
Friday 9 March 2012

Auntie Cissie at the Doctor's

Today it's time for another double party - Darcy's postcard challenge and PPF, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin. It's Week 52 over at PPF, so birthday time! Big thanks and congrats to Eva and Kristin for making it happen!

For week 10 of the Postcard Challenge our journey is leading us to Canada.

Cissie at the Doctor's!

Poor Cissie has not been at all well for a couple of weeks; she gets out of breath when she goes up the stairs, and has even been off her food, which for her is a very disturbing sign. Jason decides to drive her to the doctor's, who discovers that her blood pressure is too high, and he tells her she is overweight! 'Overweight!?' she asks the doctor igdignantly! 'I am not OVERWEIGHT!! I have big bones, and the figure to go with it'. Jason looks at his feet during this conversation. Then the doctor tries again: 'Perhaps you should just try to eat a little less, and healthy foods, like fish!' Auntie Cissie splutters indignantly, 'I eat fish every day, a double portion, with a few chips, and here and there a few crumbs of cake....Jason, tell him I eat like a BIRD!!! Jason and the doc both have the same thought, but don't dare to speak it: 'A bird? A VULTURE more likely!'
Anyway, the doctor advises Cissie not to fly to Canada, as she was planning, but to stay home, eat lightly and go swimming or do some light excercises.
As Cissie has already booked her flight by a rather notorious cheap Air Company, whose motto seems to be *Fly or Die*, she can't get a refund, and decides that Jason will have to fly to Victoria. He doesn't need much persuading! But Auntie Cissie impresses on him how important it is to behave and dress correctly when in FOREIGN PARTS, as she says. Over a giant portion of fish and chips she tells Jason to dress decently and get himself a haircut before he flies!
Jason goes to his fave punk hairdresser in Brixton, and has his hair cut and styled. He buys a matching pullover, and boards the plane at Heathrow. Everybody looks at him, and the stewardesses all smile every time they bring him his drinks. After landing in Victoria BC, he gets stopped by two men who explain they are from Narcotics Control, and want to test him for drugs....But they soon decide that he is just a bit drunk, but otherwise harmless.
'Another stupid Brit', they say as they watch him go.

Jason loves Victoria, and soon makes friends there. They take trips to the Rockies, and see some wonderful places, but as usual, the pubs and bars of Victoria are the best places for him. But for some reason, he vehemently refuses to visit Chinatown, mumbling something about having had bad experiences in China.
Here is the postcard he sends to Auntie Cissie:

Let's hope that Auntie Cissie will soon be well enough for her next journey....

For PPF I am sharing the last of the paintings I did in Bad Honnef, which I also gave to one of the therapists as a present. And he really seemed to like it! The Hebrew writing along the edge says *The tree of the knowledge of good and evil*

Here I am settling in well at home, taking plenty of time, and doing things slowly by slowly.
Okay, that's all for today. Here's wishing you all a great day, take care and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Hi Val, lovely work again. That Jason is a silly b*gger! Love the painting, too. Have a nice day, Hugs, Sarah

  2. I bet it's SO LOVELY to be back home, Valerie.

    Jason't hair is very, errrrr, unusual!! No wonder he attracted such attention!

    Poor Aunt Cissie, she'll struggle with the smaller portions. She'll probably just eat more cake!


  3. Oh dear Aunt Cissie will need to loose weight soon otherwise the amount she eats she'll be taking up two seats on the plane!

    Glad you are taking things slowly.....

    Have a restful weekend


  4. Great postcard Valerie, I'm loving daft Jason's hairdo! Another wonderful painting too. Have a good day. Take care. Suze xx

  5. Loving the new postcard story, especially the bit about eating like a bird.........brill
    Smashing painting for PPF. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  6. Love Jason's Canadian tee shirt! great painting - no wonder he liked it. have fun today, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  7. The story is getting better and better and I do love the little figure at the bottom of that painting... just lovely xx

  8. I really enjoyed reading about Jason and Cissie and it really made me smile. Fabulous story Valerie.
    Gorgeous painting too. love all the textures on there.
    Have a good day.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Love your canada postcard! And those gren backgrounds are just perfect. :)

  10. Hooray- my weekly check in with Jason and Aunt Cissie- great postcard! I LOVE the way you did those mountains behind him! And another wonderful painting too- I think the way you did the Hebrew writing is beautifully done and you eyes are gorgeous!

  11. Jason looks so happy in Victoria. Glad he could make use of the tickets. Hope Cissie takes the doctor's advice on board but somehow I doubt it! Wonderful postcard, love the newsprint peaks.

    Janet xx

  12. Oh my gosh... Jason rocks! But what will Aunt Cissie make of him when the card reaches her? I have a feeling this is even worse to her bloodpressure than the small bites of food her and there! LOL

  13. I think I flew on the same airline as Jason using Aunt Cissie's ticket. He has a great hair stylist! Thanks for sharing their travels with us!

  14. I must've missed one of your posts as I didn't realise you had been ill? Hope you are on the mend now. I think your cissie and jason stories are hilarious - you've got a great imagination - you should write children's books!

    The green piece is fantastic - I think that might be my favourite piece of yours so far - the man with the brolly in sheet music is brilliant!

  15. Poor Aunt Cissie! But lucky Jason to take her trip. It's a wonderful bright card!

  16. Poor Aunt Cissie! But lucky Jason to take her trip. It's a wonderful bright card!

  17. Are you making a journal about Cissie and Jason?

  18. i am loving the texture and the little guy with the umbrella at the bottom of the piece - great work!
    sorry to hear about Aunt cissie!

