
Friday 25 May 2012

Cissie in Brighton

Good morning you all! Today is Friday, and that means it's time again for Paint Party Friday, week 11 of year 2, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, week 21, where our participants are travelling to England.

But first the continuation of the events after Thelma saw Jason's letter from Ghana;

Shannon is not at home when Jason’s card flatters through the letter-box. But Thelma is. She is hopping mad because Jason had known that she would want to open it! So she rings Cissie and shouts into the phone: ‘Get over here straightaway, there‘s something you must see!’ Cissie grumbles back, ‘If you shout that loud you could have just opened the window, you don’t need a telephone!’ But of course, she flies up the street without delay, curiosity is a wonderful accelerator.
She shows Cissie the offending letter. They look at it. They look at the letter and Jason’s cheeky warning. ‘Well?’ asks Thelma. ‘Don’t ask me,’ says Cissie – ‘open it!’ ‘Well, if you think so’….says Thelma and pops the kettle on. When it’s steaming, before pouring water into the teapot, they steam the letter open. ‘Good job the little b-gger didn’t use sellotape,’ says Thelma. ‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ answers Cissie, ‘They don’t have things like that in Africa!’ At last the letter is open. They take out the card. They read what Jason has written to Shannon, with burning cheeks and very red ears….They look at each other, their lips pouted up like chicken’s bums. They both say, with one voice, ‘They’ll have to marry!’
Decision made, they re-seal the letter and make themselves tea and crumpets to get over the shock.

Later on that day, Jason and Shannon turn up for tea and cakes. Thelma and Cissie serve tea as though nothing has happened. They chat about this and that, and then Thelma says,‘Guess who’s getting married?’ Jason and Shannon both shake their heads. ‘You two are!’ squeak Thelma and Cissie together. ‘What ‘im?’ ‘What ‘er?’ the ‘children’ ask, pointing at each other. ‘I ain’t marrying that scrawny git!’ says Shannon. ‘I ain’t marrying that skinny bird’ says Jason. Thelma and Cissie speak once again together, ‘YES, YOU ARE!!’ A long silence ensues. ‘Well, I suppose I could get worse’, says Shannon, ‘But not much!’ ‘’OO’s paying for the wedding?’ asks Jason. ‘We are!’ say Cissie and Thelma in chorus. Jason points at Thelma, Shannon at Cissie, and both say in unison, ‘Do I have to call her Mum?’ But as the two miscreants are grinning from ear to ear, they can all laugh it off, and they can almost hear the wedding bells ringing. But Jason and Shannon say they need time to make their plans, so it will have to wait for a few weeks or so....

Cissie is planning on going away for a few days, as London is so hot and full of tourists there to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. This time Thelma does not want to go with her, as she thinks it’s more important to keep an eye on *The Two*. ‘Where are you going then?’ they ask. ‘Brighton’ says Cissie. ‘Haven’t been there for ages, and I fancy going somewhere where they have good fish and chips and I can go for a paddle....’

Jason brings Thelma to the station, with a large hamper of food to eat on the journey. She manages to eat a considerable amount in the hour she is on the train. On arrival at Brighton she takes a taxi to her B & B, which she has chosen because they serve giant breakfasts. On the first evening she takes a walk round the Lanes, one of the oldest parts of Brighton, enjoys the shops and shopping, and then goes to a fish restaurant for her supper. She is rather cross when she sees that it costs more than it does in London, but says, 'Oh well, I don't treat myself every day'. The waiters are astonished at how much she can eat at one sitting, and keep bringing her more bread and butter, pickled cucumbers and pots of tea,and Cissie rewards them with winks and smiles and a generous tip.

After a good sleep, she goes down to breakfast early - before the others can get there! and manages to clear the buffet in less that half an hour. The proprietress watches her, smiling and nodding, whilst muttering under her breath, 'Greedy old cow! She eats like a horse!' Refreshed and strengthened, Cissie decides to have a look at the Royal Pavillion before going down to the beach for a paddle and to sunbathe.

She is delighted to discover that she doesn't have to move more than 50 yards to get to the next cafes, fish-and-chip shops and ice-cream stalls. If you look carefully at the photo of the beach, you will see Cissie sunbathing in the foreground, wearing her second best blue bikini. She wanted a deck-chair, but the man renting them refused to give her one as he was not sure it would carry her weight.... She has covered her hair so that the sun doesn't bleach out her tint.

She spends a pleasant few hours on the famous pier, sampling all the wares on offer there.

On the third day, she strolls along the sea-front, getting a bit of fresh air before it's time to get the train back to London.

And she buys some nostalgic pictures of Brighton in the 'good old days'

Here is the postcard she sends to Jason and Shannon, who are staying at Jason's flat 'to sort things out', whatever that means....:

I hope you like Cissie's patriotic best bikini, which she bought from the bargain counter of a local XXL store. The card has been watercoloured, the beach-huts have been collaged, and the red,white and blue bunting put up to honour the Queen, although Cissie is very gratified that it matches her bikini.

To be continued....

Last but not least, another of my purple canvases for PPF. I started it weeks ago, and have at last finished it.

So, that was a long post. Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Ah thanks for the lovely story and a nostalgic one for me too as I lived quite close to Brighton and this brings back fond memories. So the kids are getting married !!!!! Wouldn't like to have to pay for that wedding. Gorgeous postcard and Cissie looks stunning !!! As for your canvas love the fantastic texture on this masterpiece.


