
Sunday 6 November 2011

Happy Sunday!

Good morning everybody! I hope you have all slept well and have some good plans to enjoy your Sunday.
I am staying with a friend just now, but have my little Net-book here, so can still be online; I think it's an addiction!
The journal pages I am sharing with you today were made in the night from Friday to Saturday, as I couldn't sleep. Cutting and pasting and gessoing is such a calming activity. The music pages are once again from my old music book from 1900, and have been lightly dry-brushed with gesso, and then inked a bit. The pictures are all of me this time - except for the ballerina ! They show me in various stages between 1 year and 11. I realized while cutting and pasting them, that my hair was somehow always wispy and looked uncombed, and it is just the same today. No hairstyle keeps for more than a few minutes! Never mind, there are probably worse things! My journal is getting more and more difficult to photograph, as it is now so fat and bulgy - sounds like another description of me - that it won't lie flat! I am linking again to AEDM at Creative every Day

And here are some of the Xmas cards I made this week for my neighbour, although they are not my cup of tea again....

Okay, enough for one day. Hope you all have a great Sunday, whatever you are up to! Take care, and thanks for dropping in!


  1. No grass growing under your feet, Valerie. If you are busy during the day, it gets done at night. Love your journal ... It's so lovely you have all those beautiful photos .. and yes, you are beautiful! I'm sure your neighbour was pleased with the cards, they are lovely. Enjoy your day. hugs, Donna

  2. Lovely pages and cards, love all those old photos! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Good morning Valerie, Hope you're having fun, staying with your friend:0) Your journal is growing and looking magnificent, such memories within. I love these photographs they remind me of my youth and I love the fact that your hair is impossible to tame, Yay!!
    Your Christmas cards are lovely although as you say not your usual style, pretty nonetheless, Gay xxx

  4. Super pages Valerie, love the photos, you look very well groomed to me! Pretty cards too. Have a lovely Sunday, the sun is shining here and we've had our first frost this morning. xx

  5. Love the christmas cards, so original
    Lindsay xx

  6. Great journal memory pages, love your photos. The cards are beautiful as well
    Yvonne x

  7. Loving the pages Valerie...what memories.
    I like the cards too, particularly the first one..those two angels are favourites of mine..I have a print of them in my bedroom.
    Enjoy your day.
    Hugs xx

  8. Enjoy your time with your friend, hope you slept better last night. More lovely journal pages your hair looks perfectly groomed. XOXO Zoe

  9. Lovely creations, I love using old photos & ephemera too, thanks for sharing, much love Jennibellie x

  10. The journal pages are really interesting and haven't you been busy?

  11. Awww, you are a cutie, Valerie! Your Xmas cards are lovely.

    Have a fun day at your friends :)

  12. Love LOVE the journal!

    I can relate to your description of it too! *giggles* I've become quite "gourd shaped* myself.

  13. beautiful work today, I'm totally addicted to the internet, and you are a cutie from your photos. Beautiful smile there.

  14. wonderful journal pages and your cards are lovely! it's great that you are willing to create outside of your comfort zone.

  15. Love your picture pages and the little cherubs! So beautiful!

  16. The photos of you are wonderful!! What a great idea for your journal. Lovely cards too!

  17. You certainly have been busy! Love them all :)

  18. Happy Sunday to you too Val! Great journal pages! Love those photos of you! Lovely Christmas cards! Enjoy your week Val!

  19. Good evening Valerie, hope you are having fun with your friend. What a gorgeous young lady you where and your hair looks fine to me not like my rats tails ! Your journal is filling up quite nicely will we see it when it is completed ? The Christmas cards are lovely even if there not your style they do have the Valerie touch !


  20. Oh wow, I love your journal pages and the photos!! and your Christmas cards are beautiful! I hope you're having fun at your friend's house.

  21. Valerie they are gorgeous pages, you were such a cutie (I'm sure you still are)lol. Hope you sleep better tonight x


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