
Friday 2 March 2012

Postcard Challenge # 9 and PPF Week 51

Good morning you all. It's another double party today, week 9 of Darcy's postcard Challenge and week 51 of Paint Party Friday hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.

On arriving home after his visit to Cuba, Jason is rather disgruntled to discover that Cissie loves cigars – she just doesn’t usually smoke because she likes to live healthily, and he has to watch as she uses his rum to make *Rumtopf*, fruits conserved in rum....which need to soak for weeks before they are ready to eat!
But as she treated him to a double portion of fish and ships at that fave shop, and promised him tea and cream cakes in the afternoon, he cheers up a bit.

This week Cissie is off to Switzerland with her best friend Thelma. Thelma has hardly spoken to her all week, because she would have preferred to go to Hungary, which reminds Cissie of HUNGRY, but by the time Jason heaves the cases of the two ladies into the coach at Victoria, they are happy again. After boarding the ship, they both put on the life jackets they have brought with them, as Cissie is rather worried after hearing bad news of some cruise ships that had problems. The captain tries to tell them that it is absolutely not necessary, but they refuse to remove them, even when he invites them into the bar for free drinks. They arrive safely in Ostend, and the captain is glad to see the back of them, saying *Those two barrage balloons couldn’t sink if they tried!*

After a long drive they arrive at their hotel in Geneva, where they spend 2 days before going on to Basel and Zürich, and visiting an alm, where the tourist guide has to push the two ladies by their generous butts to get them from the coach-park to the restaurant in an *Alm Hütte*. They do some sightseeing in the towns they visit, but ignore all the wonderful museums and sights to give them more time to eat and shop. Auntie Cissie and Thelma each buy themselves a *Dirndl*, the traditional dress with blouse and apron, although Auntie Cissie is rather concerned that it makes her look a little fat.... The shop assistant assures her that she looks very fetching - *Nein, nein, Madam, a Dirndle must goot sitzen, and you have the goot body for it!*

Before they go home, Cissie buys masses of swiss Gruyere and Emmenthaler cheese, and of course, enough chocolate to sink a battle ship. Here is the postcard she sends to Jason. She had her photo taken in front of the wonderful panorama of Zürich and the Lake.

For PPF I want to share a mixed media piece that I painted last weekend. Once again I have used lots of green, blue and gold.

Sorry I haven't been around this week, my cold was sooooooo bad that I had to stay in bed for a few days to avoid more complications, but I'm up again today, and am feeling a lot better.

Have a great day, take care of yourselves, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Oh Valerie you do make me laugh, these are wonderful pieces, I love Aunt Cissie, and your painting is amazing, I love the gold with the green. So glad you are feeling a little better now, but take it easy and have a good weekend. Sue x

  2. Hi Valerie. I wondered if you were ok. Pleased to hear you are feeling better. Enjoyed reading about Cissie's travels. Love the eyes and the leaves. It got me thinking of the Green Man. Inspiring as always.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Take Care,
    Florence xx

  3. Great to have you back Valerie :o) Your painting is wonderful, just love the eyes with the leaves and of course Aunty Cissie always makes me smile! Have a good weekend, take care. Suze xx

  4. I'm glad you are feeling better now Valerie.
    I love reading about Aunt Cissie and her travels and your painting is absolutely fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Lovely work Val, the postcard is great and I LOVE your painting! Glad you are feeling better, I have been wondering where you were! Hugs, Sarah

  6. Poor Cissie- she missed out on the relaxing part of a cruise wearing that life vest and worrying! At least she found a few tasty treats to take home! Love your postcards!!!

  7. Enjoyed reading Cissies exploits again!!! Great postcard and beautiful art journal pages. Hope you are feeling better x

  8. Hope you're better! Love all the shades of green and blue.

  9. ALL your art is superb...loving the postcard challenge card and story...


  10. Oh, I wondered what you were up to. Hope you're better soon.

    Fabulous journaling, Valerie!

  11. Very nice pose <3 Well done'age

  12. Valerie, your story telling is brilliant. I have had a good chuckle with todays episode. Cissie is an adorable nightmare when she is out and about. Love your pages as well.
    Glad you are feeling a little better. Take care.
    Yvonne x

  13. Valerie ~ fun story and cute postcard ~ well done ~ love ly creations! ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy PPF ^_^ ~

  14. Aunt Cissi and her adventures are just brilliant, I look forward to reading about her every week. Not sure the 'Dirndl' is really her either! M

  15. Ah, my weekend is ready to start after reading (and laughing!) about Aunt Cissie's escapades! ♥

  16. Oh yes! There's nothing like swiss cheese. :) Great postcard and I love your green ladies. :)

  17. LOL - great story continues... love Cissie's triple chins.

    Fascinating mixed media piece, especially those blooming eyes. Good to hear your health is improving.

  18. Love your colours this week! And I so enjoyed my trip to Zurich and Switzerland one year! Great location for a postcard.

