
Friday 24 August 2012

Japan and PPF

Today is Friday, so it's time once again for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin,  and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, which is all about Japan this week.

This last week the family has been enjoying being together again, having the usual discussions, and of course, eating – especially their daily fish-and-chips. Shannon and Jason tell about their all the wonderful sights they saw in Malta.
‘You mean you actually left your room now and then?’ Queenie asks. ‘Of course they did!’ says Thelma, ‘They had to buy us our presents!’ Each of the ladies got a glass vase from Malta, and Queenie got a beautiful glass mobile with birds to hang in her new shop. Next week she will be opening it. Jason and Shannon have started getting their new shop organised, too. Jason is selling vintage comics, magazines, newspapers and toys. He has given up on finding a real Picasso! Shannon keeps sorting out things that she considers as junk, and Jason sneaks to the dustbins every time to salvage them when she is not looking. ‘Bloody ‘ell!’ he says, ‘Typical woman! Throwing away things that will bring good money!’ Shannon laughs. ‘You would have to pay good money to get people to take  them!’
‘You ain’t got no idea about antiques’, he says. ‘Just leave it to me! You’ll soon be occupied with other things!’
Cissie and Thelma are off for a day out with their friends to tell them all about South Africa, and Queenie, Jason and Shannon decide to visit the Japanese Garden in Holland Park. The weather is lovely. They have a quick breakfast at home – tea, cereals, rolls, toast, eggs and bacon, and then set off to the Tube Station. They don’t want to eat too much as they are planning to have a Japanese breakfast at a restaurant near the park before they go exploring. Queenie sits between them on the tube, as she does not like them snogging non-stop in public. But they at least manage to hold hands behind her back.
The breakfast is quite different to what they had expected. They are served grilled mackerel, dashimaki eggs, and tofu in kaminabe ( a paper pot), and of course rice, and Japanese tea.

Shannon says she prefers their usual breakfast at home, but loves the tea. Jason does not like the tea, he compares it to ‘horses’ p*ddle’, which makes both ladies make furious grimaces and tell him to shut up….
Thus fortified, they stroll through the beautiful park till they come to the ‘Kyoto Garden’. It is quiet and green, and very beautiful. They sit at different places to admire the views, the lakes, the waterfall, and of course, the fish pond. Jason is impressed that the  fish are so large. ‘Bet they wouldn’t taste bad fried!’ he says, and is once again told to shut up by the ladies. ‘What have I got myself into?’ he thinks. ‘Four women to boss me about, I need an evening out with my mates!’ But he doesn’t dare to mention it.

In the evening they go to an elegant restaurant, where they enjoy a selection of sushi, tempura - battered and deep fried seafood and vegetables, and yakitori – grilled chicken. The ladies drink tea again, and Jason enjoys sake. They set out for home feeling very full up, tired, and happy.

(Photos courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

This is the postcard they send to Cissie and Thelma:

(The postcard shows a card I made for a challenge 'staged' on my balcony)

 For Paint Party Friday I have lost my marbles!  I spent an afternoon this week trying heads in marble technique. This one fell back into the paint after it was finished, and got a second layer through the middle. I didn't like it at first, but now my 'accident' has grown on me. The marbles have been cut from marbled scraps.

Here I was just cleaning my paint-roller. I think I was working off some frustrations with it, this has not been a good week.  I added the stamped tulips to soften it a bit.

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Good story and card, and love your head and the other painting! Hugs, Sarah

  2. What an imagination you have! Love your stories and the postcard is wonderful. Love your marbled head too. x

  3. I think quite a few of us have lost our marbles Valerie! Your head is just fabulous, it's like layers of rock. I can see the frustrations in your 'rollering' but you've softened it with the flowers so that's good! Super japanese postcard, I do love a geisha! Have a good weekend and I hope next week is better for you! Take care. Suze xx

  4. Smashing photos but adore your marble head picture. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. Morning Valerie. What an imagination you have. I am still laughing about the horse p.ddle! You really capture the personalities of these characters. Friday would not be the same without the Cissie, Jason and now Shannon episodes. Fantastic pieces of art. Love the marbling effects you are creating. Really want to have a go at this. Thanks you for the inspiration. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Florence xx

  6. I would so go to Japan. :) Like right now. :)) Awesome photos and a great postcard!

  7. These folk are going to be very well travelled by the end of this postcard challenge!! I love learning all the new things about different placed - even if the Japanese cuisine seems to be very animal based!
    great work on the marble painting - I love how you do this effect.

  8. Yummy food photos...
    and I LOVE the marbles - that looks like fun ...perfect for a summer afternoon!

  9. Your marbling work is beautiful as is your tulip painting. You must have been to Japan, lovely photos!

  10. Wonderful photos, makes me want to go to Japan right now! Love your card! M

  11. Stunning marbled paper! I love the vibrant colors you picked up - twice! Hopefully now that you found all your marbles next week will be a less frustrating week for you. I cannot wait to see how their shops go when they all open them!

  12. Oh I wonder what Shannon will have to think about later? Hmmm...In the meantime, I LOVE your postcard it so simple and elegant and your marbled head is great, I don't see any mistakes only a beautiful image- great idea!
    I've been known to take out my frustrations beating brushes against canvas, your roller-ing seems much more productive ;)

  13. I suppose we all have these frustrations from time to time, but I'm glad to hear that others know that feeling of just wanting to flatten something!

