
Friday 3 August 2012

Cissie in Denmark & PPF

It's Friday, and that means it's time for Darcy's Postcard Challenge, and Paint Party Friday, hosted by Kristin and Eva.

The wedding is next week, the plans are done, and all are exhausted, especially Cissie and Thelma. Queenie is still busy decorating her flat. Jason and Shannon want to do something good for their ‘oldies’, so they book a long weekend at a wellness hotel in a little village in central Denmark, Ærøskøbing. The kids bring them to Heathrow in the car. They once again have enough luggage for weeks – ‘You never know what the weather will be like!’, and a hamper of food for the journey. ‘That stuff they offer you on the plane is not enough to fill a hollow tooth!’ says Cissie, while Thelma nods, causing all her chins to wobble like Jell-O. Jason and Shannon pay for the extra baggage without wincing. ‘What the f***!’ says Jason, ‘We ain’t gonna change them in this life!’
Thelma and Cissie waddle off happily, looking from the rear like Mummy Bear and Mummy Bear disguised in summer dresses, although Thelma, with her freshly bleached hair could pass for a cross between Goldilocks and Mother Bear. Jason and Shannon drive happily home, looking forward to a blissful weekend with no supervision. Wonder what they will find to do?

In Copenhagen Cissie and Thelma get collected by a shuttle service, and enjoy the long ride to their hotel – they have enough to eat and drink to sustain them!
The little village of Ærøskøbing is a jewel – it looks like a blast from the past. You almost expect Hans Christian Andersen to come out of one of those houses.....


(Photos courtesy of Wikipedia Commons)

The houses are small, the streets are narrow, and it is beautifully kept. Their hotel is situated on the main square, and more than exceeds Cissie’s and Thelma’s expectations. They have a wonderful room, with a view of the sea, and the food is good. There are also enough cafés nearby to guarantee them sufficient calories for the hours between meals. They enjoy swimming, massage, facial treatments, manicure and pedicure. The masseur whispers to his colleague ‘It’s like oiling a white whale!’ They enjoy smørrebrød, flæskesteg and kogt torsk, to name just a few of the delicious specialities, and of course, the wonderful Danish lager beers. In the cafés they fill up on Danish pastries, cream cakes and tea, and feel strengthened to undertake the journey home on Monday, ready to tackle the big wedding.

Here is the postcard they send home:

Don't forget to come back next week to read about the Wedding of the Year!

For Paint Party Friday I have re-used two canvases. I stripped them and gave them a coat of gesso, before painting the backgrounds with metallic green, blue and silver. I used a template to add 'my' heads, spraying them with a mix of green, blue and purple Adirondack inks, and adding a little glitter - which is hard to see - for a bit of sparkle.  I have called them 'Positive and Negative', really original, as always!

Before (I must say I love this grungy look!)....

and afterwards....

So, here's wishing you all a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Love your story and pictures, great reading as always, and I also love your heads! Hugs, Sarah

  2. great story as always - I love the image of her chins wobbling like jelly!!

    I like the heads - I agree I loved the grungy look of the canvasses before as well!

  3. Hold on i need to wipe my eyes! The idea of Chrissie and Thelma getting a massage at a spar is just to funny. Love the postcard both sides you attention to the stamps and post marks is brilliant. XOXO Zoe

  4. You'll have to be publishing a little book now after all that writing. The photographs are wonderful too and make it seem so real. Love the heads - Positive and Negative - ain't it the truth! Have a great day Valerie - I miss you too - I'll be glad when things get back on track. hugs, Donna

  5. What a pair, can imagine those two at the Spar. Hope the wedding goes to plan. Love those canvases as well.
    Yvonne x

  6. Love reading the girls adventures, such fun. Great backgrounds on your canvases and the subjects. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. What a lovely episode...really made me smile!
    Love your heads too - esp. the sparkly black one.
    Hugs xx

  8. Ha, love the postcards1 And European pastries just cannot be beat! I like the idea of re-using canvasses. I have 4 mini ones in my bathroom that are crying out to be re-painted. its time for a new look! Julie

  9. Really beginning to love reading your stories - so waiting for the wedding!! The pictures you put in brings the whole thing alive and the wobbly chins. . . . .!! I like the striped head the best but I'm itching to decorate the black sparkly one too!!!

