
Wednesday 23 May 2012

She who seeks shall find....

Hiding things in books is a great idea if you don't need to find them again, or if you at least write down which book you have used. As I have a few thousand books here, it is sometimes rather difficult.... But then I found the right book, *Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species*, and there were the four leafed clovers. I don't know who pressed them or put them in there, but I was happy to have found them again.
My tag has been made from some scrap card, covered with part of a page from *Webster's Dictionary* - an extremely large and heavy volume. I chose the page where *clover* was. I distressed the paper with forest moss DI, and added an image transfer of a clover plant, before affixing the four leaved clovers and a ribbon, which I also found in the cutlery drawer(?!).

I also found the frontispiece from a very ancient book, which had been placed in Darwin's pages for safe keeping, by whom I do not know. But it really is a little treasure, from 1627, which makes it almost 400 years old - amazing! If you would like to copy it for your own use you are very welcome.

And this is another found piece, discovered at the Rhine some weeks back, a little stone which has a three cornered form and looks like an owl. Well, I think it does!

My journaling prompt for yesterday was *time*. I scanned two old documents I have to make the backgrounds for the pages, and faded them before printing. The verse I have used is one of my faves; it's part of Isaac Watt's hymn, *Oh God, our help in ages past*, a paraphrase of Psalm 90. The picture on the bottom of the left page shows the statue of Isaac Watts in Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington, London. I included it because I like the way the greenery is growing up the plinth of his statue - time does not stand still, as King Canute - a Danish King who ruled in England, too, in the 11th century noticed - *Time and Tide wait for no man*.
Apart from that I have used some TH templates to sponge the clock and cog images, and added some image transfers, a bee and a butterfly, insects with wings - time flies.

So, that was all for today. Have a good day you all, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Amazing finds Valerie how wonderful to discover such treasure ! I thought the owl looked like a little baby foot ! what a wonderful thing the imagination is. Gorgeous journal pages today with very touching words.


  2. Love your four leaf clover tag. Well done on finding them! Don't we all keep our ribbon in the cutlery drawer!! x

  3. Aileen, thank you, that has made me feel better!

  4. Love your journal pages again, and the hymn is one of my all-time faves! Great tag, too! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Beautiful tag Valerie.
    The journal pages are fabulous and how cool is the "owl" stone?
    Hugs xx
    p.s. never thought of storing my ribbon in the cutlery drawer!!! lol

  6. Yeah, some people just have no fantasy....

  7. Morning Valerie. Yey! you found the clovers. Wonderful finds and makes. Love the journal pages as well. You have been a busy bee.
    Have a great day.
    Regards Florence xx

  8. The fairies must be visiting you Valerie - who else would put ribbon in the cutlery drawer :o) Wonder what other treasures are hiding in your books - your lucky clover tag is fab and you must have eagle eyes to have spotted that little stone. Have a nice Wednesday, hope it's sunny with you too. xx

  9. Stunning artwork as always Valerie and love your finds too, so glad your clover turned up and I do think the stone is like an owl.
    Hugs from a very warm and sunny Sussex.
    Fliss xx

  10. Well done on finding your clover Valerie, with so many books to go through it could have taken you days lol. I love your tag, beautiful delicate colours. There's nothing wrong with keeping ribbon in the cutlery drawer, you'd be amazed what I keep at the back of the sofa! x

  11. Woah what a fab find, I've yet to see a four leaf clover! Good luck to you, who found it, well done, It's always a pleasure visiting you Valerie, so much thought goes into your posts:0) Wonderful pages in your journal and many thanks for the brilliant image, I've saved it to use later:0) Have a wonderful Tuesday, hugs Gay xxx

  12. Did she say Tuesday? It's Wednesday here - or?

  13. It might be frustrating when you don't find it or can't remember where you put it but it's always a pleasure when you finally do find it again. :) Great journal pages! :)

  14. Isn't it fun, finding things, almost like presents :) Beautiful tag and journal pages, Valerie!

  15. Love your tag with the clovers the background is perfect for it. And your new journal pages are excellent, loving the cogs and clock stains for the background. This journal had a definite flair quite different from your last but equally beautiful.

  16. hello there,
    you are so right, we should write down the titles of the books we hide things in....hee! I used to hide things and it is a joy finding thme ( when you can)
    love the tag, too!

  17. What beautiful journal pages! I can't count the times I have "HID" an object and never found it again! LOL Seems like I do it much more now that I am older and have teenagers...urgg :)

  18. lovely assortment of work today! Cute stone you found too! I tend to lose anything I can't see, being very visual...tucked away tends to mean 'forever lost'!

  19. Loving all your beautiful works and am happy you found your clovers as they look perfect. xx

  20. Just love what you share in a day! Wow, so much beautiful work and I don't know how you do it! Really love how you placed that found four leaf clover!

  21. Some fab finds and gorgeous journal papers, I love the cogs and clock and the colours are fab
    Lindsay xx

  22. 400 years old! Wow, that's awesome! Beautiful time page - love the clock stencil - and beautiful tag! xo

  23. Val I have missed many posts due to my 29 Face challenge, so sorry.
    I love your tag and Wow to find such hidden treasures in your book. 400 Years Old, wow that is incredible.
    Thanks for dropping by.
    Take care, Lesley ♥

  24. These are very lovely pages, Valerie.
    IReally like the colors, the transparent handwriting as the back drop, and the clipart.
    Wonderful work :]
    Also, what great treasures you found, amazing stuff... enjoy them.
    Take care.

  25. What gorgeous journal pages! and your tag is so lovely as well. Cool you found a four leaf clover for your tag.
    must mean luck is on its way!
    hugs Lynn

  26. Beautiful tag and journal pages, Valerie! I really like that you were able to find a dictionary page with the floral image and add your own clovers... very cool!

  27. Gorgeous work here. Wow a few thousand books that must be amazing. Love the 4 clover piece...t/c, gerri


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