
Friday 20 January 2012

Paint Party Friday and Postcard Challenge week 3

Hi everybody. Another week has fled by, and I have just managed to get my postcard finished on time! Two *parties* at the same time, that's great - Paint Party Friday no. 45, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, Week no. 3, where our destination this week is Brazil....

Auntie Cissie’s best friend Thelma – well, one of her best friends – had planned a trip to Brazil. Unfortunately, she slipped over on a banana skin while leaving her favourite bakery in Whitechapel, so Cissie bought the ticket off her for a good price, packed her case, and got ready to fly. She was not completely convinced that a land so far away would be suitable to guarantee her enough food, and was rather worried about all the foreigners living there. Jason told her gently on the phone, *Don’t worry, dear; they are all very hospitable, and when you go there, you will be the foreigner*. Auntie Cissie told him, *Don’t be silly, Jason. I’M BRITISH! British are NOT foreigners!* Jason decided not to argue further, and gave Cissie a large box of chocolates to eat on the plane in case she got hungry. As she rather tearfully waved goodbye, she called out, *I will probably look like a skeleton when I come back*. Jason just waved, while thinking to himself, *Not bloody likely!* And then he drove back home thinking about which of his girl friends to ask over for the evening.

Aunt Cissie is very relieved to find that the food is wonderful, that there are huge portions, and that she will not starve there….. She is also pleasantly surprised that her bikini causes such a stir on the beach, and enjoys the winks and sly smiles of the men and the astonished stares of the ladies, which she takes for envious looks. She FEELS good, and that’s all that matters to her! Here is her postcard sent to Jason. Auntie Cissie has had her photograph taken in front of a sparkly Brazilian flag, and sporting her new bikini. As fate would have it, the Brazilian post issued a special stamp with cup-cakes on it, probably in honour of Auntie Cissie.

The postcard has been painted with acrylics onto water-colour paper, and glittered with stickles. I haven't decorated the album page yet, but hope to get it done for tomorrrow!

I have also managed to finish my WIP from earlier in the week.

I am really looking forward to the weekend, as we have no treatments then, can sleep longer and paint more!! I am really knocked out just now!
Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for dropping in!


  1. Hello, just a quick visit before going to work! Am loving your Chrissie and Jason advantures, rather fancy Chrissie has put on weight since week 1 LOL

    Have a love relaxing week-end XOXO Zoe

  2. Your postcard challenge is very finnY I'm lovin' the storyline - I'm sure she did cause a stir on the beach wearing her bikini!

    Have a lovely restful weekend.


  3. Oh what fun!!
    Postcards look great :]
    Rest up and take care... happy painting. *hugs*

  4. One of these days she won't fit on the plane back home!! Love reading these - so funny!

    I haven't done my Brazil card yet... best get a move on!!

  5. Hilarious! Love your postcard. x

  6. Just love the colourful (to say the least) characters! A great story and such a fun postcard. Enjoy yourself this weekend. Rest and have fun. xoDonna

  7. I love Aunt Cissie, she looks great on her postcard. A xx

  8. Great story. Love your pages they are great colours x

  9. Love the postcard, made me smile, so glad Cidsue didn't starve, a girl had to work hard to maintain an ample figure ;)

  10. Damn spell corrector Cissie......

  11. Such fun, great postcard and love Cissie, her attitude makes me laugh.
    Jen x

  12. Terrific story and postcard. Loving your completed page for PPF. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  13. Hi Valerie. What fun! Loved reading about Cissie's adventure. Fab artwork. Have a great weekend.
    Regards Florence x

  14. Fabulous postcard and story, Valerie! Love your paint pic too :) Have a restful weekend!

  15. Well doesn't Aunt Cissie look fabulous in her fuschia pink bikini and I love the sparkles. Hope you've had a good day and enjoy your relaxing weekend. Take care. Suze xx

  16. Post card and story are terrific and fun! Love the last painting for PPF ~ enjoy the weekend ~~ namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey) ~ Happy PPF

  17. Fabulous postcard and I just love your story Valerie...made me chuckle!
    And the finished journal page is gorgeous!
    Have a lovely, lazy,crafty weekend.
    Hugs xx

  18. Do you think Cissie wants to be my aunt too? I love her! ♥
    Great postcard and your story brings me smiling into my weekend! :)

  19. Gorgeous journal page and I do so love the the postcard and story. Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Aunt Cissie - what a doll! Lovely postcard and gorgeous bikini. I am sure she will find a man in Brazil, probably a sailor. See, I am writing your story already! Fab postcard.

