
Friday 17 February 2012

Auntie Cissie, Jason & PPF

Hi everybody, it's Friday again which means it's time for Darcy's Postcard Challenge, week 7 and PPF, hosted by Eva and Kristin, week 49.

This week it's Aunt Cissie's turn to take a journey, and she's in Wales, visiting an old school friend....

Auntie Cissie had a good laugh with her friend Thelma about Jason being silly enough to think he could buy Mannekin Pis in Brussels, but as she held tight to his credit card, he couldn’t buy it, and that was the end of the story.
This week she is visiting Sadie, an old school friend, who married a Welsh man and moved to Prestatyn many years ago. While Cissie was clearing out her cupboard she found a pile of old postcards, some of which had been sent from different towns by Sadie. She is most impressed by a vintage card from Aberystwyth, and is sure that she read somewhere that the outfit the lady is wearing was the national dress of Wales.

So she decides to ask her dressmaker to sew her a jacket just like the one in the postcard, and finds a matching hat in her fave colours to boot.
She is, as usual, rather worried about the food, as she has heard that the Welsh eat Laverbread, made with seaweed, and she is sure that seaweed does not have enough calories in it to support her! She feels better when she reads that they make very good cheeses and that lamb os often served. But as she likes to be on the safe side, she packs 2 large loaves, a pound of butter, 2 pots of jam, a home-made fruitcake and a good selection of sweets and chocolates into her case, and Jason brings her to Victoria bus-station, where she boards the coach for Wales. The driver nearly collapses as he lifts her case, and shouts *Bloody ‘ell, my ‘ernia!*. After Jason and the driver have a cup of tea to steady their nerves again, Jason waves goodbye, and is not really sad to see Cissie disappearing for a week.
Here is the card she sends to Jason:

Here is the text for those who can't read Auntie C's handwriting....

Dear Jason, arrived safely in Prestatyn after a strenuous drive. Lucky I had a few nibbles in my bag for the journey! Prestatyn is a lovely sea-side town, with plenty of cafés, several fish and chip shops and a McDonald’s. Yesterday we took the train from Llanberis to the top of Snowdon. Such beautiful views! We took smoked salmon sandwiches and cream cakes. Afterwards we visited Conway Castle, very impressive. We had fish and chips for lunch. Not bad, but nothing to sing about, although the restaurant was called the *Minstrel’s rest*.Sadie has got very fat and old; I hardly recognised her! Love, Auntie Cissie.PS. My outfit has really caused a stir here!

More next week, I'm looking forward to Monday to see where Jason will be going!

I didn't get round to painting anything for PPF this week, so I am showing a painting I did last week in my *art group* with some ladies here. The background has been scraped on with a plastic card, and the Umbrella men have been painted with black paint using the die-cut waste as a template. Then I added rings using a loo roll, and some rub-ons which have been flying around in my stash for years.

Thanks to all who left me nice messages or sent mails this week, I do appreciate it very much! Have a great day you all, take care and thanks for looking by!


  1. Hi Val,
    love Cissie's story again! Hope you are feeling better! Hugs, Sarah

  2. ha ha .. you have such great characters on the go and LOVE the painting! Take care and be well. hugs, Donna

  3. Wow, Aunt Cissie's looking fabulous in her pink suit! Have a nice restful weekend Valerie, take care. Suze xx

  4. Aunt Cissie seems to be having a good time in Wales somewhere I visit very often as it is close to me,can imagine the stir her outfit made rofl!!


  5. Loving Cissie and all her travel stories. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  6. Another great instalment - Cissie is such a hoot!
    Love the page too.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. glad you are feeling somewhat better...enjoy the weekend.

  7. Love Cissi's strong sense of fashion, she's looking very glam this week. Fun story! M

  8. Aunt Cissie's postcards obsessed with food are hilarious! I love that she got an outfit made to match the old fashioned postcard as well!

  9. Love Cissies pink suit this week! Just loving reading the story every week and finding out what Cissie has been up to!! You are such a great story teller x Great vintage postcards as well x

  10. Fun creation and great story ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy PPF ^_^

  11. Keep those postcards coming because they are such a treat for a Friday.

  12. LOVE your story, so fun and your journal page is just brilliant.

  13. Just now, maybe because of the pink suit, I saw her triple chin... Oh my gosh, I'm all alone here and laughing so loud my dog started barking!!! :)
    See you next week! :)

  14. & the jacket turned out very well. I understand as I too "worry" about what I'm gonna eat on my travels to other countries <3

  15. Love Aunt Sissie's blue rinse!!!!

    Love your umbrella man stamp:)

    Have a great weekend... can not believe Friday has come around again so quickly.


  16. I am so enjoying Aunt Cissie's travels..."Bloody 'ell, my hernia"! Lol! Good job on your painting too, I love when you do your umbrella guys!
    PPF Hugs,
    P.S. I'm so glad that you seem to be feeling better today!