  19. Love the continuing saga, Cissie is a law to herself. Jason's haircut is fantastic.
    Your painting is fabulous.

  20. Lovely postcard and painting today Valerie. I think I probably east like Aunt Cissie, more like a vulture, lol.

  21. I had a good chuckle from your narrative. As always you work is fantastic! :-)

  22. Your story and postcard were a delightful addition to my morning! Wonderful work as always! I'm envious of your painting and wish I could create like that.

  23. Love the Postcard, very fun in spite of the trip to the doctor's.

  24. Aunt Cassie will be fine as long as she follows the doctor's instruction. I like Jason and did he have pink streaks in his hair. tee hee. Great pages as always. I'm happy to hear that you are sounding a lot better and taking it easy. You are a great gal. Take care of yourself.

  25. Reading about Aunt Cissie makes me laugh! Great postcard. Your painting is fabulous! I love the colors.
    Happy PPF Anniversary! Helen @ Natures Walk

  26. Poor Aunt Cissie missing a trip of a lifetime to beautiful Canada.

    In the meantime Jason is having a blast causing Aunt cissie more distress when she receives his card.

    LOVE YOUR STORIES, VALERIE. And your final blue and green pages are lovely too.


  27. I do hope Aunt Cissie will be well enough to travel soon, blood pressure is a tricky thing! Lovely to see Jason in his woolly hat! Mx

  28. ...and I was so looking forward to seeing aunt Cissie maul a Mountie lol Nice link back to the China episode though :D XXX

  29. I can understand how looks can be deceiving for poor Jason being pulled by the drugs squad. Aunt Cissie never fails to make me smile. Good potcard too. Caz

  30. What a fabulous painting and gift - I'm sure he loved it! I continue to enjoy the postcard journey - so creative! Thanks for the visit.

  31. Love Jason's hair !!! Excellent story as always.
    Did you visit the Birkenstock shop in Bad Honnef ? I had a blast there a couple of years ago !!! A xx

  32. Cute story!

    I like your colour scheme for your PPF work!

  33. Always such fun to visit your blog!
    So much creativity!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  34. Love Jason's pullover...such style! he knows how to have fun everywhere he goes...'the queen has two jobs' is priceless...hope aunt cissie gets healthy soon! aloha.

  35. I truly love your Bad Honnef paintings! I bet he was thrilled with the gift! Happy PPF!

  36. Valerie, you have created a pair for the ages with Cissie and Jason. Their adventures always give me smile. So funny that Aunt Cissie considers Canada a foreign land.

    Love the final version of the green paintings. It's so great that you gave it to your therapist.

  37. What a wonderful gift to give, lovely painting! :]
    The postcard is great too.
    Happy Friday... welcome home! ((hugs))

  38. So creative and fun! 'Love colors, layers and texture in the Bad Honnef painting.

  39. LOL! Even as a Canadian, I have never seen a hair cut like that! Closest was Kate's Canada Day hat when she and Prince William came to visit. Great pieces.

  40. what a fun postcard, love your storyline..great hair cut!!

  41. Gosh! I sure do love the green one....with all those bold color choices and stripey-ness (it could be a word....haha)! Really catches the eye! Looks like a few have been caught there already :)

    It really is stunning!

  42. Fabulous postcard Valerie, and your picture is amazing. I bet your are really glad to be home x

  43. Bet you're pleased to be home..
    Great storyline developing here and love the maple-leaf hair!
    That picture is wonderful..
    Hugs xx

  44. Hi Val,

    Aunt Cissie is a blast, just too funny ; )
    I cracked up when I read Poor auntie is thought of more like a Vulture than bird eater.Hubby looked across the room at me and wondered what the heck I was reading. loved the story and the PPF painting is wonderful..
    Take care Val and have a very lovely week xxx

  45. Hee hee! I thought EVA would get a good chuckle out of this one! Ha!

    I love the way you incorporate bits of book pages in your art :)


  46. love that canadian hair do!! happy PPF!

  47. Fun post ~ story and post card very creative ~ namaste ^_^

  48. Fantastic art work Valerie, I love them and I so enjoyed the Cissie story made me laugh. Hugs Sandra X

  49. Glad the maple leaf was used in his hair and not somewhere else- love your storyline.

  50. Cool postcard and wonderful painting! I love how you have the music notes in the man with the umbrella. The colors and textures are gorgeous!!!Excellent work!!!Deb

  51. I just love this PPF painting. It is really striking!

  52. Fab card, I love his punk 'do'. Just love Auntie too

  53. This pair are such fun, that hair style is something else. Love your other work too. Hope you are taking care of yourself.
    Jen x

  54. What a fun post! Love your stories of Cissie and Jason!

    That painting is amazing! Love all the detail and the colors!

    Happy (late) PPF!

  55. Yum, fish and chips! Great story! I love all the back story!

  56. Gorgeous painting! Of course he was thrilled to receive it! Love that vibrant green!

    Poor Cissie... She's in denial! ;). Love this story. It gets better every week! And glad to hear you are getting settled at home.

    Hugs to you!

  57. You are a wonderful story teller and artist! I love both the postcard and the wonderful greens and blues of the painting for your doctor.

  58. I've been so drowned in work just lately, I haven't had the chance to tell you that I met Jason during his sojourn in Victoria!

    Well I didn't really "meet" him more like I witnessed him being here. It isn't everyday that our visitors so take to wearing the Canadian red & white and maple leaf.

    He was also clearly taken with visiting all of our pubs and spirit serving establishments. Then "resting up" between by hanging about the statue of Queen Victoria on the lawn of the parliament building. I am sure many other visitors got charming pictures of this!

    It's too bad that he didn't appear to have properly rested up before trying to board the ferry over to Washington state. I did think the Customs Agents were a bit rough dragging him back down the ramp! That would have been a nice additional excursion.

    Nice catching up with you!! LOL


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