
Friday 6 January 2012

Paint Party Friday #43 & A New Challenge

Today is the first PPF in this year, thanks again to Eva and Kristin for continuing to host it. Today I would like to share my journal pages and a colour splodge-and-smear painting.
The journal pages should have been something completely different, but once again, they just seemed to develop of their own accord! I used pen and ink, water-colour pencils, flower rub-ons and some other bits and bobs.

The painting was done some time back, but I can't remember if I showed it or not. It's been painted with tempera colours, splodged on in several layers, sprayed with water, allowed to drip, and then some of the drips were outlined with black ink. I find things like this enormously therapeutic, just pure fun!

I am also taking part in the Postcard Challenge over at *Art and Sole* blog. The challenge is inspired by the Griffin and Sabine Series of books by Nick Bantock. For the challenge we get a different prompt each week. We have to make a story round 2 characters. In one week, A writes to B, and in the second week B to A. The prompt this week is Austria, so the postcard this week has to come from there. But first let me introduce you to my characters:

Auntie Cissie is an overweight, elderly lady, who loves going on coach tours with her friends. She adores sightseeing, especially visiting all the good restaurants and sampling the local specialities. She lives in London, in a house built between a Jewish Delicatessen take-away and a fish and chip shop run by a family of friendly Pakistanis, who are famous for giving huge portions.... Her favourite colours are pink, blue and lilac.

Her Address is Mrs Cissie Brautman, 222 Brickwall Lane, Whitechapel, London E1

She writes to her nephew, Jason, who runs an antique shop in Lewisham, South London. He lives in a flat above the shop, does not really have a clue about antiques, but is sure that he will one day make his fortune by finding a very valuable painting or piece of furniture….He travels round hoping to find a lost Picasso.

His address is Mr Jason Shmitt, 576 Wetwell Lane, Lewisham, London
S E 27

At the beginning of my story, they have not yet seen each other. Cissie’s sister emigrated many years back, settled in Australia, and went so far into the outback that she lost touch with the rest of the family in London. Cissie learns from a friend, who has bought some furniture from Jason, of the existence of her nephew, and that he lives in London. She is overjoyed to finally find a part of her family, and sends him the first postcard.

And here they are:

This week, Cissie is touring in Austria with her friends, where she goes, as always, from café to café, from meal to meal.... Here is the first postcard, the album will follow next week!

I had great fun creating the characters, making the postcard and writing the first part of the story. I am looking forward to getting the next prompt for the coming week, and to see where the journey will take us....

Have a great day you all, thanks for visiting, and take good care of yourselves!


  1. Well, I have enjoyed meeting Cissie and hearing about all the tasty things she has sampled in Austria... Yum!!

    This looks like it will be a delightful story. Will Cissie keep growing rounder and rounder? Will Jason find his Picasso? We'll have to tune in again next week to find out...

  2. mhhhh
    mozart balls,


    great card, interesting story,


  3. What fun Cissie and Jason will be - they are already developing into lovely little characters. I like how you've put Cissie in front of the Austrian scenery :o)


  4. Lovely characters, Cissie and Jason!! Anf great artwork!

  5. WOW, this looks like great fun---and I love your characters and your story!!! xo Cindy

  6. Squeal! I adore that you did portraits of them, and that you put her on the card, fabulous!!!

  7. Well, I'm in love with Aunt Cissie already ... anyone who loves Mozart Balls is already a friend. Your drippy painting is wonderful, like the colours very much, and as always your journal is intriguing. Have a great day Valerie. hugs, Donna

  8. Haha, I love Aunt Cissie! :) And great faces in the journal. :)

  9. Great stuff, look forward to seeing more of Cissie and Jason's travels. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  10. ROFL your postcard and background story are brilliant going to enjoy following the journey XOXO Zoe

  11. Valarie!! Love your character Cissie :D Sounds like I'd love joining her on her tour of the cafes of the world nomnomnom :D XXX

  12. What a fun story! I can tell it will be a joy to follow Cissie's travels. Great postcard!

  13. Wow Valerie, you've given us so much today. Great journal pages - even though she has a sad face - her hair is fab! Colourful splodgy painting is stunning and as for Cissie and Jason, I can't wait to read the next installment. Aunt Cissie looks like a bundle of fun! xx

  14. Just adoring Aunt Cissie already!!!! Fab idea and looking forward to future adventures!

  15. Love the portraits! Food, travel, antiques ... oh my.

  16. So creative! I can't take my eyes off the spiky zentangly hair on the first face... WOW do I love her.

  17. Looking forward to reading about Cissie and Jason, she is going to be quite I charactor. Love the journa page, amazing hairstyle.
    Yvonne x

  18. Amazing Valerie, so many beautiful pieces and love your postcard story!

  19. I LOVE your two faces of ladies and your background piece is gorgeous, Valerie!

    Art & Soul sounds like a super fun challenge. Fabulous story and postcard. Look forward to more :)

  20. I just loved your story and the postcard. Your imagination knows no bounds. It sounds like a fun project and I love the abstract painting too. I can see Cissie in it with the Alps in the background. Cant wait for next week's episode!! XX

  21. Oh, I love the layers of color in that one purple and blue piece! So gorgeous!

  22. I saw this challenge out there too and considered it, but I have too many already so I'm glad you're participating and I can live vicariously through your travels!

    Love that abstract! Happy 2012.

