
Friday 8 June 2012

Postcard Challenge and PPF

Another week has sped by and it is once again time for Paint Party Friday, week 13 of year 2, hosted as always by Kristin and Eva, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, week 23.

Jason and Shannon are having a few peaceful days just for themselves, and can squabble a much as they like without Cissie or Thelma butting in, as they have gone to Warsaw for a few days to visit some very distant relations. The *Kids* are staying in Cissie’s flat, looking after her Budgies, and enjoying not having the *old girls* around. Azhar comes over and tells them all about the wonderful *life experiences* he had in Thailand. Jason looks envious, so Shannon digs him in the ribs and reminds him that he had a good time at home, too, which he can’t deny.

They have the usual problems of getting the exhaustive luggage of the two into the car and to the airport. Thelma keeps shouting at Jason to drive more slowly, Cissie keeps exhorting him to hurry up, and Shannon telling them all to shut up. After the usual haggling at the check in with the excess baggage, they wave happily as the two waddle through flight control to board their plane. They luckily get a row of three seats just for themselves, so nobody has to suffer being squeezed in between them, as Thelma always insists on sitting on the gangway side, and Cissie at the window....

In Warsaw they stay with Cissie’s cousin- twice- removed, Lydia, who makes them very welcome. They love the Polish food, which is good, rich in calories and in abundant measure....mounds of sausages, wonderful soups and stews, pieroggi filled with potatoes, mushrooms and meat, chlodnik - cold beet soup made of soured milk, young beet leaves, beets, cucumbers and chopped fresh dill, and one of Cissie’s favourites, kapuśniak - Cabbage soup with chicken and carrot. Of course, we must not forget all the wonderful sweet dishes and cakes - Makowiec, Pączek, Pierniki, Sernik, mazurek , Chałka, Krówki, Ptasie, Mleczko, Kisiel, Budyń, and many, many more. Her fave is Makowiec- Sweet poppy seed-swirl cake, with raisins and walnuts. They buy some Polish beer to take back home for the Budgie-sitters.

While they are there they visit lots of relatives, the old city centre,the Kazienki Palace, and a part of the wall belonging to the Ghetto, which brings back lots of sad memories of the terrible things that happened during WWII, and the murder and deportation of thousands of Jews.

They find lots of shops and cafés, too, and enjoy their visit, which flies by very quickly. They take a different route home. They go by coach to Lviv, (Lemberg) on the Polish/Ukrainian border, and see the preparations being made for the European Football Cup. Lviv was a major centre of Polish culture for hundreds of years, before being made part of the Soviet Union after the German-Russian invasion in 1939, and being integrated into the Ukraine by the Treaty of Yalta in 1944.

They fly home from Lviv, before all the football fans arrive. They buy T-shirts for the Kids with the Lviv town motto:

(All photos courtesy of Wikipedia)

This is the card that they send to Jason and Shannon from Warsaw:

The card shows the flag and emblem of the town of Warsaw. Warsaw's name in the Polish language, Warszawa (also formerly spelled Warszewa and Warszowa), means "belonging to Warsz", Warsz being a shortened form of the masculine name of Slavic origin Warcisław. Folk etymology attributes the city name to a fisherman Wars and his wife Sawa. According to legend, Sawa was a mermaid living in the Vistula River with whom Wars fell in love. The card has been made by collaging the red and yellow stripes with the emblem and the usual photo of Cissie, who is wearing her new red-and-yellow outfit - very daring!

On the way home, Cissie says she is very much looking forward to getting home and going out for some good food. *Good food?* warbles Thelma, *We haven’t stopped eating all week!* *True*, says Cissie. *But we didn’t have any fish and chips! And the tea was just not the same as back home!*

For Paint Party Friday I am sharing another old nude, once painted in 1991, using tempera colours on water colour paper:

That's all for today, have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Auntie Cissie will be causing the next famine! Great story, and love the nude, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I love the history lesson that comes with your postcards :)

    Cissie's new outfit is fun....

    Love the reclining nude too

    but most of all I have to say I LOVE the postcard you sent me which has just arrived. It looks even nicer in real life! Thank you so much!

    It's going up in my 'office' where I will get to see it everyday.

