
Friday 13 July 2012

Jason in Germany and Paint Party Friday

Hi everybody. It's Party time again, and that means time for Paint Party Friday, year 2, week 18, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, week 28. This week our participants are visiting Germany!

Jason, Cissie, Thelma, Shannon and Queenie are busy planning. To keep their strength up, they make frequent visits to the fish and chip shop, and keep themselves supplied with mounds of cream cakes, smoked salmon sandwiches and buckets of tea. The plans for the wedding and the reception are finished, and they have sorted out who is going to live where after the wedding. Queenie has decided to stay in London, and is going to take over Jason’s flat and shop in Lewisham, so she has a bit of distance to the others. Jason and Shannon are moving into Thelma’s flat, and the shop downstairs is empty, so he will be selling his *antiques* there. Thelma is moving into Cissie’s flat, as she has loads of space, and they are going to do a flat-share. Jason has sorted out a lot of antiques, valuable old books, assorted junk etc and is planning on selling it at a flea-market in Düsseldorf, which should bring more money than one at home. Valerie has organised a stall at a big weekly market there, and they will be staying with her, and doing a bit of sightseeing. They hire a van to transport everything, Cissie and Thelma make them mounds of sandwiches, food and drinks for the journey – ‘Mum, we’ll be there this evening!’ says Shannon. ‘Bloody ‘ell!’ sighs Jason, ‘We’ll need a larger van to get all that in!’
Off they go, and arrive, as planned in the evening in Düsseldorf . Valerie is pleased to see them, and has cooked dinner. They are tired, so after a 'light' meal of Schnitzel, chips, salad, bread and butter and a few litres of German ‘Alt’ beer, they hop into bed.
After breakfast the next day, they drive to Zons, a little medieval walled town on the other side of the Rhine. They drive through the town, and cross the river on the ferry, and explore the pretty little town, with its quaint old houses, mill, tower, and little watch-towers on the walls. Shannon and Valerie have to forcibly stop Jason buying more antiquities junk at a shop there, and distract him with a good pub dinner and a few glasses of beer.
On the Friday they go around Kaiserswerth, where Valerie lives, and love everything there, especially the ruins of the Imperial  castle. Valerie and Shannon stand at the top, and Jason is downstairs on the tow-path, pretending to be Romeo and calling to his beloved Shannon to come down and join him, much to the amusement of passers by, who probably think he is an inmate of the psychiatric clinic…. They drive around in an old yellow jalopy, and have fun.

Pictures of Zons

Pictures of  Kaiserswerth

The Castle ruins in Kaiserswerth

Outside a shop in Zons

The Tower in Zons, once used as a prison

The Mill in Zons

The first card shows them in the vintage car, Jason driving, Valerie in the middle and Shannon at the back. Unfortunately she turned round just as the photo was taken, so you can’t see her face….

The second postcard was taken at Zons in front of the Church. Jason just cannot behave!

The flea-market goes well, and Jason and Shannon manage to sell everything they have brought, which will make a good contribution to starting up the new shop. Back home,  Valerie has to keep saying 'NO!' as Jason wants some of her books and other bits and pieces, but no chance! On Sunday they set out early, with enough food to last a small army a week or two, and arrive safely in London, with an empty van and full pockets.

For Paint Party Friday, I have used the remains of my *wild and reckless* paint from Monday's SOC. I have called my painting *Profiles*. Okay, the name is not exactly original, but I still had fun making it! I have used acrylic paints and Adirondack sprays from Ranger.

And here it has been digitally altered and changed to neon red:


Okay, the end!

Have a great weekend you all, have fun, and thanks for coming by!


  1. How lovely that you have had visitors, bet they ate everything you had! Lovely pictures and postcards, and love your head-jobs! Have a good weekend, Hugs, Sarah

  2. How funny that she turned her head just at the moment the photo was taken... typical... you do make me laugh with this story... and I love the heads... especially in the neon reds... awesome...xx

  3. Morning Valerie. Pleased to hear you had a fun time with your visitors!! Plenty of chips eaten no doubt! lol! Fab photos tfs. Super PPF project. Have a wonderful creative day.
    Hugs, Florence xxx

  4. Morning Valerie, super photos, hope you're getting an invite to the wedding after being so good to them this week! Great heads, they look fab in neon! Have a nice weekend. Take care. xx

  5. What fabulous places you took your visitors to. I want to visit! Shannon is very camera shy - can't wait to see her in the flesh. I expect you are out at the supermarket stocking up after feeding that lot!

    Janet xx

  6. Exactly, Janet, even the mice have been starving since they left!

  7. Did Jason come to visit you? :) Awesome postcards and I love the silhouette paintings:)

  8. oh my gosh I enjoyed this, I went back and read it again, my husband enjoyed it too!

