
Wednesday 23 November 2011


Good morning everybody, hope you are all well. I feel better today than I did yesterday, although I still have a cough. Hope it soon goes away, it disrupts my crafting! Yesterday I didn't feel like doing much, so I just altered some notebooks, and finished off a maze-book I started the day before. And I have some Journal pages to share with you, although I think I still need to do some work on them. The maze book has been made from Kaisercraft paper again. I used beer mats covered in red metallic paper for the covers, added a die-cut bird and some holly-leaves for decoration, and some Christmas tags in the diagonal pockets.

The notebooks have been covered with different papers, and decorated with ribbon, lace, TH branch-trees, and vintage images. They are quick and easy to make, and will, I hope, make nice little presents.

And here are the journal pages, in which I have evidently been thinking about Christmas...

I am linking to AEDM at Creative Every Day.

And I have another joke from Narda:

Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted he didn't need my help to leave the hospital.
After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator.
On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him.
'I don't know,' he said. 'She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown.'

Have a good day you all, take care of yourselves, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Your books and notebooks are fab. Why is it called a 'maze' book? Love the clipping of 'the family' in your journal. I have a feeling in 1889, father's looked rather fed up most of the time. ha ha Take care today - glad you are feeling better. hugs, Donna

  2. Oh yes, that father looks rather p*ssed off- the whole family does! Great picture though! Love all the things you have made! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Darn! You're sick and you still manage to whip up so much creativiness. :) I wish I had your energy. Lovely work!

  4. Morning Valerie, great little festive books and love your bygone days pages. My how things have changed. Take care and make yourself some nice soothing drinks for your cough. xx

  5. Lovely books Valerie, they will make great gifts. What a happy family they were lol saying that in every photograph I have of my Grandad there is not one of him smiling, yet he was always happy in 'real life'. Hope you will be feeling better soon x

  6. Lovely pages Val, I love the bygone Christmas images, and great joke too! Hope you continue to feel better.
    Suzie xxx :)

  7. Hope your cough is better today. does not seem to have effected your crafting all seeing these Love the little book especially XOXO Zoe

  8. Lovin' your Christmas Journal pages! The little bird at the top is too "TWEET"! Have a beautiful day!

  9. Hope that cough clears up for you. Must confess - that with all the great creations here I'd never have known you were under the weather if you hadn't told. Christmas is on my mind too - so much that I have to keep myself focused on the current holiday - Thanksgiving. It's hard to do because I love love love Christmas - perhaps I'll do Thanksmas tomorrow....

  10. Such wonderful projects! I just love that little red book!

  11. Remarkable as always! From books to tags to journal pages, it's all SO good.

  12. Great crafts ~ very creative ~ Feel better soon! ~ Happy Thanksgiving. ~ namaste, Carol ~ (A Creative Harbor) (linked w/ WW)

  13. It's amazing how much you are able to accomplish in one day, Valerie! Absolutely gorgeous work :)

  14. omigod.

    i wrote you an email, but i go to spam, so i'm telling you here too.

    i flat out screwed up.
    i didn't add your portion of the story until just now.

    i just plain assumed that it would magically be cut and pasted to the proper spot on my blog simply by my wishing it so.

    i feel very very irresponsible and shitty. i am so sorry.
    it's up now, and i am so sorry. there's no harm because andrea hasn't done her part yet, (and she follows you) but still. i am really sorry.

    i will put up a big really apologetic blog post shortly.


  15. Hi Valerie. My word you have been busy. What a treat. Once again you have inspired so many idea. Thank you. Love the maze book. Fabulous journal pages. They are always so different and interesting.
    Take Care
    Florence x
    p.s. Loving the jokes.

  16. Wow, you have been busy everything is gorgeous. Another good joke as well. Hope you feel a bit better today.
    Yvonne x

  17. Lovely notebooks! It seems just yesterday you were doing Halloween journal pages! Nice change to the Xmas theme.

  18. Todays all look splendid! I wish I could be as creative as you are, these are all so beautiful today. Thanks for sharing another Narda joke too.

  19. You do more crafting while you are ill than I do when I'm well.....totally salute you Valerie, xx

  20. Cute maze book! The sequins on the front are a nice touch. ^.^

  21. You are so creative, love it!
    Every time I visit your blog... you have something sweet to share, thank you. *hugs*

  22. Love the books and pages... you're making such progress on the holidays. Hope you're feeling loads better pronto!

  23. Very pretty maze book and I love your altered notebooks.
    Great journal pages too.
    Hugs xx

  24. Hi Valerie, WOW all this when you're under the weather you put me to shame LOL Hope that cough clears up soon:0) The little maze book is beautiful, I'm not really sure I know what a maze book is:0) Is it made from folding a 12" by 12" page into threes and adding stiff ends?
    Three notebooks, beautifully done, a gorgeous Christmas double in your journal and a cracking joke from Narda, he he he a lovely visit Thanks, feel better soon, Hugs Gay xxx


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