
Wednesday 30 November 2011

It's Time Again...

Today I have to be sitting in the dentist's chair at 8am. Not usually a time for me to be out and about, but it can't be helped. Oh well, the sooner it starts the sooner it will be finished....

Yesterday the postie brought me two little parcels, One from Sandi in Canada and the other one from Cindy in the USA. Today I am sharing the contents of my Canadian one, the other one will be revealed tomorrow! Sandi sent some lovely papers, embellishments, vintage Christmas pictures and crepe paper printed with Xmas images, ephemera, including a wonderful hand-written page, and a domino-book with Halloween pictures. Sandi remembered that this is my all-time fave holiday! Thanks a lot Sandi, the first pieces have already been used today!

I bought a new art-journal from EBAY this week, and was looking for the right paper to cover it. And I found it in Sandi's parcel!

I hope to start working in it this afternoon, after the dentist; that is, if I am in a fit condition to do anything!
I started on my December Calendar spread yesterday, and hope to get that finished later on so that I will be ready for the first of the month.

I am linking again to AEDM at Creative Every Day. This is the last day of the month, which has been great fun, and a good incentive to get working every day!

Have a good day you all, take care of yourselves, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. oh My! Great package of goodies. We are both getting such fabulous mail! Lucky ducks are we. The paper Sandi sent and you used for your journal cover is fabulous ... elephants are a fave of mine. Look forward to seeing the rest of your goodies tomorrow and the calendar and the start of your journal. Good luck in the dentist chair! take care. hugs, Donna

  2. You received some lovely goodies in the post and I love your new journal cover. Good luck at the dentist.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Gorgeous stash new journal cover looks fab; good luck at the dentist!!!


  4. Oh what gorgeous goodies and I LOVE that elephant paper. Hope the D visit wasn't too bad and you're up to doing 'nice' things for the rest of the day. Take care. Suze xx

  5. Oh WOW, I love the elephant too!!! And I sure hope that all goes well at the dentist...The dentist is bad enough, but 8 a.m.? I don't "do" 8 a.m.!!! LOL

    I hope it all goes well and gets over quickly.
    Oh, and one more thing--I love your background...It's gorgeous!

  6. Sorry to hear your back in the dentist chair! Do hope all is well *hugs*
    What lovely goodies you received, mail art is so much fun!!
    Thank you for sharing all your "artfulness", makes me smile :]

  7. Lovely goodies in the post again, enjoy them! Sorry about the dentist. The elephant paper makes a wonderful book cover! Hugs, Sarah

  8. That is one happy box full of goodness!!!!! How perfect that you needed a cover for a new journal!

  9. Hi Valerie. What magnificent stash you have received. Love the elephant paper. So pleased to read you have bought a new journal. Hope the visit to the dentist went well.
    Regards Florence xx

  10. Sorry for the lack of comments lately Valerie, I'm only now catching up.
    I hope your dentist trip went well as you seem to have had such a lot of troubles of the dental sort lately.
    Lucky you to get those fabulous parcels too and the contents look amazing.
    All your artwork of the last week is awesome too.
    Fliss xx

  11. Beautiful gifts. Hope you are OK after the dentist Valerie. x

  12. I hope your dentist visit went well! AT least you have some great fun goodies to play with!

  13. What lovely presents you received ~ thanks for sharing ~ love your new journal ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ^_^

  14. Poor you having to go to the dentist again! Love your new journal! Hugs, Barb

  15. Ohh hope you got on ok at the dentist Val and I love all the wonderful goodies you received today. xx

  16. Lucky you to have wonderful goodies to unwrap.
    See you in December!

  17. Hope things go well at the dentist! Exciting to receive lovely stuff in the mail from thoughtful friends!

  18. Lovely goodies. Hope you are recovered from the Dentist visit.
    Yvonne x

  19. I'm thinking I know the Sandi you got these goodies from. What wonderful items! Thanks for following my blog!

  20. A very exciting parcel of goodies indeed!! Can't wait to see what you do with all of the great "stuff" !

  21. Oh, no...not that darn dentist again! Another awesome stash of fun though to help get over the pain and suffering! LOL

  22. Oh! I hope the dentist went well, no fun! And such pretties! I absolutely adore those vintage holiday scenes with the children! I can't wait to see what you do with them.
    Thank you too for your sweet comment ;) xoox

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