
Friday 27 April 2012

Postcard Challenge and Paint Party Friday

Hi you all, It's Friday again and that means time for partying - it's Darcy's Postcard Challenge Numer 17, where our participants are off to Norway, and Paint Party Friday Year 2, week 7. I was worried that I would not get my stuff finished this week, as I was not feeling so good, but I managed it, and now I will have a good rest over the weekend.

Cissie has not been feeling well, as she is worrying about Jason and what really happened when he disappeared for those few days. She is more than alarmed when Thelma brings her a newspaper cutting from the local Gazette:

Here is the text again in case the print is too small:
Our local reporter, Jake Grabbit, brings us some startling news of a break-in in the Funeral Parlour
‘Long Shadows’ last Friday evening. Neighbours were disturbed by the sounds of revelling and loud music, but nobody suspected at the time that it was coming from Mr. Deepdown’s Parlour. He told Jake that his ‘Gothic Crypt’ room of rest, tastefully decorated with black wallpaper and antique statues, had been misappropriated for an illegal party. ‘It looks awful!’ he said. ’Empty red wine and vodka bottles everywhere on the coffins, tomato sauce on the black carpet, fish and chip papers everywhere and one coffin stolen – just like that! I am shocked and disturbed at what has happened! It has really taken the fun out of my work!’
One neighbour, Ms Ima Noseyass, said she saw some black-caped figures carrying a coffin away in the early hours of the morning. ‘But that’s nothing strange with a business like that!’ she said.
The police spokesperson, Less Nollidge, said that they have no clue at all, but that they would undertake to find the persons responsible.
Our reporter will keep digging to bring you up to date with any new developments in this field.

Cissie considers cancelling her 5 day Norwegian Fjord Cruise, which she won for being first through the door when a bargain shop opened in her neighbourhood, where she had really pulled – or was it pushed? - her weight to get in first, heedless of the fallen and trampled in her wake. (The lady who was second is reported to have called Cissie ‘The battering ram from Brickwall Lane’.) But Thelma promises, with some trepidation, to keep an eye on Jason, and so they bring Cissie and her 4 cases to the airport. After the usual quibbling at the check-in, Jason foots the excess-baggage bill, and off Cissie goes, hoping that there are really no more Vikings in Norway....

They fly to Oslo, where they enjoy some sightseeing, and then board the coach taking them to Bergen, where they board their ship. They visit Voss, Stalheim, Gudvangen, Aurland, Flam and Myrdal before returning again to Oslo for the flight home.

(Photos from Wikipedia Commons)

The fresh sea air gives her an incredibly good appetite, and she enjoys huge meals of salmon, herrings, cod, cheeses and cream cakes, all washed down with copious amounts of tea. Here is the postcard she sends Jason and Thelma. I used a map of Norway and its environs, on which I coloured the Norwegian Flag, adding Cissie in a fetching norwegian knit pullover:

By the way, Cissie has asked me to tell you that although she gives her hair a colour rinse now and again, she does not perm her hair, as she has natural waves and curls.

For PPF I have another re-purposed canvas to show you, which has a re-cycled clock in it, so double recycling today. I used acrylic paints, which I heated to give texture, adding some small glass beads in before heating. Then I smeared on some Stickles and some perfect pearls for some more colour and shine, before fitting in the clock. The clock has been painted in the same fashion, just using a lighter background shade. I added the last remnants of my Prima flowers, and that was it. The last photo shows the 4 of the canvases made in the past few weeks together.

Here's wishing you all a great weekend,take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh, I have laughed myself silly over today's episode! Love all the names you have given them! Great canvases, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Love it, Valerie... always a pleasure! :]
    Great work on the canvas pieces, a work of art.
    Clever idea using the clock on the canvas...
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Cissie's pullover is indeed fetching and the story is unfolding bit by bit... and I love the textures in your re purposed piece... very very clever... and glad you got it finished...xx

  5. Cissie does gad about abit....good for her. Was it Jason causing havoc with the ketchup... I'll just have to wait and see.

