
Friday 11 May 2012

Cissie on tour and PPF

It's Friday again, and that means it's party time. At Paint Party Friday it's Year 2, Week 9, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge has reached week 19 already, and our participants are off to Bulgaria.

Jason had a hard time of it with his mumps, but is now on the way to recovery. He has decided it’s time he gets back to his own flat and his antique shop. Cissie and Thelma are planning a week in Bulgaria, first visiting a spa in Velingrad, and then a few days by the Black Sea at Sunny Beach. One afternoon they are all sitting together in Cissie’s living room, enjoying their afternoon snack of smoked salmon sandwiches, stuffed tomatoes, Danish pastries which Thelma brought, and the usual mountain of cream cakes *To keep up the boy’s strength*, as Cissie says while stuffing a large Éclair sideways into her mouth.
Cissie is still a bit worried about Jason going back to his flat, and she and Thelma are hoping to find him a new shop and flat a bit nearer, where she can keep an eye on him. She does not want a repeat of Jason’s Twilight Saga at Mr Deepdown’s. But Jason doesn't know of these plans yet.
Cissie says: ‘Jason, we’ve been thinking. You know there have been burglaries near here the past few weeks. I would like you to stay here for another couple of weeks, while we are away. Shannon – Thelma’s daughter – will pop in every day to keep you company, and you two could go to the shop a couple of times and get it cleaned up. What do you think about that?’
‘Yeah, well, not bad really’, answers Jason. ‘Can she cook?’
‘Don’t be so bloody cheeky, you!’ Hisses Thelma. ‘You are sometimes very ungrateful. And anyway, you can go the the take-away for lunch every day!’
‘Well, I only asked ‘cause she’s such a scrawny moo’ explains Jason.
‘Don’t dare to call my Shannon a scrawny moo!’ thunders Thelma.
‘Well YOU always call her scrawny old moo!’ says Jason.
‘That’s different,’ spits Thelma, ‘She’s my daughter!’
‘Have some more cakes’ says Cissie. There’s nothing like a bit of good food to soothe the nerves!’

Jason and Shannon bring Thelma and Cissie to the Coach Station at Victoria 2 days later. For a *scrawny moo*, Jason has to acknowledge that she is as strong as a horse, and has less problems heaving their humongous cases into the coach than he does. After waving them off, they drive back to their fave chippie for a meal, and make a plan of what they can do to pass the time....
As Cissie and Thelma drive off, Thelma says: ‘I just hope your Jason doesn’t take advantage of her while we’re gone!’ Cissie says, ‘You don’t need to worry, they can take care of themselves’, whilst thinking that it would be a miracle if he didn’t at least try it....

They are on the road for three days, stopping at hotels in Eastern Europe along the way, where the beds are bad but the food is good. They arrive tired and travel worn at the beautiful spa of Velingrad, where the first evening is spent being massaged, floating in the beautiful pool, and stocking up on calories. They have a luxurious room, the town is wonderful, and they much enjoy the treatments and wellness, and of course the good food, which reminds them of the cuisine in Greece and Turkey. In any case, plenty of everything, so they are happy.


Maslen Nos on the Black Sea

(Both photos from Wikipedia Commons)

After three days they move on to Sunny Beach on the Black Sea. The food and their hotel are both good, but Cissie is annoyed by the crowds of young men and women with red, sunburnt skins who lounge about all day drinking. ‘They must be Germans!’ she says, ‘They are always so loud and drink too much!’ ‘Strange’ says Thelma, they’re all talking English, listen!’ ‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ says Cissie. ‘British people would never behave like that in public! Anyway, the Germans are known for being good at languages!’
They fly home from Burgas Airport, and Thelma smiles slyly when she sees that the 'Germans' are flying to London, too! Cissie and Thelma are happy to see Jason and Shannon waiting for them, arm in arm, at Gatwick.

Here is the postcard they send to the *kids* back home. Cissie especially wanted me to show a close up of her new shirt and her dangly earrings.

For Paint Party Friday I have one of my masks and a WIP to show you, both painted in tempera paints. I just get the urge to do these masks every so often, and I hope the WIP will be going somewhere sooner or later, although at th moment I think it will be the bin....

Here's wishing you all a good weekend. Take care, have fun and thanks for coming by!


  1. Lov'in everything about this post, Valerie.
    Simply adore it when you tell your stories... :]
    Fantastic postcard too.
    Nice touch with the earrings.
    Really like your last painting here, wonderful work Valerie.
    Thank you for sharing your talents. ((hugs))

  2. Morning Valerie. I have missed you this week. Hope all is well. Pleased to hear Jason is feeling better. I am sure the spa worked wonders but looking at their diet, do you think they need some cholesterol tablets!!! LOL! Stunning artwork.
    Have a great weekend.
    Regards Florence xx

  3. Good old Cissie, she is like an unsinkable ship! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Such a great storyteller...loving story and your sketches!!!


