
Saturday 18 August 2012

Happy Mail, an Altered Matchbox and Shadow Pictures

I was lucky to be the recipient of happy mail again this week, this time from Diane, who sent me a beautiful thank you card. It took a long time to get here, as the customs held in up and opened it to check for contraband....Here it is:

I just love these details, with the bottle full of thanks and the lovely stone set in the nest of netting.

Thanks, Diane, things like this make my day. I know everyone loves getting post - except for bills, perhaps, but as I am nearly always on my own it really does brighten my life.

This is an altered, large matchbox, which I distressed to within an inch of it's life! I used some French images from Gecko Galz, which have been painted with aging varnish and then crackled.  The sides have been covered with TH Tissue Tape, which has also been varnished and distressed. I put another image inside the tray, and edged it with some ribbon. the outside of the tray has been treated with Inka Gold and some DIs. I finished it off with a Hitch fastener. I will fill it with some French bits and bobs.




Inside the tray.

It has been extremely hot the past couple of days, and tomorrow will be even more so. At the moment, and 10.45 pm it  is still 29° outside - it was 38 this afternoon - and unfortunately, also over 30° here in my apartment, so I think I can look forward to a hot night! I kept the curtains drawn to keep off the sun, and got these lovely pics of the shadows of  plants and bric-a-brac on my window ledge.

Okay, enough for today! Have a good day, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. What fun to get such creative mail - Your matchbox is wonderful; so many wonderful images and finishes packed into such a tiny space!

  2. that bottle of thanks is just the neatest thing, so clever!!!!I hope you can find some cool air somewhere, its cool here now, come to see me!I have a small apartment but theres always room for friends,.

  3. Hi Val, lovely mail art and wow your matchbox is divine. I love altered matchboxes.
    Those pictures are so serene and soothing. :)
    Hope you find some cooler air for your sleep. you are getting the heat we had a while back. Here is feels like fall now. Take care and thanks for stopping by.

  4. What a lovely gift, and a beautiful matchbox you altered!

  5. Fantastic gift and I am totally in love with your matchbox!!

  6. Lovely present. Diane is really talented. Love your ancient matchbox and the photos, too! Hugs, Sarah

  7. Thanks for sharing your happy mail with us. You lucky gal you. I LOVE your match box creation.. So pretty.

    Stay cool my friend..


  8. I love your altered matchbox so much Valerie, its fabulous and what great mail, I love the stone set in the netting. Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Oh yes! I see you DO have the hot weather too!!!!

    I love the photos you took of your window ledge!

    Great altering.... love the crackle glaze effect.

    Hope you manage to keep cool today

    almost forgot... great 'happy' mail :)


  10. Hi Valerie. Fabulous happy mail TFS. Amazing altered match box. Have a wonderful day.
    Sending hugs,
    Regards Florence x

  11. Fabulous altered box, love the crackling effect.
    Enjoy the sunshine.
    Yvonne x

  12. What GREAT Happy Mail! So different. Absolutely love both pieces. I can't imagine getting all those 'thank you's' into the bottle so they look so good. Your matchbox is beautiful, Valerie. A lovely place for little treasures. Hope you don't explode in the heat. hugs, Donna

  13. Love the altered match box! You received some beautiful gifts, too! The photo you took of the curtained window is really cool--almost looks like a scary tableau if you stare hard enough!

  14. What a neat idea the bottle of thanks is, Valerie! Your matchbox is another thing of beauty :) Stay cool, my friend!

  15. Fabulous mail Valerie, a super card with a beautiful jewel! I really love your altered matchbox, it looks as if it has many layers and absolutely gorgeous colours. The image of the lady is wonderful and the text on the sides, perfect, xxx

  16. What wonderful mail and such fun! Your matchbox is stunning!

  17. Beautiful gifts and love your altered matchbox. x

  18. What beautiful gifts Valerie, I love that thank you bottle, what a lovely idea, and a beautiful matchbox from yourself, love the image inside. Hope you manage to get some sleep tonight. Take care & stay cool! xx

  19. Wooohooo.... I woke up to this in my IN box!!! Love your subscription option! The box is amazingly cool. I love each side! And what a neat bottle your friend sent you - very clever and kind, as well!

  20. Love your altered matchbox, it truly looks like it has been kept in a drawer for ages and you just pulled it out! Great finishes on it and I love your serene window scene, the tree outside your window is lovely too. Glad you liked the card, thanks for showing it, I made it with the stamp set you sent me. I hope it cools off a little soon, sounds like we switched weather forecasts, lol. Stay cool!

  21. Gorgeous mail that thank you bottle is so clever how lovely. Your little match box is so special I still cant get over how you make these tiny weeny beautifully crafted works of art. The window scene in your home is surreal .


  22. What a fabulous matchbox Valerie, you amaze me how you work in minature. It's been really muggy here today but not as bad as it must have been for you, hope it cools down for bedtime x

  23. Love the matchbox, that turned out great! Also love that little bottle of thanks, so creative!

  24. Phew that is hot! What a lovely card you received. The bottle of thanks is fab! x

  25. A beautiful mail day certainly.
    I love your altered matchbox Valerie depicting one of my all time favourite themes.
    We've had very mixed weather.

  26. Wonderful mail art!
    And the matchbox is beautiful.
    Hope things cool down for you soon.
    Hugs xx

  27. Wonderful mail art!
    And the matchbox is beautiful.
    Hope things cool down for you soon.
    Hugs xx

  28. Just love your beautiful altered matchbox, this is such a lovely artform. The stone with the pretty netting is divine! Jane xx

  29. How did I miss this!!! What a gorgeous little box - so vintage and muted and beautiful - love it!!!
    Great shadow pictures from your window!


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