
Friday 16 December 2011

Paint Party Friday Week # 40

Good morning you all, another week has sped by; Christmas is nearly upon us, we have only two weeks left till the year is over, and it's PPF again, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.
I didn't have much time for painting this week, as I needed to do mounds of washing (wonder who makes everything dirty?), make several visits to the dentist, and complete a lot of other projects that I need now. My *Smash Book* is finished, looks good, even if I say it myself, and seems to be related to me - it's got very fat around the middle - now that everything is in it. I have made it a *belly-binder* out of green striped ribbon to hold it all together.

But back to PPF. I started painting a picture of the lunar eclipse which we had here on December 10th, I have used acrylics, water colours and pastels. I am not happy with it yet, so will continue work on it next week. The photo is definitely better!

And this is a picture which I have been working on here and there for the past couple of weeks. It has been painted on Anna Griffin paper, then stamped, and has some dry gel transfers added. I think I will leave it as it is now.

That's all for today! I am off to the dentist now, hopefully for the final,and absolutely final visit this year - more about it tomorrow! Have a good day, take care of yourselves, and thanks a lot for dropping in!


  1. Hi Val, Lovely work again, love that moon! Have a good day, and good luck at the dentist's! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Val,
    I love these and adore the colors!!!! So beautiful! and good luck at the dentist's...I'm still in so much pain--it has not gone away yet...Wishing you a quick and easy visit!!! xo Cindy

  3. Your moon picture is very moody and filled with atmosphere. love the gold on your second. Good luck at the Dentist. x

  4. I think your lunar eclipse painting has a lot of character and atmosphere. I will bow to your decision it needs more work and await to see the final submission. Love your next painting too .. so much of interest to look at. hugs, Donna

  5. Hi Valerie. Wonderful creations. Love them both. Hope all goes well at the dentist. Have a lovely weekend.
    Regards Florence xx

  6. Eclipse is looking great! Love your second one. Those skulls are awesome!

  7. more and more lovely work, hope the dentist is finally done with you so that you can chew again. XOXO Zoe

  8. Love your paintings! The moon is so fascinating isn't it? Happy PPF!

  9. Also love the character snowman in your header!

  10. To my I love the night landscape, has high quality paint. Un abrazo

  11. Gorgeous work, Valerie! Love those eyes :)

  12. So glad you could squeeze in a bit of painting in between dentist visits. Love the sky in the eclipse painting. Wow! Faye

  13. I think the eclipse is coming along great. I missed it so now it won't be for another 3 years. Love the eyes on the second piece. Very nicely done. Thanks, take care.

  14. I think your eclipse painting coming along beautifully! Love all the silhouetted trees. The new collage piece is great too.

  15. Beautiful painting Valerie and your Anna Griffin pic is fab - lots of spying eyes! Enjoy the rest of your Friday. xx

  16. Your paintings are looking great! Love all the detail in the second piece. And the colors! Lovely!

    Good luck with the dentist and Happy PPF!

  17. Lovely work Valerie and a great photo of the eclipse.
    Hope the dentist visit wasn't too painful.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs xx

  18. I find the skulls peering out of your painting quite intriguing! ~Happy Paint Party Friday! #40 Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  19. Your MOON painting is nice and that second work is very intriguing. Happy PPF!

  20. Very dynamic creations ~ especially the 2nd one ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey)

  21. there aren't too many days left in the year so hopefully this is your last visit for the year to the dentist! I love your painting.

  22. oh, I am loving this second piece. Very cool!

  23. owwhhhh sorry about the dentist. However, your art is awesome. Both so different but I see you in each.

  24. Beautiful! That face peeking through is lovely, especially her funky lips.

  25. Both are wonderful!
    Very ambitious and amazing that you are painting the lunar eclipse!

    Hope all goes well at the dentist...went last week myself. :)

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  26. lovely work....happy holidays and PPF!!!

  27. Wonderful pieces, love your painting. Hope all went well at the dentist.
    Yvonne x

  28. Great WIP and love your painting Valerie, enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  29. Beautiful the fave! :)

  30. YOur eclipse painting is wonderfully atmospheric - great job.

  31. I'm late catching up with the paint party!! Your workis beautiful, such detail in the last work wow. Love that eye!!

  32. Superb work, those little skeletons are cute (does that sound wrong haha ) xx

  33. Ooh, I love the green eye in the bottom of that last picture! Really beautiful work - love all the colors and the composition, xo

  34. I love the lunar eclipse painting so far! I think it looks wonderful! Your second painting is awesome. Loving what you've got going on there. :-)

  35. I love your eclipse landscape. I have always been attracted to paintings with a moon in them..I think it's a primal woman thing! LOL. Your other art piece is like a delicious puzzle, I keep discovering things hidden here and there.


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