  19. Hi Valerie. Hope you feel better soon. Love your mixed media with the colors of blues and purples. Your postcard is awesome. I'm happy to see that being sick doesn't stop you from doing what you love. The story is great.Aunt Cissie is all about being an interesting character. :) take care and be well.

  20. Oh the thought of Aunt Cissie in a dirndl outfit will stay with me for a very long time! Excellent postcard as always. Glad you are feeling a little better.

    Janet xx

  21. A very fun story. Your blues and greens are gorgeous.

  22. Never disappointed with your stories and images!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  23. Loved the post and the beautiful painting and postcard. Like Cissie, I bought a dirndl years ago. My goodness, do those things fit tight! The saleswoman told me to take off my bra because they aren't worn with dirndls. I can imagine Cissie had a bit of a problems being properly fitted. Have a great weekend and keep the Cissie stories coming.

  24. Your Cissie stories make me laugh. am totally drawn to your mixed media piece. I love all the layers.
    Happy PPF! Helen @ Natures Walk

  25. wonderful story to go with your postcard.

    the eyes in your blue/green/gold paintings are so arresting! i can't seem to look away!

  26. Barrage Balloons! God, that was funny!
    Can't tell you how much I enjoy your stories of Aunt Cissie and Jason.
    Love the mixed media piece. It's very intriguing.

  27. 'Barrage balloons' lol that made me laugh. I love Cissie's adventures.

  28. Loving the colors in your mixed media piece! Happy PPF! #20 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  29. Glad to know you are feeling better now. Love Aunt Cissies adventures, and your painting is gorgeous! Enjoy the weekend.

  30. Very interesting piece with lots to look at! and lots of eyes to look back! Happy PPF!

  31. It's a wonder she fitted in the coach seat!!

    She's so funny. I always love reading her adventures :)

  32. feel better soon and take care of yourself... your work is extra lovely considering you were under the weather.. hope you are back on your feet and painting up a storm this week...xx

  33. Hope you are feeling better and stay that way! Your fabulous art and sense of humor have not suffered. Have a great weekend!

  34. Hope you are feeling a lot better Valerie. Loving the colour palette and those great eyes. x

  35. I always enjoy reading your stories. and your post card look wonderful.. Now on to your paintings.. They look Fabulous.. I love seeing you mixed media pieces. I just love your style.

    Happy PPF..

  36. Really into this piece. All those eyes watching me!

  37. Oh that Cissie, she is such a character. Once again,loving your story.

  38. Adorable Auntie Cissie is in Heaven isn't she and why not...chocolate, cheese, wine, yum...yum...aloha.

  39. Such a fabulous story you are making! Love the characters ... your multi media piece is wonderful - colours so vibrant. Happy you are on the mend. hugs, Donna

  40. Glad to hear you are feeling much better.

    Gorgeous pages, I do love that colour combination.

    Aunt Cissie is a hoot!

    Have a great weekend


  41. Sorry to hear you have been unwell hope you will soon be back to full strength. Fabulous tales once again from Aunty Cissie and the postcard and journalling pages and as always so beautiful and ingenuous.


  42. Valerie
    Sorry your cold has been such a bad one.
    Your postcards are still such a treat, full of wonderful fun.
    Keeping getting better.

  43. such fun here!! your postcard stories are that bottom crop of your mm piece, really cool with the leaves & eyes...happy ppf!

  44. Val, I loved reading your story this morning! Those ladies are cracking me up!! :0)
    Also, I love those eyes in the last picture-those are great!
    Take care.

  45. *wipes tears from eyes* Oh my...I laugh out loud every week when I read your cards and story :D XXX

  46. Hee hee! Cute card. I love, love, love your mixed media piece.

  47. Well, I think I need to travel with Cissie, she has all the fun!

    Glad you're feeling a little better, take care!


  48. Loved reading your post. It's so entertaining. Hope you are feeling better. x

  49. Thanks for another amusing insight into Aunt Cissie. Caz

  50. Good grief, love the pink lady. I remember these ladies back in the day. . . good memories. Blessings, Janet PPF

  51. Ladies of a certain age who know what they like and are not ashamed of it, Cissie just fits the bill. So like reading her adventures.
    Love the mixed media work.
    Jen x

  52. Fabulous pink hair - I intend dying mine purple when I reach a disgraceful age. and no longer have a responsible job.

  53. So happy to hear you are doing much better Val. Loving all your art works and especially Aunt Cissie's travels, always a blast to read her funny exploits.Take care...hugs.

  54. Couldn't wait to see the latest Aunt Cissie and Jason update. Ha! Barrage balloons! :-).

    Your blues and greens are wonderful together! Great work! Sorry to hear you were sick. I hope you are feeling better! Hugs to you!

  55. Pretty mixed media piece. Sorry I haven't visited to much lately. Take care, gerri

  56. Lovely mixed media piece, beautiful colors and all those eyes are mesmerizing! <3

  57. Hope you are feeling much better! Love that piece with all its colors and textures!

  58. So glad you are feeling better. Love your sense of humor. Cissie looks wonderful....


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