  5. Your postcard stories make me laugh so much!!Loving the photo of the spa, how wonderful to go and be pampered there! Your mask drawing is lovely and i love the blocks of colour x

  6. Enjoyed reading your post. Cissies shirt and dangly ear rings certainly suit her! Super painting too. x

  7. What a fun episode that was Valerie! Esp. love Thelma's comments on the postcard!
    Great artwork too.
    Have a good weekend.
    Hugs xx

  8. Loving your postcard story Valerie, you have such a wonderful imagination and love Cissies T shirt and earrings. Wow the colourful mask is fabulous and look forward to seeing where you go with the WIP. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. Forgot to thank you for the comment about my Art Teacher that made me laugh and I totally agree with x

  10. This story is an epic amount of fun, you really do write very well... and I love that second tempera piece as well... xx

  11. You are an excellent story teller....

    I love your last painting with the squares and 'rainbow'


  12. Leave it to a man for the first question to be, can she cook? :)) Great postcard! And I love your paintings. Great color combination.

  13. Very creative writing with this post card series ~ excellent ~ love your last painting (wip) very fluid and colorful ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  14. It may have been a mistake visiting here today... you see I'm on a diet... and all that talk of cream cakes.....

    Tee Hee! Fun as always


  15. Smoked salmon sandwiches... yum... Love the mask - so colorful!

  16. Yay- a Cissie and Jason fix! Too funny- loved the dangly earrings!
    And your mask is amazing, those colors and textures are wonderful. DON'T; toss your painting, I think it's off to a brilliant start!
    PPF Hugs,

  17. Great post, Valerie. I am concerned that Cissie now has 3 chins. Did she always have 3? Fascinating story as usual and the postcard goes beautifully with the story line. Always fun to visit here.

  18. Hi Valerie..oh my..LOVE everything..wonderful made me smile! gorgeous art..truly beautiful work and creations..wonderfully inspiring!

  19. Cissie's certainly looking sparkly today Valerie! Your mask is fabulous too. Have a good weekend. xx

  20. Your postcard stories are always so full of humor. Your tempera pieces are awesome. Thanks for sharing. Happy PPF!

  21. Your Postcard is glitterlious <3

  22. Paintings are great. Story is great. and the postcards... yeah, fun. Love it all and Love coming here for PPF. Have a Happy one.

  23. Another great adventure with Aunt Cissie and Jason. Love your paintings too, and the shirt on the post card. Wishing you well and that Life is Good for you too! Take care.

  24. Another fantastic instalment Valerie, have Jason and Shannon got something going on .... that would give Cissie and Thelma something to talk about lol. I love you paintings, both very different but equally gorgeous. Have a great weekend x

  25. LOL - I just love her rosy cheeks!!!
    Always 100% fun with the combination of your text and the postcards.
    P.S I hope life is being kinder to you

  26. Sounds like Cissie and Thelma are Matchmaking, The story continues to unfold and I am enjoying eaccch episode.
    Love the Mask and paintings.
    Have a good weekend. Yvonne x

  27. Ooooh! I love your wip - and your mask is beautiful. And must smell so good - I love tempura paints! Thank you for your sweet message and have a great weekend, xoox

  28. All of your work is lovely. I especially love the last one. Your postcard challenge looks fun. Happy PPF!

  29. I am freaking over this rainbow. Love!

  30. Love Cissi and her glitter glam, it suits her! M

  31. great postcard with the earrings!

  32. I always love to pop in and read your stories. And your post cards always make me smile.. Well done my friend.

  33. .... but your WIP is beautiful as it is! Happy PPF!

  34. I so want to go to the spa in Velingrad with them! Love your mask- so bold!

  35. Hi Valerie, I wanted to let you know I just received my beautiful postcard in the mail! I love quotes, and that one has been a favorite of mine. I love the stamped envelope and thank you very much for the extra goodies you included, too! Debbie (from New York, USA)

  36. Oh you must start a book about this wonderful pair Val and love the mask too please don't ditch it. There is a little surprise on it's way to you at last.xx

  37. Oi, I picked up on the dig at the Brits!! Maybe they really were Germans speaking very good English!!

    Hope you're feeling brighter.


  38. Ah you and Cissie what a team !!! Sounds like she is having a riot with those " German " toursits annoying her. Great to read your wonderful prose and view your amazing art work that mask is fabulous and as for the postcard perfect, love the danglers !!


  39. I am reasonably sure Cissie has an American twin, and I saw her at a cookout this afternoon. Unless she has come to visit Tennessee and you are saving that tale for later.

  40. Ooops, I clicked publish too soon. I meant to add that I think the WIP is destined for a much better outcome than the bin.

  41. Thoroughly enjoyable post! I always love reading Jason's antics. ;) Your mask is fabulous! Such vibrant color! Great beginning on the WIP. I love the swatches of color. Don't give up on that one too soon! Big Hug!

  42. Lovely portrait of Cissie, it should be framed! Great story and artwork as always.

    Janet xx

  43. Try Cissie's glittery blue rinse, and is it my imagination or has Cissie gained a chin? :D XXX

  44. Fun story and a touch of romance too. Love Cissie's earrings.
    Jen x


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