
Monday 19 December 2011

More little notebooks....

Good morning you all. Hope you are all more or less finished with your holiday preparations, and not in too much stress just now! I overslept today, didn't wake up till 10.15!
I went into my notebook workshop again today, and managed five little blue and white ones, and spent the rest of the day sorting photos and watching TV.
The notebooks have been made with some double sided cardstock, one side in dark blue, with a lovely pearly shimmer, and the other side looks like watered silk. It doesn't how so well in the photos. Each book has a pocket inside the front cover with 2 tags. I left off all embellishments to make them easier to pop into a pocket or purse.

So, just a short post today, need to do a little bit of H*******k!
Have a good day, take care of yourselves, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. Lovely little notebooks, I have mailed you about buying some! Hugs, Sarah

  2. These are beautiful, Valerie! Wonderful to carry around in your purse!

  3. Those are just the cutest. They'd make perfect little gifts. :)

  4. Fabulous notebooks Val! Love the little pocket inside with the tags! Great gifts! Happy H****k! :)


  5. Morning Valerie. H.......k!!! he he! Fab little books. Have a lovely day.
    Regards Florence x

  6. Great books Valerie....Housework....are you ill?
    lol....... Wishing you a very Happy Christmas, x

  7. I really like them, Valerie. Very classy looking and great for the purse. Love the little tags on the front. hugs, Donna

  8. too cute and love how you have added pockets!

  9. Lovely little notebooks in cool winter colours!

  10. Beautiful little books, they will be so useful.
    Yvonne x
    p.s. Thankyou for the gorgeous Christmas tag and little booklet.

  11. Lovely little books ~ Seems you love making these! ~ Happy Holidays to you ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

  12. They are so pretty Valerie!
    Hope you try my cookie recipe :) I have one for breakfast everyday!
    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.

  13. Super little notebooks Valerie, great idea with the added pocket. Hope the H*K is all done and dusted! Enjoy your evening. xx

  14. Beautiful little notebooks. I am such a fan of notebooks, especially when handmade :)

  15. You are on a roll!!
    These are lovely :]
    Thank you for sharing...

  16. Fabulous note books Valerie I have made some simular they are always a useful gift.


  17. They are beautiful! You've done such a great job with them - I love the pockets and the front covers are already FAB!
    Thank you for your visit and I hope you and yours have a very merry Christmas, xoxo

  18. 10:15...sounds like me! ha!
    I am sooo in love with your notebooks! And, super excited to have one! lucky me!

  19. Such pretty little note books. They are lovely left as is. Merry Christmas x


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