    Love Karenx

  3. A fabulous story again Valerie and I love your reclining nude.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. Loved reading your postcard escapades. Super painting too. x

  5. Red and yellow are very flattering to Cissie, she should wear them more often. Love all the food information and the piccies.

    Janet xx

  6. Cissie looks beautiful! I love that she's patriotic while in Poland... great art, story and info!!


  7. Hi
    You always put so much work into your Postcard, the art, the storytelling and also your research for each place.
    Amazing work Valerie.

  8. Great story, I love all the historical information, especially the fun details like the mermaid. Love the foods, interesting facts there too. What are the kids watching, I don't know what"budgies" are? Lovely nude painting and love the postcard!

  9. Budgies is short for budgerigars, little birds - I think from Australia - which a lot of people keep as pets!

  10. WOW, what a story, Valerie!

  11. Most of the pictures did not load since Blogger is so slow this morning, but I am visiting from PPF, and see you are in lots of challenges.

    I did the Post Card swap, too, and thought it was lots of fun.


  12. Oh my, I think I gained 5 pounds just listening to all the descriptions of food! Yum! And thank for the Jason/Cissie fix- is there wedding on the horizon?
    I am also really enjoying these nude paintings; they remind me of Matisse- one of my favorite artists!

  13. Love the postcard. :) So much fun to read the story. :(

  14. wonderful tour of Poland, what wonderful food!!!

    Lovely work on your nude too.

  15. Wonderful story, photos, post card ~ always very creative ~ love this nude also ~~thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I just had dinner and skipped on dessert, because well... Sometimes that's just better! But now I feel sorry for myself and am thinking about baking something yummie...
    Maybe driving to Poland and get some of those cakes would be quicker??? :)
    Great card!!! ♥

  17. I don't know how you find the time for all of your research, photos AND story line, but I'm glad you do and am always happy to visit with Aunt Cissie and her crew! Her face always makes me smile.

    I felt good just getting a card done after a 10 second internet browse. heehee

  18. So much wonderful history behind the postcard. Fun! Love coming here for PPF

  19. now thats a great post!

  20. Another fabulous postcard and the story is always so entertaining! Happy Friday!

  21. Another great episode, I dread to think that they would ever have to go on a diet. Loved your painting as well.
    Yvonne x

  22. you are so awesome Val!!! I am so proud you have kept up with the pc challenge, and your story is so great. :0)

  23. Aunt Cissie cracks me up and glad they enjoyed the culinary delights of Poland... great nude as well... so glad you are sharing them with us...xx

  24. Great story and postcard today...Love the painting too.Thanks for stopping by...Take a look tomorrow at my blog to see some exciting news of my dh..take care dear, gerri

  25. Love your nude. Tee hee. Postcards are great as always and love those sweets. Great photos, thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  26. I am starting to wonder about Cissie and do they afford all this travel? Poland looks beautiful, your post makes me want to visit.

    Love the nude, it does remind me a bit of Matisse.

  27. Love the post card and all the photos!!! Fun story too! HPPF!!!

  28. another great card, just love your story and the all the information you write. a treat to read.

  29. Gorgeous art..fabulous color palette and vibrancy and life..wonderful energy to this piece!She is awesome!!
    And thankyou for all that you shared..such history and heartfelt words..beautiful and wonderful photos too!
    HUgs and sparkles

  30. Wonderful stories and cards and the photographs of Poland also wonderful.

  31. cute postcard and i love your

  32. The weekend is not complete without my update on Jason and Cissie! Thanks for another fabulous installment in their adventures!

  33. especially loved this story since I have Polish ancestry.

  34. great artwork and photos! You are doing such a great job with this story.

  35. Your posts are so informative as well as being so entertaining! Warsaw looks like a beautiful city (as are the other Polish cities I've been to - so much beautiful archtitecture).

  36. Another great story this week -And now for some reason I'm straving (even though supper was 1/2 go !)

  37. Great story as always, interesting photos of Poland and like the folk tale of Warsaw for you postcard.
    Jen x

  38. I love the bold colors of your cards! (And the pic of the cakes made me hungry - cakes are definitely a weakness of mine! Ha!)


  39. Wow! You wouldn't miss Cissie in that colour combi at midnight in winter lol :D XXX

  40. Great episode of your story!
    Love the nude too.
    Hugs xx


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