  9. Fun post ~ very creative cards and painting ~~ thanks ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Gorgeous work Val, love the story again, too, they are all so funny! Hugs, Barb

  11. You made my day with the story, absolutely great ... and the painting is fab.

  12. Love your profiles! Lovely photos and postcards too!

  13. So very entertaining, Valerie!

  14. I just loved reading about your visit from Jason and Shannon, and seeing little glimpses of your town.

  15. Oh those german towns look fantastic!!! We often forget they had a history before the wars too. Beautiful pics :D XXX

  16. So fun, glad you had a chance to visit with Jason and Shannon, sounds like they ate everything but the wallpaper! The pictures of Germany are gorgeous, and your town is so beautiful, it looks like a resort! Great postcard and I love the profiles, especially the one in red!

  17. I had such a laugh at Shannon turning her head at the moment the photograph was taken!!!
    You make Fridays such fun.

  18. Glad it's keeping you amused, Lynne; I have fun writing it each week!

  19. My daugher is in Germany and I hope she runs into Jason and who knows, she might even visit you for a meal!! Love this story and the art of course is fabulous! You are a riot!

  20. I had to drag myself away from your post this morning to go to work. Your visitors had me in stitches XOXO Zoe

  21. Haaa! Those postcards are great!!!And love the paint party!
    I sent a card to your mailman...maybe it will arrive soon.

  22. I want to go out to dinner with these guys. They eat such great meals! Jason behaves just like my family. I am embarrassed to admit that my hubby has done this pose more than once with a statue...

  23. Carolyn, now you know what I have to put up with!

  24. wow! what great postcards. good photos and information..A great storyline, it is always a pleasure to read it..They are like my grandsons, they never stopping eat.would you like them to visit as well...

  25. Gosh, the cupboard must be bare after those two went home. Great episode again, loved the pictures from around where you live. Stunning pictures as well, its a super digital artwork.
    Yvonne x

  26. I can count on you to make my Friday night great. Another great travel story and the post cards are perfect.
    Love your "Profiles" too :0)

  27. Another great postcard post, I love reading them everyweek! Also love the colours of your PPF profiles, especially the green. Hope you have a great week x

  28. Such a pleasure reading your stories Valerie:0) Great pic of your heads in the neon red version:0) Hope you're having better weather than us :{ LOL Gay xxx

  29. It's cold, wet and very windy here, I just put my winter slippers back on!!

  30. Oh my things are moving ahead. Hope the visit to Germany was profitable. Cheers

  31. Love your post and all the excitement going on in your life and where ever you create is special Valerie and remember many years ago I started in that storage closet that was my only space with 4 children running around, sometimes it takes along time to get where you are going or want to be, so be happy no matter what and with all we are blessed with, you are loved:) Hugs my dear friend, Marilou Friends are more important than any of it:)

  32. Wonderful pix, looks like so much fun!

  33. You always make my day a sunnier place Val with your hilarious friends. thank you xx

  34. I have to say, that digital profile version is very striking! I like it a lot. I think I need one of those prison towers in my backyard - it is pretty and... maybe even... useful. Like an extra room for the annoying;-)

  35. Great post! I often use my excess paint to splatter on the love love how the digital edit turned out! So interesting!! Nice job!

    Hugs Giggles

  36. Story line is good Valerie - love the heads and happy you had some company. Always good for the soul. hugs, Donna

  37. What a fun story this week, Valerie. You will miss all the activity and dinner out. Aunt Cissie is a kick and her friend, Thelma, is a close second.

    Have a great new week. Love to check in to see what you have created.


  38. Your stories always so creative. And what great postcards. And your Profiles look great. Love all the wonderful color.


  39. another great chapter! Love your sense of humor in the yellow jalopy piece-- just a splat of red hair because she turned away! always amazed at your paint Friday creations.

  40. Another great story with all the unteresting facts thrown in- Can't belive Jason is going to settle down.

  41. Love the intense colors and gestural brush-strokes of your profile paintings!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  42. Great colours on your profiles and I love the "red" version too.
    Thanks for making me laugh with this week's instalment of your story...fancy Jason trying to pinch your old books!
    Hugs xx

  43. Well fancy these two ending up on your doorstep Valerie, it seems like they ate everything not nailed down lol. Yet again Shannon manages to miss the camera! I love your profiles picture - very spooky when you digitally alter it. Fingers crossed for some sunshine tomorrow x

  44. A visit from the postcard people how wonderful, even if they have left you starving. Great story and pictures as always Valerie. Love reading it.
    Jen x

  45. Gorgeous images, I loved every moment I spent in Germany. I was more sad to leave there than anywhere I else I have visited. I would love to visit again one day.

  46. The story and the postcards are wonderful. The yellow car and the heads. Great. Blessings, Janet PPF


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