    Good double recycling!

    Hope you feel better soon...... take it easy this weekend :)


  6. Your canvases look fabulous together Valerie and Cissy is looking very trim this week despite her healthy appetite! Have a relaxing weekend, take care. Suze xx

  7. Love seeing your canvases altogether. They make a fab display. Your postcards are always a pleasure to read. x

  8. Your story telling is wonderful, love this week and Cissie's sweater. Your canvas and clock look amazing might be tempted to have a go with heating acrylics and beads.
    Jen x

  9. I'm glad Cissie didn't cancel the trip. And I love that clock! Great texture!

  10. Loving Cissie's adventures and also your fab canvases. Take care Valerie. Happy PPF, Annette x

  11. Always look forward to your Fridays :)

    Love to hear the story and your PPF pieces are just GORGEOUS, Valerie!

  12. brilliant! I missed Sunt Cissie last week, glad to catch up with her again! and very smart she's looking too! M

  13. Cissies trip looked wonderful. Love your newest piece, it makes such a beautiful compliment to the grouping. Wouldn't that look stunning on a wall? Love the seed beads, especially the ones on the clock face!

  14. Lovely card & lovely color rinse ;^}

  15. LOVED this weeks entry, so deliciously ominous....and purple and green are my two favorite colors, so I REALLY like your new mixed media piece as well!

  16. Lovely and fun post and your creations are wonderful ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  17. Just read the latest episode of the goings on with Cissie and Jason, they are a hoot. The canvas is awesome. Have a good rest this weekend.
    Yvonne x

  18. I couldn't wait to see what would unfold in your story this week! You never disappoint! ;)

    Great work on the re-purposed canvasses. That texture is fantastic and I love your colors. I hope you are feeling better soon!

  19. I'm glad too that Cissie didn't cancel the trip. She wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun. tee hee. Great recycling idea and love that textured look. Nice job. Have a great weekend.

  20. Another fun episode of your story!
    And I really love your new canvas...beautiful work.
    Have a good rest this weekend Valerie.
    Hugs xx

  21. I always enjoy catching up with Cissie. I like how you did your card. I Love the newpaper article and the tag line in the ad!

  22. I loved Oslo!
    And I love your map postcard art especially!!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  23. Hahaha, those names are too cool! I had to read a couple times to get them right. Soooo funny!!! :)
    Love to Cissie, wondering where she will go next time... ♥

  24. You are such a great story teller and I love all the research you do concerning foods and sites to be seen on the cruise..or did you go there!? The mixed media canvases are just gorgeous, too!. Hope you are all the way better for the upcoming week.

  25. Poor Cissie does have her worries. Your clock is so fantastic! I love all the colors and tiny beads.

  26. including the clock in your mixed media canvas is brilliant. i love the colors you've chosen and the 4 pieces work together beautifully!

  27. this was beyond fun..... Love your article and your postcards are a delight!!!
    I enjoyed this post!!!!!!

  28. a great postcard, always lots to read, well done with your story,its great.

  29. so funny..'the battering ram' hahahaha awesome as always.

  30. I just love reading your post.. And your post card is wonderful. I also just love your Canvas. They all look amazing together..


  31. Sorry to hear you haven't been well this week. Story fabulous and I love your postcard, Cissie's jumper really suits her. Your canvasses are gorgeous and I am itching to try heating up acrylic paint now!

    Janet xx

  32. What a fun post!! I always love reading what Cissie is up to!

    Your clock and paintings are wonderful!! I've never heard of heating up acrylic paint. It gave you some amazing results!!

    Happy PPF!

  33. Firstly, sorry to hear you haven't been feeling very well. I hope a restful weekend will perk you up again. Some sunshine would be nice, eh?!

    Your story of Cissie and Jason is so funny - you've developed their characters beautifully, and with great humour.