  17. Love the continuing story, Cissie looks very fetching in her new outfit. bet Jason was glad when he got her on the coach. Super page again
    Have a good weekend, take care.
    Yvonne x

  18. Your Postcards and Art are fun. Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook
    Happy Horse Studio

  19. Oh look so fetching in that outfit. It makes you look slim! (tee hee)

  20. Fun story and neat card! Have a fantastic weekend Valerie! ;-)

  21. The postcard is wonderful! And I love the umbrella men. :)

  22. Poor Jason, he just wanted to buy something! Maybe Jason will find something special to buy next week. Thanks for sharing their journey.

  23. Cissie will wow them in Prestatyn in that outfit! Super postcard and photo of Cissie and a most amusing story of her visit. She is really and adventurer.

    Janet xx

  24. Great post. It's always fun to hear of Cissie's adventures. And what an outfit that is!

  25. Jason may be relieved for his rest from her,, but we totally love your character, her funny ways and your art. And, oh, my, Conway Castle- I am pretty sure that is the castle I was inspired by even though there was no name on the picture I saw! What a coincidence, and my bookseller longing for his pizza means he is thinking about food on his travels, too. I think they would get a kick out of each other. I would love to meet her and share a NY pizza and some laughs.

  26. What a riot! That so reminded me of a great aunt who would pack a "proper picknic" for a barbeque and it ALWAYS incluced pots of jams and butter in a pound block! Good memories!

  27. Loving this Valerie, your story is so cleverly written! Beautiful postcard and journal pages too.

  28. Another great installment of the story! That Cissie is my kind of gal. I'd love to have a seamstress copy outfits from antique postcards.

    Love the painting from your art group.The colors in the background really set off the umbrella men.

  29. What a wonderful story.. And I love seeing your creations look amazing..

    Hugs, Linda

  30. What a wonderful pink creation Cissie is wearing. She does have fun that lady. Great postcard and such fun.
    Jen x
    p.s love your umbrella men.

  31. love the story val, well done for having such a good imagination, lol..

    love the colours you used in your painting class, well done..

    maria xx

  32. great photo of the 'national dress of Wales'
    Now Cissie is dressed 'tres chic' looking forward to what she gets next week. aloha.

  33. love the vintage card..and wow at Cissie's new outfit, very snazzy..

  34. Okay, I love the expression, "nothing to sing about." You know, I wonder how many countries use this expression? Ha!
    I love your story and card. I would like to have that jacket sewn for me too.
    She is looking so bright and happy on that card! Bravo, Val! xo

  35. Okay, I love the expression, "nothing to sing about." You know, I wonder how many countries use this expression? Ha!
    I love your story and card. I would like to have that jacket sewn for me too.
    She is looking so bright and happy on that card! Bravo, Val! xo

  36. Aunt Cissie is one busy lady who knows what she likes to eat. It is obvious we all love the postcards, Valerie.

    Terrific stories to boot!


  37. Fun the story! Happy Friday!

  38. Aunt Cissie is looking mighty spiffy in her new coat!

  39. what a fun series!! And love the silhouette umbrella men - happy PPF!

  40. Lovely PPF painting and I do love your stories, you make the food sound so delicious, among other things!

  41. Hi Valerie. Great fun! Fab work as always. Enjoy your weekend.
    Take Care,
    Florence x

  42. Great to read about Aunt Cissie, Valerie!

    Have a super weekend.

  43. What a fun story! And I love the painting, so whimsical and creative, super colorful and FUN!!!!

  44. What a hoot! Love your postcards, they are such fun. x

  45. Oh, I remember all those places! And the cream teas. :D
    Cissy would be a terrific travel companion.

  46. Love yr Cissie story today!Great postcard my dear!

  47. You really are a great storyteller Val love the places Cissie is visiting too. Hope you're feeling better today. x

  48. I LOVE that you have an art group there! What a wonderful blue piece! AND I love the silhouettes! And your Auntie C is so Fabulous! xoxoxo

  49. Haha...still want to go on holiday with aunt cissie :D Love her attitude to life, such a wonderful self image lol :D XXX

  50. Cissie is so dashing!!! Who would love to travel with such a jewel :0)

  51. I would love to travel with Aunt Cissie! She carries great snacks in her bag and is no slave to fashion!

  52. love it cannot wait for Aunt Cissie story next week x

  53. Aunt Cissie is a sweet heart and she seems to know all the most loveliest of places to visit and we must not forget about that comfort food reminding us home sweet home. Adore the tales Val, enjoying them very much.
    Take care xxx

  54. I like the umbrellas and the way you made the rain, it is a lovely painting. Blessings, Janet PPF

  55. You really must publish these wonderful stories with aunt Cissie and maybe she should write a travel guide. As I am a greedy piglet and plan all of my holidays around food i would dearly love aunt Cissie to give me some pointers.



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