
Sunday 11 March 2012

Monday Mix

Hi everybody, hope you have all had a good weekend, whatever you were up to! Here it was quiet, went for some nice walks and to a second hand book sale at the Third World shop, where I picked up some totally tattered books to use in crafting. I did a little bit more tidying and dreaded H*******K, but I am taking it slowly, with lots of rests in between. After not being home for so many weeks, the whole place was unbelievably dusty and grimy; believe me, I don't do scrubbing for nothing!

I made some tags yesterday, the first one is for *Tag Tuesday* last week, with the theme *birds*, I am playing at catch up! I covered a manila tag with a book page, distressed it with ancient linen and vintage photo, added a die cut of T.H.'s branch-tree and some birds which Donna recently sent me. I made a bow out of some hessian, lace and ribbon and stuck some white painted twigs in it. It's something a bit different to usual, but I was somehow in a brown-beige mood!

Then I made a vintage style postcard, for which I covered a postcard with an old book page, distressed with the same colours as before, and stamped the background with the *sandwich man* from scrollswork before adding the umbrella men, cut from an old book cover, and a sentiment.

Then I found some scraps of one of my old newspapers from 1899, collaged two tags with print and adverts. The first one is showing a free-and-easy SUBSTITUTE for a corset, looks like a real piece of freedom!

This one is an advert for Müller's invalid stout, which is being shown as a wonderful means to help you put on weight, and especially recommended for re-convalescent people and nursing mothers! Times change!

And I want to share another three pics from my walk today. The first one shows the tower in Church Close that I showed on Saturday from the other side. Now you can see just how wonky it is. But as it has been standing there for about 800 years, it doesn't seem to be dangerous. And the other 2 show a beautiful old wooden cart, standing at a stable just down the road. Unfortunately the owners are just letting it rot - such a pity!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Dang Valerie, you scared me! Thought I had lost a day until I remembered you are 7 hours ahead of me and it's already Monday there.
    I have a question......
    Where does Aunt Cissie get her money? She sure spends a lot!:}
    Nice to get caught back up on all your beautiful creations. Love, love, LOVE the gorgeous scarves!!!!!!!!!
    Big ole hugzzzzz!
    Love Narda

  2. Nice tags, you've changed colour schemes! These feel 'rainy'... 1899 newspaper!

    That tower does look lean.

  3. Love the photos, pity about the old cart! I love your tags, too, you are back to grungy! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Really enjoyed your post today (not that I don't every day!) .. your tags are gorgeous. The one with the 'sandwich man' in the background is my fave. Love what you did with the little birds too and the photographs are stunning. The last one of the old card is especially pleasing I think .. really caught the essence. Yes, I agree - pity about the cart - we would of course be rebuilding it! Take care of yourself and have fun today. hugs, Donna

  5. Your tags are gorgeous.. And I really enjoyed seeing your photos.. Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Great vintage makes today Valerie, love the 'mellow' colour scheme! Have a good Monday. xx

  7. Morning Valerie. Loving these tags! Fab photos. What a shame about the cart. Don't get doing too much housework at once. Your health is more important.
    Regards Florence xx

  8. Lovely, lovely art work and photos.
    Had to laugh at the stout advert..when I was pregnant over 20 years ago Guinness was still recommended for nursing mothers...times do indeed change!
    Hugs xx

  9. Wonderful work! They are all great! I think the house shaped one is my favorite!

  10. Terrific tags and thank you for sharing those great pictures. x

  11. Tag are beautiful and I love your photos! :)

  12. Wonderful tags, love the colours. The photos are beautiful, shame the old card is just left to break up.
    Yvonne x

  13. Hi Valerie! LOVE the Umbrella Man, of course!.. And so funny about the stout. None for me, thank you! Beautiful pictures, but yes what a shame to see something neglected and rotting, like you say. I love old things, and the stories they must hold, whatever they may be! I was so happy yesterday to get back an old sewing machine I sold to someone years ago, in great need of the money then, but she offered it back to me as she was moving to a new home! I may post it on my blog soon, we'll see; and it's definitely old and battered looking, but I ADORE it! What a blessing to have it back again!.. Have a great day! ((hugs)) ~tina

  14. Loving your use of the printed pages they look brilliant and loving your photos they are always very interesting x

  15. The umbrella man and sandwich man are perfect companions.
    You do have to chuckle at those vintage ads!

  16. TAGS . . . some of your best Valerie. I liked all of them.

    Photos are always welcomed and that poor wagon -- what a terrific picture.


  17. Love your newest tags, So artsy! Great photos too!
    Hugs Lynn

  18. Lovely art work as always I love the Bird and umbrella man tags very wow the broken cart very artistic ;0)Dxx

  19. Your tags are stunning Valerie. I like your "browns" they are gorgeous. Love your pictures too.

  20. Beautiful creations! You must be so happy to be home and amidst all your stash... I don't know how you kept up so well on the road. Very impressive!

  21. Beautiful tags Valerie, I love your browns, and your photographs are so atmospheric x

  22. I LOVE the tags- you have really out done yourself! Happy Monday!

  23. Hi Valerie, what a lovely post today. Your tags are the tops as usual. Love each and every one, they are so diff.
    Love that pic of the old wagon, shame it is just standing there rotting, I see great potential but I am not about to fly to Germany to adopt it. Too bad, it looks like I could get a nice sketch from it tho.
    Take care and thanks for dropping by.

  24. what a great day for a visit--art AND photos!!!! pity the wagon but it makes for a great photo!

  25. Hi Valeri, love the tags and the great news paper cutting ones that corset looks really painful especially if you have had a couple of those stouts !!!Gorgeous photos shame about the cart though !


  26. Whatever turn you take you do create such inspiration! Love the photos..such an inexpensive bit of holiday you give us. The cart..oh it makes me weep (even though it makes an artsy photo). If I could just figure out how to get it back to Canada, I know I could talk the DH into a cart 'napping rescue mission!


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