    Janet xx

  21. Aunt Cissie is a hoot. "I'm not a foreigner, I'm British!" Your postcards and characters are priceless.

  22. What a wonderful woman your Cissie is, I realy feel sorry for Jason. The story is fantastic. Love the postcard and of course your pages. Enjoy your weekend
    hugs Yvonne x

  23. Have a lovely crafty weekend Valerie :) Aunt Cissie is a hoot lol she sure has a lot for others to be jealous of tehe
    Von xxx

  24. Hahahaha....! Am really enjoying your postcard and Auntie Cissie would get on just fine :D XXX

  25. brilliant! loveyour story and who wouldn't want a cupcake stamp in honour of them??! yum!! M

  26. Great story, postcard, it all! :-) Have a great weekend!

  27. I am loving the continuation of your story- Aunt Cissie treally gets around, lol! I love the colors of your painting as well- beautiful work as always.

  28. I love the story of the postcard, very clever. I can just imagine the stir Aunt Cissie caused in her bikini. :)
    I hope you get rested this weekend.
    Happy PFF!

  29. Love your postcard and the story that goes with it. Tee hee. Aunt Cissie sounds like fun. Great work. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Your postcard story and the paintings are wonderful. I got all wrapped up in the saga of Cissie.

  31. Valerie, your post card stories are so entertaining. Cissie is a kick!

    Very nice painting too!

    Have a creative weekend with lots of naps.


  32. The PostCard art and stories are fun and I love the colors in your current WIP.
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook/HappyHorseStudio

  33. fabulous! great image, and your tales of Cissie really make me chuckle.

  34. I do hope Aunt Cissie receives enough support from her bikini, it's all looking terribly borderline ( rather than bikini line) in terms of containment!


  35. I love Aunt Cissie, of course she looks delightful in her bikini. A terrific postcard. Looking forward to next week's adventure. Maybe she may go skinny dipping somewhere? Caz

  36. what a fun postcard challenge! I was really drawn into your story. And lovely job on the completed WIP!

  37. Hot pink bikinis seem like a lovely way to start the day...LOL. Wonderful postcards! ~Happy Paint Party Friday! #56 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  38. hahahaha totally brilliant story, love the bikini LOL
    can not wait to see what happens next time with this one :)

  39. Wonderful! Love the postcard! Love the story! What a great post. :)

    Happy PPF!

  40. great card and story! cannot wait to see what happens next! x

  41. Great postcard and story!

    "British are not foreigners!" LOL - what a line!

  42. Your card and your story are an absolute hoot xxx

  43. Congratulations on a prolific week and meeting your art deadlines! :)
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  44. I think your faces in your journal are my favorite part of your posts - love seeing them!

  45. These are wonderful!Super fun!!!Deb

  46. great story...nice

  47. hahaha , what a great story and fun postcard!
    hugs Lynn

  48. Love the postcard (and Aunt Cissie!)!

  49. Hi Valerie, I think you should make aunt Cissie into a comic strip so we can read and see her adventures. Love bikini can you find out where she got it !

    Take it easy my friend thinking about you.


  50. I just love seeing your creations.. These all look amazing..

    Hugs, Linda

  51. Aunt Cissie is a delight. Love her new bikini and she has such confidence. Love her rosy cheeks and grey hair and your line drawing. Cupcake stamp so fun.

  52. I LOVE Aunt Cissie.. She is delightful. She is very glam in her new bikini..

  53. Fun and funny! Hard to wait until next week for Aunt Cissie's next adventure! (Clever use of cupcakes!)

  54. Ha ha if she can go in a bikini I can too! Lovely all round.

  55. <3 the post card is just so fun!!!


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