
Sunday 25 December 2011

More Journal Pages

Holiday time is a difficult time to be alone, so the past couple of days were rather sad. Well, at least I didn't have to cook for anyone, and could spend my days crafting as always....
I hate to do this to you again, but once again a song has crept into my work - *Pictures of Matchstick men* - from Status Quo, which has been going round in my head for days; now it will surely do the same for you! And for those of you who have perhaps forgotten how it goes, here it is:

I have used predominantly grey in the pages, more or less matching my mood. The pictures and images have been printed in black and white; some have been applied as dry transfers, as I like the rather ragged look this gives. Others have been collaged,and mixed with some London images. As a kid I used to call the guards *matchstick men* - perhaps because they always stood so still and straight. I have used two TH die cuts, the dress form, which has been *Stamped* using the *waste* from the die-cut, and the umbrella man.

Here's wishing you all a good day. Take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Val, lovely work again, sorry you are a bit down. I am still enjoying the quiet, the kids aren't up yet, hope they sleep a bit longer! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh such emotional depth to those journal pages. They are actually very beautiful visually and very cleverly done. Hope you feel a little more up today. Create something wonderful and take care of YOU. hugs, Donna

  3. Morning Val,

    I absolutely love these journaling pages, so full of emotion, they really are wonderful. Some lovely photos of you too, such a beautiful little girl.
    Thank you for sharing.

    I'm sorry Christmas has not been so good for you Val, I know you are not alone, it can be a very loney time for many. I hope that feeling passes soon, and that you enjoy good things. I'm glad you kept busy, and created something beautiful, which you have shared with all of us.
    Sending hugs, and thank you for always being so inspiring.
    Suzie xxx :)

  4. Good Morning Val sorry you are feeling a bit below par, this time of year can be difficult for us singletons. As always your pages are expressive, love the idea of the Guards being matchstick men LOL

    Hope the weather if goo with you today and you are able to loose yourself in your crafting XOXO Zoe

  5. Hi Valerie, love your journal pages especially accompanied by Status Quo ! The grey tones suit the images perfectly. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.


  6. Valerie, I absolutely love these pages. Even though they're 'grey' and you're feeling a bit down, they really reflect some happy times you've had. Love what you've done with the mannequins tpp. Sending hugs. Suze xx

  7. Beautiful 'grey' pages. Soon you'll get back to your regular routine!

  8. I love your journal pages, Valerie!! Come back over--I got the next installment made of the gifts!!!

  9. You are masterful at creating journaling pages. Be of good cheer this holiday season, my cyber friend and happy new year!

  10. Sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit sad - I can understand why. The good news is that normal service will soon be resumed, hurrah!

    I saw Status Quo in concert a few years back, they were great fun :o)

    Your journal pages really catch a mood, I really like the rough grey background - they match the tone of the subject perfectly.


  11. Fabulous journal pages love the grey tones which make the images pop, sorry you have been feeling low holiday times can be very trying for lots of us for many will be back to normal soon!!
    Matchstick men is one of my fav Quo songs now I'm humming it and will be all day.... will have to play CD later....
    Hope your spirits have risen today happy crafting
    Maggie x

  12. Love it, Valerie. :]
    I can "feel" these pages... that is art. *hugs*

  13. Love this funky mix of people and faces. Your hand drawn yellow gal is such a great contrast, as is Umbrella Man in al his glory taking it in. Love it!

  14. I love your matchstick men pages Val. So sorry you were on your own too on Christmas Day. Apart from church in the morning I was here too, but too exhausted to post much. xx Lets hope 2012 is kinder to both of us eh?


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