
Friday 1 June 2012

Big Mixed Bag for Friday

Hi everybody, there 's a lot going on today, so this will be quite a long post. It's Friday, which means it's time for Paint Party Friday, week 12, year 2, hosted by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, week 22. This week our participants are off to Thailand. And as it is also June 1st, it's time for the Calendar Challenge at the Kathryn Wheel, hosted by Kate.

So, I will start with Jason and Cissie....

Jason is in the dog house. Shannon is furious. Thelma is cross with both of them. And Cissie is in despair.
Jason had planned a holiday in Thailand with some of his mates, a sort of *last fling* but Shannon is dead set against it.
They are all in their fave fish-and-chip shop, having a loud argument while eating their double portions. Jason says: ‘This will be the last time I go away without you, Shannon!’ ‘If you go away without me, it will be the last time you ever see me!’ hisses Shannon. ‘Well, what can happen to him in Thailand?’ asks Cissie, ‘They are all so friendly and kind!’ ‘That’s what I’m afraid of’ says Shannon, ‘Some of them might be too kind to him! I know what his idea of all inclusive is, and he ain’t going nowhere without me!’ shouts Shannon. Cissie and Thelma do not know what to do or say. Cissie does not like to say ‘no’ to her dear Jason, and Thelma would like to have him out of the way for a few days, so she can have some time with Shannon, but she doesn’t know how to broach the subject without getting everybody furious.
Then Latif, the proprietor of the Chippie, comes over, coughs apologetically, and says, ‘Well, I don’t like to interrupt, but….’ ‘Then don’t!’ The four say simultaneously. Latif remains friendly, and says, ‘I think I might have a solution for you!’ ‘What?’ they all demand. ‘Well, you see, my oldest son Azhar will be 18 soon, and we would like him to have a nice holiday where he can – err – gain some experience of life before he settles down and gets married.’ ‘See!’ says Jason, ‘’E’s got the right idea, ain’t ‘e!?’ ‘If you can tell me one experience of life you haven’t yet sampled, apart from staying sober three nights in a row, I’ll marry you myself!’ says Thelma. Shannon is horrified, and Jason decides it would be better not to answer. Cissie says to Latif, ‘Well, if you buy the tickets off Jason, I am sure none of us will be against it, will we now?’ Shannon grins from ear to ear, Thelma smirks, and Jason looks rather shattered, but says bravely, 'Okay!’ He knows when he's fighting a lost cause! Case closed. They get up to go home for their tea and cream cakes, and Latif says that their meals are on the house to celebrate the occasion. Cissie thanks him, but says, once she thinks that they are out of earshot, ‘If I’d have known that, I’d have had another portion!’ Latif says to his wife, ‘And that is exactly why I didn’t say it earlier! I am not stupid!’

Azhar is very happy to be off with a group of mates instead of with his family, and flies happily to Thailand. They spend three days in Bangkok, before doing a sightseeing tour and visiting some of the famous beaches.



Beach at Chiweng

(Images courtesy of Wikipedia)

This is the postcard he sends to Jason:

For the flag I added some strips of glossy paper in blue and white, and topped it with the Thai Emblem, the Garuda. This is a figure from both Buddhist and Hindu mythology. In Thailand, this figure is used as a symbol of the royal family and authority. This version of the figure is referred to as Khrut Pha, meaning "garuḍa, the vehicle (of Vishnu)." The National Emblem is also the Emblem of the King of Thailand.

For my June Calendar I have made a snakes and ladders game, symbolic for life's ups and downs. The background has been sprayed with wild honey and spiced marmalade. In real life the colour is a bit darker than it seems to be here; it has not photographed well. The snakes have been doodled free hand onto some patterned paper and cut out, before accenting the eyes a little.

And for PPF I have pulled a piece out of the 'Oldie Box', painted in 1992, using tempera colours. I have found a whole box full of naked ladies, I might show some more of them from time to time!

Okay, enough for today. I got some more post from the USA today, a postcard and a stamp, but will show them in my next post. Have a good day you all, thanks for coming by, and take care!


  1. Poor Jason. Love what you have made Val! Hugs, Sarah. I am away at the weekend, so if I'm not around there was no internet!

  2. Terrific selection and love the idea of snakes and ladders for a calendar page. Brill. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Poor Jason! Being beaten by the ladies. :) I would take those tickets off his hands, too. :) Great postcard!

