
Wednesday 11 January 2012

A Snow Tag

Hi everybody, good morning again from Bad Honnef! Had a busy day yesterday with the lots of exams in the morning, and then a little walk through the town in the afternoon, followed by some crafting - yoohoo! I had 3 days where I didn't get sticky and painty, now I feel more normal! I made a tag for the second snow challenge over at Tag Tuesday, this time the theme is snow games. I painted the tag with pearl blue acrylic paint, which has a lovely shimmer, and then made *snowballs* on it using the nozzle of the paint bottle. I heated it to make it *snap, crackle and pop* and the snowballs stand out. I added some lace for curtains, and a window frame, and a snowman from a very ancient Christmas card I dug out. Then I added a row of pearl ribbon for some *ice* on the window ledge, and that was it.

In the evening I worked on my journal pages, and I hope to get them finished today.

Thanks for all the good wished you left me yesterday, they cheered me up no end!

Take care you all, have a good day, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely tag Val! Hope you have settled in well. Here the kids are all sick again - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Had to pop in befor I went to bed to see what you did today. Howwwwwww Cuteeeeeee!
    Nite nite!

  3. What amazes me is that you had a piece of an old lace curtain with you - your car must have been packed to the rafters! Love the little snow man - He's gorgeous! Glad you got some paint, glue and crafty stuff all over you, you have once again become recognizable. :o) Can't wait to see the journal pages. Take care, Valerie .. thinking of you. hugs, Donna

  4. Valerie, have you taken a heat gun into the hospital - you'll be setting off the smoke alarms! Love your little snowman tag and I hope you manage some crafty time today. Take care and big hugs, thinking of you. Suze xx

  5. Love your tag Valerie - you're obviously enjoying the challenges as much as I am. :)
    Glad you got in some crafty time.
    Hope today isn't too bad for you.
    Hugs xx

  6. Morning Valerie. Great to see you are settling in and have found time to craft. Lovely tag.
    Hugs Florence x

  7. Hi Valerie, glad to read you are nack crafting, the car must have been like the Tardis when you were packing. Its a super tag, love the snow.
    Take care, hugs Yvonne x

  8. Hi Val, loving your wonderful tag and Susie's too! I would love to join in (when I can) where can I find this Tag Tuesday site, have tried googling, but not having much luck. Do you have the link?
    Glad you're getting out and about, and ofcourse still crafting too!
    Suzie xxx :)

  9. Am so sorry, never realised you were in hospital Valerie. Hope everything is OK. x

  10. Good Morning Valerie
    Sorry I was unable to visit you yesterday but hope today will be a good day for you. So wonderful you have your creative supplies with you.
    Love your tag and sending my wishes to you.
    Lynne x

  11. Gorgeous tag, Valerie!

    Glad you're able to get some crafting done. Take care and hugs to you :)

  12. Love your snow man tag. He's so cute and a good idea to get started on those christmas tags. x

  13. You snowman is GREAT- and I love the "snow flakes" and the window sill too- beautiful!
    Keep the good spirits- you have many who are send good thoughts your way, myself included....
    BIG ((((((HUGS)))))

  14. Lovely tag ~ very pretty ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ^_^

  15. Wishing you a speedy recovery ~ and lots of hugs ~ Carol ^_^

  16. So glad you were able to craft..and get out for a bit of a walk, too! Your tag is very cute!

  17. Love this snow tag! All the snow here was gone in just a few hours but your tag brings back the pleasant memory! :-)

  18. Goodness Valerie how did you decide what to take and what to leave ! as Donna says lace curtain !!! Fab tag and quite cheery too your snow person is delightful. Glad you find time to craft.

    Take care


  19. This tag is so happy and bright, makes me sure you are feeling good. I am glad you are getting a chance to see some sights and still able to craft. Keep up your strength dear one!

  20. Very nice tag Valerie and glad you are able to do what you love even while you are having medical tests done. You are a brave woman. Thinking of you, take care.

  21. lovely tag val, good luck with your journal pages and hope all goes well at the hossie..

    maria xx

  22. Adorable tag! I especially like the "ice" on the window ledge.

  23. Sounds like you had a lot of fun Val. This tag is darn cute.
    Been thinking about doing this Tag Tuesday, looks like a lot of fun.
    Take care.

  24. Oh wow.. This is really cute Valerie!.. But WHO'S doing Tag Tuesday now???? I used to participate, but thought the event was over. Is someone else running it now? ~tina

  25. Oooh, so glad you got an art fix! I bet we'd all love to know what counted as a must-pack on your art supply list!

  26. Hi Valerie, catching up and was surprised to read you are in Bad Honnef for some treatment. Prayers and good wishes while you are there. I love the photos you took of the town and really look forward to more of the area.

    I had to laugh when I read how you stuffed your car with crafting supplies. When our group goes on retreat we take everything but the kitchen sink and most goes unused. But you never know what you might need. Your latest journal pages are delightful and I like your happy snowman tag.

    Be a creative patient and the nurses will want to join a class or two while you're on location and may just extend your treatments so they can take advantage of your talents.

    BIG HUG,
    Carolyn S


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