
Friday 14 October 2011

Paint Party Friday again

Good morning you all. We had another cold and frosty night here, followed by a typical Autumn morning mist, but it's supposed to be getting warmer over the weekend - sure hope so.

Yesterday I decided to paint an autumn spread in my journal for PPF, hosted my Eva and Kristin. I started off my spraying the background with different colours, dried it, and then sat down and wanted to start drawing some leaves. But then, without thinking what I was doing, I doodled round some of the drips from spraying, and it made a face. One thing led to another, and before I knew what I was really doing, I had sketched a whole sea of faces in black ink. I then coloured them with water colour pencils, and painted over them with water. Not quite what I had planned, but I had great fun with it. Sometimes it's good just to let your feelings take over.

And then while I had my journal out, I decided to make a collage. I found a load of ready cut pictures and photos and paper scraps while clearing up the day before, and so I used some of them. After sticking them onto the pages, I painted over them with some diluted gesso, and then wiped some of it off again. After it had dried I added a second layer of pictures and paper scraps, and a photo of my Mum with my older brothers and sisters during the war. The quotes were also a discovery from clearing the table. Anyway, I very much enjoy making collages just now, so all in all, I had a fun afternoon.

Here's wishing you all a great day. Hope you have time to pop over and visit some of the other *Party Guests*. Take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Such great creativity going on at your house! You little crowd is absolutely fascinating. I couldn't stop looking at all the different faces you conjured up. Super. Nice Collage ... you are on a roll. Enjoy your day. hugs, Donna

  2. Great pages so inspirational looks like you had a great afternoon

  3. Enjoyed seeing all your creative faces in the crowd! It's nice to just go with the artistic flow, isn't it? Have a great day & happy PPF!

  4. I love your journal pages especally the doodled crowd and the lovely colours.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Hi Val, lovely work again. My kids have just been chortling over the faces, saying *Looks like so and so* etc, we had fun! Have a good weekend, Hugs, Sarah

  6. Love your faces. It looks like you had fun drawing them. Lots of different characters. x Julie

  7. Really gorgeous Autumn pages Valerie and just love the collages. It's so lovely to find things that get hidden.
    Have a great day and enjoy your walk later on.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  8. I love how art can come out that's totally unexpected to what we planned!

  9. That page is so much fun! I love it when it happens so spontaniously. :)

  10. Great collage pages Valerie, I love buddhas, have quite a few of them around the house. Love your happy smiley faces too. Have a nice weekend. xx

  11. wonderful fun work. It is good to be back and seeing all the fun things that are happening.

  12. you've been so creative today, love how the faces just 'evolved'.

  13. Wow! Love the crowd of faces and your collages! Wonderfully creative! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF

  14. Hi
    I love those faces and also that image on the final Journal page is so touching.

  15. Such a great collection of faces - so much to take in! I love it when you let your mind wander and suddenly what you started out doing turns into something else entirely!
    Looks like you had a great day of creativity all round!

  16. Wow..these are all fabulous..gorgeous creations..and love the collages too..powerful and inspiring!

  17. Fabulous journal pages, Valerie! And your collages are so creative and interesting :)

  18. LOVE your sea of faces. What fun to come up with so many different ones.

  19. Well your sea of faces are certian't inspired they are awesome :)
    Von xxx

  20. Your faces are great Valerie. I do that sometimes, face after face after face. It's a release of sorts. I like your faces and collages. Take care.

  21. What beautiful journal pages. I like them, they are delightful. Although your blog is beautiful, I was unable to read your words because there was not enough contrast between them and the background.
    Happy PPF!!

  22. What a delightful journal page. I really like your sea of faces! Happy PPF!

  23. I love the faces in your journal. I sometimes do the same thing, only mine turn into flowers, not faces.

  24. love the faces val, well done at just going with the flow...

    maria xx

  25. All fantastic pages, I love the one with the crowd of faces. Yvonne x

  26. Those faces painted around the drips are brilliant! A very happy discovery!

  27. You have had a busy creative week from the look of it... I love it when you have weeks where the ideas flow like that xx

  28. Great journal!!! Love it when it all clicks!

  29. I love your sea of faces.Reminds me of a concert! And your collages are beautiful! I love the Buddhas, and the pic of you mom is precious! I copied down the quote too it's perfect!

  30. Oh my your faces are amazing!
    great quote today too.
    take care, gerri

  31. Fun sea of faces! The watercolor effect is lovely.

  32. these are all the faces!

  33. Love your doodled faces, how amazing! x

  34. Gosh what a lot of people you drew:0) Love the quotes and funny quips and beautiful collaged pages too, such a lot of creativity here, Hugs Gay xxx

  35. Very cool pages - the sea of faces is great!

  36. Yes! These little faces remind me of something that would be seen in the New York Post or something - just wonderful - love the beret! xoxo

  37. What fabulous journal pages!! I like your drawings!!

  38. Loved reading about how you just let the painting develop. I love reading about other artists and their process. :)

  39. Sorry I'm just now making the rounds! I LOVE your sea of faces- they are SO fun- and your collages are great too!

  40. I love your faces! It's so fun when a piece develops like that. And your collages are wonderful. Great work! You always inspire me. Big hug!

  41. Great pages, but all of those faces freak me out they look as if they are dissaproving of me haha x

  42. Enjoying your sense of humor and collage work Val! Party on!

  43. :) I love the faces, and how pages have a mind of their own sometimes, no matter what we intend.

  44. I like the colors and textures of your collage pages this week. Very nice. Happy PPF!

  45. I just love catching up on your blog, Valerie. You are so creative in so many different mediums. It's always a pleasure!

  46. I just love starting a journal page with nothing in mind. You discover something wonderful just like your painting. I love all those faces. What fun! And your collage is very nice also!! Happy PPF!


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