  4. Ha ha Jason really has met his match. Lo ve your card. A xx

  5. Aahhh, poor thing... Looking forward to a holiday and then being stuck at home last minute! Great chapter in your story and I love your card!!! ♥

  6. Wonderful post! Enjoyed the postcard and loved your lady on the couch! Beautiful. Happy PPF

  7. Oh dear, poor Jason's under the thumb already! Love your smiley snakes Valerie, a very clever idea and your gorgeous painting of the long slender lady reminds me of me! ha, ha, ha, ha, ..... xxx

  8. Can't be, Suze - I thought she looked like me!! Perhaps we are twins?

  9. Oh Jason didn't get to go to Thailand. Poor lad. I think you should buy him a cream cake or two to commiserate!

  10. Thanks for the Jason/Cissie update, I love how this story is progressing; so much fun to follow! And your painting is wonderful very free and flowing. Also, GREAT idea on the snakes and ladders calender, so clever!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Can I say the same thing as Stephanie b4 me said? I do look forward to all of the Friday chapters of Cissie and Jason. The snakes and ladders was brilliant and love the paper you cut them from, the arrows too are such a perfect detail. You nude is lovely and the visit to Thailand you took us on was wonderful!

  12. You have been extra busy today! Poor Jason- he's got to learn to be a bit smoother if he expects to get away the boys like that! Love your snakes and ladders calendar- perfect for the playful fun of summer (and life's ups and downs)!

  13. Great post for THailand... still loving your story (poor Jason) and your art!!


  14. Methinks poor Jason is really under the thumb now by a gaggle of bossy women! Lovely postcard. I am hoping he breaks free....

    Janet xx

  15. A wonderful selection.
    I was drawn to the snakes and ladders - how true of life's ups and downs.
    There is wonderful fluidity to the nude lady.
    Valerie - thank you for your wishes. I hope to be able to dip in and out of blogland now and again.

  16. Well your postcart, and girl on the divan.

  17. Love your June calendar with all its ups and downs! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  18. enjoyed seeing everything that you are creating and that photo of WatChiwatthanaram is stunning!

  19. Love June's ups-and-downs. Naked Lady is well one. The shoes definitely adds a story...:-)

  20. beautiful PPF nude! I hope I can make it to Thailand (safely) someday! Very creative calendar for June, oh where is the time going?

  21. awww poor Jason, he must be gutted. Great twist to add in another character. Fabulous card.

  22. Does Jason have any idea what he is getting into? Now instead of just Cissie trying to run his life, he has got all three of them bossing him around!
    I think maybe Jason should have hung on to those tickets for dear life.

  23. Jason may be getting the short end of the stick...and the woman a comfy couch :) A beautiful painting :)

  24. As always I love reading your stories. I wish I could write like that.. Very creative calendar. and The sexy lady on the couch looks wonderful.. You are so talented.


  25. Wow! What an eventful and full post! Great back story and your postcard, calendar and lady are all beautiful! Love the use of snakes and ladders!

  26. Naked lady on the couch. . . novel concept, I like it. Blessings, Janet PPF

  27. I like your calendar pages Valerie. Naked ladies, now who would have known you had these ladies in your closet. tee hee. lol. Nice job. Always great to read your stories. It's all good in the hood. :) Take care.

  28. Shoots and ladders for a calendar page!! BRILLIANT! And I love the way you cut them out from patterned paper. Oh! AND the butterflies below? Soooo drool worthy, xoxo

  29. Shoots and ladders for a calendar page!! BRILLIANT! And I love the way you cut them out from patterned paper. Oh! AND the butterflies below? Soooo drool worthy, xoxo

  30. another fun postcard.a good read. also love your calendar page.great..

  31. Love coming here for story update - poor Jason. Love the snakes and ladders.Happy PPF

  32. Hi Valerie. Poor old Jason. Will it end in tears I wonder?! Such good fun. Love the idea of the snakes and ladders. Very clever. Fabulous painting.
    Take care.
    Florence xx

  33. Wonderful postcard!! And your girl on the sofa is awesome!!

  34. Hello Valerie!
    You always have such incredible stories to tell, love it.
    Poor, poor Jason! :[
    Great card.
    Also, your June calendar, very creative!!
    The snakes are are wonderful touch. :]

  35. Here's hoping you get more ups than downs sweetie. Great idea and wonderful work x

  36. Ha! Snakes and Ladders not played that for a while. Great idea for a page.

  37. very creative ~ would make a great book ~ love the nude on the couch too ~ thanks, ^_^

  38. Fun calendar page - great idea

  39. love the naked lady and the story continues to delight and make me look forward to the next instalment...xx

  40. It´s a very engaging story and we keep coming back for more! :D
    Great calendar pages.

  41. Good story as ever, I do enjoy this group of folk. Thank you. Great postcard, clever. Like your life's ups and downs pages. Would like to use that idea in a journal sometime, with your permission of course.
    Jen x

  42. Great choice of image for your card! looks really cool! M

  43. What a variety! Love the chutes & ladders pages and your found art.

  44. Love the postcard -the Kings shield is perfect for the card- Poor Jason the spoils of woman intervenes again.

  45. Poor old Jason, will he never get his happy ending - maybe he just likes 'strong' women lol. I love your snakes and ladders page, brilliant idea x

  46. Your calender pages for June are awesome ...the best month to indulge in such fun games :)

  47. I'm just catching up!

    Great postcard, Valerie. And I **LOVE** your June Calendar pages, I hope life has many more ups then downs for you.



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