  10. I'm so glad you have kept up with your postcards.... I like my weekly update. What a pair! I can't image what Jason and Shannon might do on their own?!

    Great heads!!!


  11. i love your photos. I live in denmark near Copenhagen. hope you enjoyed .

  12. Love the weathered texture of the re-used canvases, too!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  13. What great photos. I love those buildings. Your re-used canvases have taken a very textured look and awesome colors. Nice job Valerie. The sweet postcards is lots of fun. Thanks Valerie, enjoy your weekend and days ahead. Take care.

  14. Gorgeous photos, I love touring the world with you, you always find the most interesting places for us to visit! Love the paintings, and I agree, I love the grunged up before with the little photo of you peeking through too. The postcard from Thelma and Cissie is absolutely perfect! I can't wait for the wedding, you have received my RSVP right? lol have a good weekend!

  15. I'm a bit worried about the wedding cake... Will Cissie eat it all before the happy couple even have a chance to cut it?

  16. Don't worry, Lisa, there will be enough cake for everybody; one thing that family never runs out of is food!

  17. Nice tour of Denmark. I like your canvases too!

  18. Loving the story of the two fatties ;0) and lovely postcard to ;0)

  19. oh, I can't wait for the wedding!! Those cinnimon buns on the postcard look delectable. Your repurposed canvas is wonderful. Happy PPF

  20. Great photo selection ~ fun postcard ~ fun story and grunge work very creative~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor) on Blogger

  21. Always look forward to hearing the latest about Cissie. I love the pictures of the old houses/town. And the postcard is wonderful.

  22. love the grungy backgrounds... and it is feeling as though the story is coming to quite a climax... expectation is building!!!!

  23. Everything here is so much fun to look at...those orange roof tops screamed to be drawn and painted to me; love the post card; and a fun story to follow as well. How nicely you entertain!

  24. Oh the big day is almost here! what a quaint little village!
    hugs Lynn

  25. oh, repurposeing canvases is the best!! and love the tale - denmark is a place I've always yearned to go to happy ppf!

  26. Thelma and Cissie will look a picture at the wedding next week, although I detect they have an extra chin each. Will their ensembles fit? Super as always.

    Janet xx

  27. Morning Valerie. I am still laughing!!!! So funny... all the double chins. Brilliant. Fabulous canvas. Have a wonderful weekend. Sending lots of hugs.
    Regards Florence xx

  28. Another great chapter in the postcard stories, cant wait for the wedding! Loving the heads for PPF. x

  29. Great silhouettes, Valerie! And love the postcard! :)

  30. Great read as usual Val, are you getting a new outfit for the big wedding? Love the postcard and the heads, the pos and neg make such striking images. Hope you're having a good weekend. Hugs xx

  31. Love the head cutouts! And the postcard from Denmark! So cute!

  32. oohhh yummy looking pastries, love their heads bobbing between them. I am so looking forward to the wedding, how fortunate that it will be in a place jam-packed full of churches!

  33. More fabulous fun and frolics from the gals ! Love the postcard what a clever and fun idea. The heads are really dynamic and love those vibrant colours and great texture.


  34. Ha! I love the danish pastries postcard! clever!

  35. another good read. love your postcard with the danish pastries. wish I was going to the wedding......

  36. I here wedding bells soon.. LOVE your creations my friend..


  37. The wedding will be spectacular! The story gets better each week. Still laughing over the comment from the masseur about the white whale... ;)

    And I LOVE these canvasses! Reworking really brought out some cool effects! Bravo, my friend! Hugs to you!

  38. Love your postcard and the stories. :) And I love your cannvases. I want to try silhouettes. I loved the grungy before photos too! :)

  39. Okay can I be third in line for a massage? I think I gained 5# just looking at the pastries- Hope the wedding day is uneventful!!

  40. Haha...masseur or miracle worker? Though I must admit ... I would love to be in a sea of Danish pastries myself :D XXX

  41. I know I'm really late, but I had to swing by to get my Cissie and Jason fix! As always, I loved the story! And your repurposed canvases are great too! I'll definitely be back this Friday- hopefully as a fellow artist and no just a lurker ;)

  42. Card good enough to eat. So looking forward to the wedding. Great story.
    jen x


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