    I haven't heard of heating up acrylic paint, you've got me thinking now....... ;o)

    Make sure you do allow yourself a restful weekend, Valerie, NO h*******k. Doctor's orders!


  34. Oh, the names in your article are priceless! You are really a gifted storyteller.

    I love the new paintings this week, they are just scrumptious with all that gorgeous texture and pearlesent color.

  35. Love the texture in your clock canvas! I guess size matters when you are trying to win a first through the door contest! Good for Cissie for winning it!

  36. Just a beautiful canvas, Valerie! And you made me remember that Norway is on my bucket list!

  37. Ahhh! Heating the acrylic! Brilliant tip! I promise, I'm gonna try that! Your textures and colors are rich and beautiful and your story cracked me up - especially the way she won her trip!
    I hope you get good rest, xoxo

  38. love the story val and as for the canvas it's gorgeous, well done...

    thanks for your help with my blog will have a go next time I post, have a good weekend..

    maria xx

  39. Wow you have been busy will all your creativity. The canvas is just fantastic! :-)

  40. Those canvases are gorgeous!!
    I love reading your postcard stories!

  41. Magic! What an imagination you have! I love Cissie's hair and isn't she lucky to have natural curls LOL Hope you feel better, Gay xxx

  42. Gorgeous canvases, don't they all look fab together :0) xx

  43. Hi Valerie. I was going to ask if Cissie's hair was naturally curly! :) Such good fun. The canvases look amazing together.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Regards Florence x

  44. Love your very funny story, and the canvases are great, too! Hugs, Barb

  45. Hi Valerie, Apil has been a busy month for me but I had to stop in to check on Aunt Cassie and her new adventure to Norway. I love travelling along with her and hearing of the adventures and challenges with Jason.

    Hope you feel a lot better!


  46. You have really taken off with the postcard challenge! It is sooo wonderful! This story is intriguing!! :0)
    The clock and other paintings are so cool, Val!

  47. once again another funny story line -Thanks for the info on Cissie's hair too.

  48. Lovely postcard and a stunning Norwegian knit pullover!

  49. Val you're a hoot! A natural born story teller, you really know how to tell a brilliant story, and capture everyones interest from the word go. I just love this, and your canvas is wonderful too! Suzie xxx :)

  50. Wow..what a fabulous post and such gorgeous images..and your art is wonderfully inspiring..the textures are dazzling and the piece as a whole is so vibrant and magical!

  51. Morning! What a delightful blog post today! I love your stories! The characters' names in the funeral parlor story gave me quite a chuckle this morning! Love, love, love your canvases. Beautiful work all the way around, Valerie! P.S. good to know Cissie's hair is naturally curly!

  52. Valerie
    Can you hear my chuckles of laughter all the way from Scotland?!!!
    What tickled me the most was the piece about Cissie's hair having a natural curl, that is pure genius on your part. Love reading of their newest tales.

  53. Love your adventures and your beautiful work! Inspiring!

  54. Stunning clock my dear! You always make the most wonderful textural projects.Love your postcard and story too.Thanks so much for visiting lately. take care, gerri

  55. your newspaper report....naughty Jason :D XXX

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. loving your characters and reading about their travels! :-)

    i really like the painting for PPF. Heating the acrylics was a great idea-- i will have to try that. the colors work perfectly!

  58. I would LOVE to travel with Aunt Cissie! I would NEVER feel guilty about what I ate, watching her wolf down so much herself.
    I do enjoy copious quantities of tea, though.

  59. So lovely! You're so creative! Happy PPF!

  60. WHat a fun post! I love the postcards and the clock is great!
    Happy PPF

  61. I like this work before and love it now. Cissie too.:) Love all your cards and story telling. Happy PPF!

  62. Hilarious! Just found you and will come back to follow the adventure:-)

  63. Wow, what a story! I'll be thinking on this for a while... :) Love your set of canvases, the colors really POP! :)

  64. What a wonderful art work! I love the different colors you've painted with! :)

    And of course I like your photos from Norway as well ;)


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