
Wednesday 18 January 2012

A busy day & a WIP

Yesterday I was in bed at 8p.m. I was so tired after my long day with different treatments, physiotherapy and GYMNASTICS, not to mention my little art class in the afternoon, that I couldn't stay up any longer.
Okay, first the GYMNASTICS! Err - well - yes. Now I know how a beetle feels when it's stranded on its back....I think we will leave this topic for the time being, I evidently need some training! So glad nobody I know was watching!!

We had a fun afternoon painting, using 2 shades of blue, white and green, and the ladies enjoyed themselves. We painted with loo rolls, sequin waste, and tooth-picks; later we drew faces or hands and adorned them. Next week we want to do some more. My piece is not finished, as I needed to help the others. The pics are really bad, sorry, but the light in my room is not good for taking photos in the evening.

The white tag is for my tag over at Tag Tuesday. I am not at all happy with it, but I was just tooooooooooooo tired in the evening to start again!

I am still having problems accessing some blogs, and on top of that, my USB internet stick is sometimes so slow it drives me mad, and I just don't get as much done as usual!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi VAL! I've been having trouble w/ some blogs too! urgh.
    I love what you have been working on. And I chuckled at your comparison to a beetle! :0) I think 8pm is a perfectly good time to crawl in bed! take care.

  2. Nice work Val, and how lovely to go to bed so early! Hugs, Sarah

  3. The background colours are lovely especially the zingy green. Glad the ladies enjoyed themselves. I'd be hopeless at gymnastics too. I'm too stechie (Stirling word for stiff) as my mother used to always say when I was little. x

  4. Better you than me in the gymnastics department ... my comparison would be more of an elephant on its back! They are tiring you out, however it must feel good to be able to sleep. Glad you had fun with the ladies ... so nice you are able to have a little group - they must be in love with you! hugs, Donna

  5. Morning Valerie. Fab artwork. Pleased to hear you had fun crafting with the ladies. "Beetle on its back"!! What are you like! lol!
    Take care
    Florence xx

  6. Sounds like you had a good day with the ladies, painting with so many fun things. Your tag is beautiful, sometimes I think we are to critical with our own work. As for the beetle, I had a good chuckle, think I might have been for a lie down straight after the class.
    Take care, Yvonne x

  7. Think I'll give the gymnastics a miss myself!
    Loving the art work - sounds as though everyone enjoyed the class too.
    Nothing wrong with your tag that I can see - it's your usual beautiful work.
    Hugs xx

  8. Loving the artwork and the fab tag. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it, x

  9. How could you not be happy with this tag?!!!!
    Sorry I've missed visiting for a few days but hope you are well and sending a Hello right your way.

  10. Oh, well, guess you won't be on the olympic gymnastic team this time round then! Love the lime green in your painting and your tag is beautiful. Hope you're having a good day. Take care. Suze xx

  11. What's wrong with the tag! Lovely all white and sparkly from here. I bet the rest of the craft group thinks they have died and gone to heaven with you there! "loo rolls and sequin waste" - took me a minute. Gymnastics!!! Have to say I would be wanting to just plain refuse! Beached whale would be a comparison from here LOL Hugs!

  12. Lovely tag - perfect for this week's theme. I really like your painting - what a cool background that would make.

    He he, beetle on its back - that made me giggle.


  13. nice work, I love your backgrounds.

  14. Oh my gosh Val, I didn't realize (hmmm.. or rmemeber????) there was a new Tag Tuesday group started again?!! I just signed up, and hope I get my "invitation" soon! LOVE your beautiful tag!.. As for exercise, I miss the walk Dear Son and I go on in warmer weather, and I know he misses them too. I admit I have some exercise equipment around the house but I don't get them out nearly as often as I should. Perhaps I should hang up the larger bathing suit I had to buy this year (Do I sound bitter?) in a prominent place, for incentive? It might be a very good idea! ha! ha!... Hope you're feeling better soon! ~tina

  15. I think both your white tag and your painted piece look amazing!

  16. Me too! You can't make anything that is not awesome! Sounds like you needed the rest, sometimes it's good, I hope you rested well.

  17. Oh Val, sounds like it is more of a workout than a rest. I hope all the therapy and treatments will be in the long run worth their while. Don't over do it.
    Never was into gymnastics and can't imagine it at my age. LOL
    Your artwork is refreshing and I am sure enjoying it with the ladies is a lot of fun.
    Sounds like you needed that rest.
    Take care of yourself.

  18. You must be fit to even think of doing workouts Val!! I can understand you're tired too. Hope tomorrow is easier. BTW I love the tag. xxx

  19. What is a work out? To me it is lifting my cup of coffee to my mouth! Lovely work as always!

  20. Valerie, you "sound" tired in your post. Tomorrow will be a better day if you aren't too stiff. I know if I was doing gymnastics I wouldn't be able to crawl out of bed in the morning.

    I like your painting! I bet it was fun painting with others which you don't get to do too often. And, the ladies are learning some tricks from you as well.

    There is not a thing wrong with your tag either.

    Soft hugs today,


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