  2. Lovely story Val, I am always eager for the next installment each Friday! That will be some wedding! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Thank you for the fun episode of Cissie's story loving the postcard too.
    And, wow!! Your purple canvas is stunning!
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs xx

  4. Loving your new canvas Valerie, its gorgeous. You certainly tell a good story my friend and it gave me a good chuckle. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. What was in the letter? :) This was so much fun to read and I love your postcard! :)

  6. What a great story Valerie, I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to the seaside and I can't wait to read what happens next. Beautiful canvas, have a lovely weekend. Suze xx

  7. Well! I will never be able to look at a chicken again, without picturing it in a union jack bikini ROFL :D XXX

  8. Lovely to read your story Valerie especially as I live just up the coast from Brighton and visit often though the old North Lanes are my haunt as they're much cheaper and have my favourite flea market.
    Gorgeous painting - love the purples and the flowers are beautiful on the textured background.
    Have a good day too and a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. You should write the blurb for the Brighton Tourist Board! Cissie looks spectacular in her patriotic bikini, topping up her tan for the wedding. Super canvas, I love the texture you have created.

    Janet xx

  10. love the postcard love your the purples and that texture is

  11. beautiful and magical...I want to hop in the pages of your story and stay at the B&B so I can enjoy a giant breakfast...NUM! Beautiful art :)

  12. Your purple canvas is just awesome! :-)

  13. Now she gets her money's worth at the buffets!!! Thanks for such a great tale and art today!

  14. Glad Cissie's having some away time!! Loving the story and the art!! Too, your purple piece is beautiful!!!


  15. I look forward to Friday to travel with Aunt Cissie. Before the year ends, she will require a rigid diet or she will be refused seating because of her weight.

    LOVE HER TRAVELS and your stories, Valerie.

    Your new finished purple piece is lovely too.


  16. So much fun to come here. Cissie's second best blue bikini - she is rocking it. Great postcard and the purple canvas is lovely. Happy PPF

  17. I love this line:"curiosity is a wonderful accelerator":-)

  18. Beautiful canvas and I did love the one you sent Diane! I know she is thrilled! Your story had me laughing and I could just see Cissie enjoying a rather fulling breakfast! Too funny! Happy Friday!

  19. So lovely to Cissie down in Brighton, I can imagine she had just the best of times on her trip! M

  20. SO much fun! I LOVE the new "second best" blue bikini and the nod to the queen in your postcard is perfect! Thank you for your lovely story and I love seeing the finished canvas! Yes, the texture and shine is brilliant, xoxo

  21. Stunning canvas Valerie, the flowers are beautiful and so are the beautiful beads. Loved the story today, love how you found Cissie on the beach, lol. Love the line "curiosity is a wonderful accelerator", how true! Great story and post card today too.

  22. Oh my, you are such a wonderful story teller... love it!! LOL
    The postcard is fantastic too, lovely bathing suit. :]
    Also, your canvas piece is great.
    The geraniums are perfect part of the artwork.

  23. ooooo a wedding, are we all invited?

    Love her patriotic bikini lol

  24. Cissie must have a rabbit's metabolism to put away that much food and still squeeze into an XXL! haha! She never disappoints! Wish I could have been in Brighton with her!

  25. cissie in the bikini cracked me up.... especially a union jack one... how absolutely perfect... and the purple painting is coming along really well... love those mosaic squares... such a great signature in your work...xx

  26. You are quite the writer with an amazing imagination. Often painters/sculptors, etc aren't equally good with manage both! Such a fun journey. And your purple is very cool!! Love all those layers.

  27. Know that Bikini is sure making a statement, its brillianr. loved the latest episode and a wedding to come in the future, great saga.
    Gorgeous canvas for PPF
    Yvonne x

  28. haiku (for you)

    postcards from afar
    stories galore with humor
    collage beautiful.


  29. That's a beautiful canvas! Waiting for the next installment of your story!

  30. I love love these stories, and your art, When the bough breaks has been removed, I started a new blog tonight, I have had to start a new followers and blog list, all from scttatch, I hoped you might visit and follow me again, i enjoy our visits so much,

  31. Always such fun visiting your blog!
    Love the thick and rich texture of the purple painting!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  32. Love your canvas Valerie. The blues and purples are awesome. Well done. Happy PPF!

  33. Valerie what can I say, your canvas is out of this world ! and would grace any wall such wonderful colours and depth :)
    Von x♥x

  34. Love the purple canvas. The colors are so beautiful. And speaking of colors, I believe I like the patriotic bikini better than the blue one. The Cissie saga is intriguing. Keep up the good work.

  35. a excellent blog, a good read. Love your postcard. had to smile at the bikini....

  36. Love your great stories! And Cissie's patriotic bathing suit is wonderful too! :-)

  37. Oh my gosh! Her swim suit is a hoot!!!

  38. Love Cissie's cozzie!! I wish I had a beach hut **sigh**


  39. Great story again !! Love Cissie's bikini, vert patriotic. A xx

  40. What a giggle they are! Love your postcard and Cissie in her Union Jack bikini is a hoot. x

  41. Morning Valerie. Shannon will not stay a skinny bird hanging around Jason and Cissie!!! All those chips! Cissie's bikini does wonders for her figure...Such a fun post. Really loved it. Stunning canvas. tfs.
    Have a lovely day.
    Regards Florence xx

  42. Great post, very patriotic Cissie postcard. Love your canvas, my colours!
    Jen x

  43. Just lovin this canvas...u are such a talent! t/c, gerri

  44. Enjoyed the story, the post card is excellent. Blessings, Janet PPF

  45. I'm still making the rounds for PPF! Love your Purple Painting!


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