, perhaps so that he could look at the moon?  The statue is from a museum in Germany.

Side by side

Here I have put a little bronze statue of Thot as the sacred Ibis, wearing the triple  Atef crown, in front of the painting.

Okay, that was it for today. Hope you have a great day, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely, funny story again, I can imagine them at the buffet! And love your second Egyptian painting -they both look great together! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow Cissie looks must be the horizontal stripes :D ...and I am now craving Spinach and filo pastry :S XXX

  3. That would be a good idea, I just LOVE that stuff, too!

  4. love the triangular canvases... I haven't seen them before and you are doing such a great job... I do wish Thelma would get over her issues and agree to be photographed....xx

  5. It's complicated - she's a bit afraid of the competition with Cissie, who always seems to outshine her!

  6. Great postcard Valerie, I bet Cissie wouldn't mind sharing her chips with him! and those canvases are fabulous. Have a nice day! xx

  7. Love the triangular canvases, they have a most extraordinary, mysterious and intriguing mood. HPPF!

  8. Another fantastic post, Valerie!!
    The food they were served looks delicious... ((YUM)) :]
    Love these pieces of artwork, something about the triangle shape excites me, get me thinking... thank you for sharing. ~xx
    Have a wonderful weekend. Take care.

  9. Your posts always make me smile Valerie!
    Cissie is looking fab this week, that photographer did a great job, I wonder if he travels!! M

  10. Hmm, I was thinking of letting him come here - instant diet success!

  11. Oooh that wonderful Greek food, all my top hole favourites.
    Love how your terrific canvases turned out, they will look so fab on your wall. Enjoy the weekend. Happy PPF, Annette x

  12. I knew Cissie would love Greece. :) Fantastic postcard!

  13. I love the on-going saga of Cissie and Jason et al! The food theme always makes me laugh!
    Those triangular canvasses look amazing - what a great choice of design to put on them!

  14. How I wish the Women's Rural Institute was like this!! I am feeling hungry already and I predict the photographer will have a successful career. Fabulous Egyptian paintings.

    Janet xx

  15. Same here, we get a cup of see-through coffee and a couple of biccies!

  16. Cissie is having fun humm what a hunk lol
    Inspiring triangles Valerie brilliant :)
    Von ♥

  17. Lovely and unusual triangular paintings!

  18. Very good post, I've loved the magnets on Greece and your good work triangulres of the Sun and the luna.¿Sabes that in Mexico also art against the Sun and the Moon in the Aztec pyramids) . Saludos

  19. Another fabulous post all around! The photos of Greece are so interesting and the food looks delicious! Love the photo of Cissie, she does look slim, and the beautiful frames on the postcard too! Last but certainly not least, the paintings are gorgeous! I have never seen anyone add texture, shape and glitter to canvas, it is magnificent! And I almost forgot, the story keeps me looking forward every week to more!

  20. Wow, love what you have done this week! The triangular canvases are stunning, and the story gets better from week to week! Hugs, Barb

  21. Hi Valerie...

    I do enjoy this weekly update - made me feel a bit peckish though.

    Brilliant pyramids....they look great together


  22. Another fun never ceases to amaze me just how much Cissie and Thelma eat!
    Love your triangular canvases too.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs xx

  23. So fun to come here and travel the world each week. Greece is so full of history and the food is devine! I really like the way your triangle paintings came out. Just lovely. Happy PPF

  24. I for one would have been right there with Cissie and Thelma, as I love Greek Food! What a spead! Well I sure hope that Thelma's knees start feeling better, really soon! I love your newest addition to the triange paintings! Absolutely gorgeous! Have a great weekend!

  25. Your Egyptian paintings look so great together. I would write more but your post made me so hungry! Happy PPF

  26. Fun update and having visited Greece a couple of summers ago, it bought back happy memories. My mouth was watering for the Greek salad! Nice work on the triangular canvases!

  27. Those are so pretty, and so unusual! Love the funky shapes.

  28. Well I see a few pictures of my home town Thessaloniki how lovely. I live about two minutes from the white tower so it was nice to see it pictured. What a great story and I would love a copy of the Beano do you think you could use your influence to get me a copy ? Great card and Cissie looks positively skinny. those triangular paintings are amazing i love the fantastic images and gorgeous shine on them.


  29. Wow, I like the triangle paintings! And of course, the Cissie saga is always fun. That Greek food is wonderful. I know she must have gained a ton. The photos were beautiful. I am amazed at the monastery on the top of the mountain. How in the world did they get all those building materials up there?

  30. LOL that is what I was doing at the part where Cissie had taken note of the photographers telephone number.
    Your canvases would look amazing together on a wall or shelf.

  31. The girls have had a wonderful feast as usual this week. Mind I think I would be near the front for a spread like that.
    Beautiful paintings, the shape looks fantastic.
    Yvonne x

  32. I love these travel logs. And visiting Greece again...I never saw that monestary ontop of that rock. Amazing! It's been 50 years since I was there! Wow. Memories.
    Your art is intriquing. Love the triangles!


  33. I just wanted to let you know that I recieved your postcard via Liberate your Art swap! It was lovely.

    And HPPF! I am loving your triangular painting series!

  34. Love the Ancient Art painted/collaged on the "pyramids! Love the visit to Greece this week and oogling the feast. The postcard is a hoot with a proper English lady and a naked man!

  35. I have got to go to Greece someday for sure! Your triangle pieces have turned out really well -- very unique and interesting.

  36. Valerie, Your triangle paintings are spectacular!!!And I loved the photo tour of Greece, and yes, now that I'm starving after looking at those wonderful food photos I'm off to get some cocoa puffs,lol!Great post! Thanks for the welcome back on my blog. I'm jealous, I would love to see those mosaic geckos!Deb

  37. Wonderful work, I always look forward to reading your blog. Cheers

  38. Love this pair of paintings! They are just so exotic feeling.

    I'd love to go to a Greek buffet. I"d be the one trying to elbow Aunt Cissie out of the way to be first in line!

  39. Oh, I love ancient art history and your post with Greek and Egyptian art!! I've been to Greece, and Egypt is on my bucket list!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  40. another good and funny story, I have got plenty of old books if they get short. gat arrt workandd pictures.

  41. I'll tell Jason you can supply him with more!

  42. I love Cissie, I love the triangle paintings, I love the much love this week!! :D I so enjoyed this post.

  43. Quite an evening, love your postcard. The triangles are super.
    Jen x

  44. fabulous research photos, so beautiful. i would love to go there. Cissie does indeed look quite slim in her photo , that photographer did a great job lol


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