  23. I am blown away by all you have created! I am looking forward to following the travels of Jason and Auntie Cissie!

  24. What wonderful characters! Cissie certainly does love her food doesn't she? I felt quite hungry when I read the postcard!!lol
    Can't wait for the next instalment!
    Have a good weekend Valerie.
    Hugs xx

  25. Fun creations and fun characters ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  26. Sounds like a great story already Valerie. Your characters look like fun. Look forward to the next reading. Thanks for the smile on my face.

  27. Love that you have drawn out your characters :)

  28. I would love to travel with Aunt Cissie visiting all the local cafes. Great story.

  29. To fabulous for its own good LOL.
    Love the characters love the art.
    So wish I was taking part in this. Seemed too bit a commitment but I REALLY want to do this!!!!

  30. Love Aunt Cissie already can't wait to see what adventures she gets up to !! A xx

  31. Oh my gosh a story teller too! Amazing -- you came up with a charming and catching story for your postcard. Your characters are unique and fun, especially Aunt Cissie, the travel diva.


  32. Lots to enjoy here today! Aunt Cissie and Jason story and pix are adorable. My favorite on your post is the purplish/blue drippy painting. I have a similar technique on my blog that I did yesterday. It isn't my PPF entry but the posting prior to it. Keep up the great work! Faye

  33. Love that abstract painting...I see a couple of faces in it, big surprise, there, hmmm?

    Jason and Aunt Cissie are adorable, it will be fun to see their postcards fly back and forth.

  34. I love the black and white doodles you've done in the hair in these first pictures.

    I heard about this project from Natasha May as she's doing it too - it sounds like fun and I love the story of Aunt Cissie and her nephew Jason! Great characters and I love that she eats her way around the world!

  35. Lovely painting and what a fun postcard! Happy PPF #4 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  36. really well done looks great..its fun to see all the different cards everywhere..

  37. I have also really enjoyed meeting the characters and the story is delightful. Can't wait for the next episode!

  38. Looks like Jason and Cissie are in for a fun time :)but I really love the face with a lot on her mind :)
    Have a good weekend
    Von xxx

  39. love the characters val and love the story...

    I look forward to seeing how it develops...

    maria xx

  40. Oh WOW, where to begin.....I love all the journal entries you've been doing. Especially the colors you used on her face, great fun! I also LOVE your splotchy drippy painting- gorgeous, all my favorite colors1 And Griffin and Sabine- one of my all time favorite series of books! I loved your take on it....I'll have to check that blog out.
    PPF Hugs,
    P.S. I'm so glad to be visiting my bloggy friends, I have to give you another hug!

  41. Great journal pages and the 'play' painting is amazing with its vibrant colours.
    LOVE the characters you created for the story, looking forward to hearing the continuation.

  42. wow wow wow, so amazing and unique. Really loving these faces!!!

  43. The tempera colour piece was what I was drawn to the most this week. It's so vibrant!
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook/HappyHorseStudio

  44. Wow Val!!! You've been even busier than normal! Love the journal pages and the painting....and that post card story is going to keep us all coming back for more!!! Well done My Friend!!!!

  45. Fabulous introduction of your characters. Loving your artwork. I'll be visiting again to see how Jason and his Aunt Cissie get on. Caz

  46. loving your postcard challenge, the characters are very interesting and I love your art work on the postcard, cant wait to see your book and how the story develops :)

    Must just add that your dripping inky painting is beautiful, I love the free flowing organic nature it was done, every time I look at it I see something different that I didnt notice before, its one of those types of thing that you have to revisit again and again.

    Helen x

  47. Sounds like a fun challenge! Your characters sound very interesting. Looking forward to seeing more.

    Austria turned out great!

  48. Lovely as always!
    The postcard is so beautiful :]
    Also, the collage work you created for her head... LOVE IT!!! very clever.

  49. Wow, how fun, I love your postcards and characters and their stories!What a great idea!!! Happy 2012!!1Deb

  50. Love your introduction to your characters and your first postcard. Cissie looks as though she's having a great time. Looking forward to what comes next with everyone.

  51. ummm...these really should be in a magazine...consider Somerset Studio Gallery mag...really! You're so talented :)

  52. Great journal pages! I also love the postcard of Cissie in Austria... Very fun!


  53. Lovely postcard, and your character descriptions are very vivid. Love this!

  54. Hi, oooh I love your postcard and I'm really looking forward to getting to know your characters.
    Claire xx

  55. Love the patterns and textures in your paintings!! :)

    Happy New Year and
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  56. Looking forward to seeing their story develop...and the foods Cissie samples! x

  57. A great read as well as great art.
    I really enjoyed this post.

  58. Ohhh, I love that second portrait and all those bits in her hair. Wonderful!!

  59. Ohhh your postcard is just FAB !!!! love that you have painted them, how cool, great start to your story cant wait to see what happens in spain, PS love your other artwork too xxx

  60. I love the long-lost-family aspect of this story, and Aunt Cissie already seems like quite a character. I hope she keeps writing about the food! :)

  61. Unfortunately I could not see your postcards but found the story so interesting. Looking forward to the next part.

  62. Late joining in so playing catch up, great story line. Like the art work too.
    Jen x

  63. What a great imagination that can take you away, out of yourself to other personalities and places!

  64. I have enjoyed meeting AuntCissie and Jason. Your card is darling.


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