  14. Your post made me hungry! Love the continuing saga and the postcard. Your heads is one of my faves - like you say, happy accidents! Your roller painting is brilliant. That could really grow on a person. Sorry you haven't had a good week. Here's to a better one! hugs, Donna

  15. Gorgeous card, love the pretty fan, perfect postcard image for Japan! Your marbled head is definitely no mistake, I love the deeper marbling in the center, looks as if there is a lot on his mind, really needs to think through it. Kinda like how I feel sometimes with the brain all cluttered up! Love the story, pictures and foods of Japan you presented today. Take care my friend!

  16. Lovely paintings with the marbling and paint-roller techniques!!
    These both have lots of rhythm and movement to them!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  17. Great story..and the Japanese garden looks wonderful...not so keen on the Sushi!
    Love your artwork - the marbled head is very striking and the paint-roller is definitely eye-catching!
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs xx

  18. Great story..and the Japanese garden looks wonderful...not so keen on the Sushi!
    Love your artwork - the marbled head is very striking and the paint-roller is definitely eye-catching!
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs xx

  19. I always look forward to the adventurous travelers and to see the photos and postcards. Very enjoyable. I also like your heads in marble. Good work.

  20. Loving your marble head. Loved the photos and postcards too. Hope you are doing well Valerie. Have a great weekend. You are always so full of life.

  21. Hi Hope next week is a better one for you :)

    Lovely post... was fun reading about the Japanese themed adventures. I think we might be hearing the pitter patter of tiny feet soon!!!!?

    I'm glad you haven't really lost your marbles....

    Love the colours from your paint roller. A happy accident.


  22. I've loving this marbled person and can't get over how detailed and fabulous the circles are cut from this technique. What great accents they will be on your future creations!

  23. The head is amazing Valerie.
    As for Japan, hmmm not too sure about the food but love the postcard (and that fan) and of course the story.

  24. Glad to see that the family are taking in the culture at long last! Lovely postcard.
    Your marbled head is amazing. I lost mine years ago.

    Janet xx

  25. Lovely story, pictures, postcard and paintings. You are not the only one losing your marbles, but yours at least look good! Hugs, Barb

  26. Love the paintings. The marble head is great. Happy PPF

  27. another good story line and postcard. your post is always a good read. I have lost my marbles years ago. lol...

  28. A very happy accident, I should say! I hope your weekend is better than your week has been.

    ps I really like the painty rollered paper!

  29. No time this morning for the weekly installment of Chrissie, Jason and their ever expanding group of chums. What a delightful day out you gave them has to be fiction because there was no mention of rain or the Olympics! XOXO Zoe

  30. In my dreams, London always has good weather....

  31. Loving all the great art on your blog...your postcard is sooo Japanese!! Nice!

  32. What a clever idea to keep them in London and do Japan at the same time. Looks like a wonderful place to visit. A xx

  33. Oh Val, your story telling is wonderful and love all the pics.
    What a great happy accident with the head. I like it. Sometimes these things happen for a reason I say.
    Hope you weekend is better than the week. Sounds like a downer.
    Better days ahead, art is good therapy.

  34. Oh my gosh! That marble technique is awesome! I love the effects it made, just wonderful! Xo

  35. Love your story, and I loved what you have done with the marbling. That is a technique I want to play with and explore. Great job.

  36. Love the marbled head!!!! Your postcard and story is fantastic>>>wish I had your imagination!!

  37. Love your marble head, really cool and great looking!
    Japanese food is so delicious! :) Happy PPF!

  38. You are playing with my nerves with this post as you know i sliced my finger while making sushi this week and am only able to type properly today ! Fantastic post and gorgeous pictures very yummy. love the marbling effect on the heads and the colours are sensational.


  39. Beautiful pictures! especially the food ones, yumm and I love the marbled head, Valerie!

  40. Fun story ~ post card is awesome ~ And your other artwork is filled with delightful color and dynamic creative energy ~ Wonderful creations ~ A Creative Harbor)

  41. Reading your posts always makes me hungry! This week I especially like your paint roller piece.

  42. Oh Val, great story and love the artwork to go with it!! and love the losing your marbles piece, too!!! Hope you're having a good weekend.

  43. Even your roller cleaning is a stunner! Just love that marbled heard and how wonderful is that postcard! Another fun story and you left me hungry once again! Hope you have a great weekend!

  44. I love that your marble piece fell into the paint the second time. So often, my art tells me what to do! All pictures are beautiful!

  45. Yes, I think these things are sometimes meant to be!

  46. tripping through Japan left me with quite an appetite!!!
    Losing ones marbles is fun!
    and your tulips on pretty background is spring like...just delightful. HPPF on Sunday...been a busy week here.

  47. Looks amazing my friend.. And I always enjoy reading your stories.


  48. wow you found some incredible photos. Great card, love the comparison t 'horse piddle' hhahahaha

  49. Love reading your stories, and the day at the Japanese Garden was a delight. Cheers

  50. Good trip, like the postcard and the marbled head is brilliant.
    Jen x


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