
Tuesday 7 August 2012

Tag Tuesday

Today's theme at Tag Tuesday is all about casino amusements, bingo etc. All things I do NOT like. When I was working at the old people's home I had to play Bingo with the Oldies every Monday, which they loved, but my fun was limited there, too, as it is not easy to play games with a group of 'I'm determined to win', deaf and excitable Oldies, fighting for the honour of winning soap or chocolate or a bottle of juice! But I let them win, they enjoyed their afternoon, and that was it.
For my tag I have stamped a manila tag with various background motives in gold, and then added two vintage tarot cards and some counters. Very exciting - not! I have surrounded it with other game accoutrements, taken from Monopoly and my stash. That was it!

The nicest parts are my monopoly pieces!

And I took a photo of a one-arm bandit, the only one I have.....

Sorry, not very sharp, but he kept moving! He is usually only let out for Halloween,  but I thought he night like a little airing in the summer. He prefers coins to keys, but he's too quick for me and my camera that way, so here he is with my car key, which is too big for him to grab!

Okay, this is a rather stupid post. Sorry, my head somehow feels like that today. Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. This is a funny post! I remember your Bingo days, and know how your Oldies loved it! I like the tag, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hee Hee very funny. Your tag is a lot of fun. We played a lot of Uno on holiday and some monopoly too but an electronic version. x

  3. I still have an ancient Monopoly set, which I use occasionally.

  4. Morning Valerie. Oh my, I remember going to bingo with my Mum. Just when you only want one number. The stress!!! I couldn't cope!!! lol! Fabulous tag and photo.
    Hugs, Florence xx

  5. I love the vintage tarot cards Val... and the monopoly pieces are fab... and how cool is your one arm bandit...

    Jenny x

  6. You've started my day with a smile. I used to do bingo at the nursing home- totally know what you mean! I don't think I'd have much for a casino challenge either!

  7. Bingo! I cannot understand the buzz it gives to some folk. Its a great tag and I love the Bandit, he seems to have a firm grip on things.
    Yvonne x

  8. LOL - yep it is amazing how oldies can be so determined to win! So funny.
    Great tags from you Valerie.
    Sorry I've not been visiting as much.

  9. This is a cute post, nice 'game' tag and interesting one arm bandit!

  10. Oh to be in your head today lol
    Von ♥

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed the post! Love the tag and the gorgeous tarot cards too. Your 1 armed bandit is too cute! Loved looking at the German version of Monopoly, just like the American version, ha ha! I'm not a Bingo player either, I remember getting bored watching my Mother play ha ha.

  12. Ha ha ha, made me laugh, especially the one armed bandit, hope you feel a little clearer tomorrow, Gay xxx

  13. Hi Val! You seem to have been busy, as always. We were away for a few days. I love your tag and the set up you have made for it! Hugs, Barb

  14. Ha, Valerie, can't be done with bingo either, or Monopoly, they drag on far too long for me and I get bored. A great fun post, your tags are always fab. xx

  15. Loving your monopoly set and tags, x

  16. Even worse, a Grandma that used to think it all a conspiracy to keep her from winning lol. I love your tag Valerie, and your bandit is one mean machine x

  17. You are too funny. I love your description of playing bingo with the old folks. I used to have to play alphabet bingo with 4 and 5 year old which is just about as much fun. They LOVE it.. ME.. Not so much. Very creative tag..


  18. Brings back memories... LOL :]
    Wonderful post, loads of fun, Valerie.
    You are so clever and talented ~xx


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