
Monday 3 October 2011

Monday and it's a holiday here....

In Germany it's the *Day of German Unity*, and the best thing about it is that it's a holiday. Not that it makes much difference for me since I retired, but it's nice long weekend for those who have to work.
Yesterday I woke up rather bad tempered after sleeping badly and having nightmares, so I worked like one possessed all day and got a lot done. Except for the H*******K, which is still patiently waiting its turn.
So what do I have to show you from my weekend labours? First of all, four altered notebooks, which will be winging their way to their recipients together with a few other little surprises when the post office opens again on Tuesday.

And here are the mail-art envelopes, made with a mixture of collage and stamping.

And I made some patchwork journal pages, just for the fun of it....

Well, I did do some more, but I think I had better keep the rest for another day.... But before I forget, Gisèle is doing a wonderful giveaway on her blog; click on the button on my sidebar or on the link and it will take you there!
Have a nice day you all, take care, and thanks for dropping by!


  1. Yes, Gisele is having a wonderful giveaway!! How beautiful, isn't it? And I love seeing all your art here--I miss it on my blog because of the seminar, so this is such a treat, Val!!!!

  2. Good morning to you Valerie, My my you've been a very busy lady, fabulous art here, I hope it helped :0) Your books look magnificent and I think your envelopes are marvellous, wonder what the postie will think? LOL Gay xxx
    p.s have a great day today xx

  3. Lovely work again Val, you have been going at it like crazy! Thanks for mailing me the instructions, I will go to the Euro shop and pick up some decorations and then we will have a ball! HUgs, Sarah

  4. Love the notebooks! They have such a lovely texture. And it would be so fun to get one of your envelopes in the mail. :)

  5. Oh dear, hope you slept better last night and are feeling a bit less grumpy today! Your notebooks are beautiful, I love those autumn leaves and great mail art. Enjoy the holiday. Suze xx

  6. Everything looks wonderful Valerie. Love the Autumn notebooks, a fabulous idea.
    The patchwork pages look gorgeous too and love the fashion theme (close to my heart as my daughter is studying for a fashion degree)
    Hope you're feeling less grumpy today!
    Have a good one.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. great stuff valerie love it all hugs donna

  8. What a productive day - sorry that it all came about as you weren't feeling too good, but what a great "cure"!
    Those journal pages are wonderful, love the notebooks and the mail art is awesome.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. hope today is better for you.:)
    I've finally run out of excuses and the "h" word is getting its' turn today.:(

  9. You have been busy! The notebooks are beautiful and super envelopes. Enjoy your day. x

  10. beautiful notebooks and journal pages, you're so creative!

  11. Good Morning busy lady! Loving your new pages, tags and envelope art...Happy Holiday! POP ART MINIS

  12. I love your method!You Have Turned Out Some Beautiful Art from it! And Exceptionally Awesome Mail Art As Always! Hugs,Tee

  13. Hi Valerie. Fabulous work. You've been eating those creative beans again! Lovely to see some more of your mail art. Hope you sleep better tonight.
    Regards Florence x

  14. Fabulous work, all around!!!

  15. What a fabulous collection of work Valerie, I love your mailart and the notebook is fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Hi Val, you have been a busy bee again! Lovely stuff! Hugs, Barb

  17. Wow you have been crafting like a little demon and everything looks fab. x

  18. Ooooh, so so so cool! I LOVE your journal pages and those pieces of mail art are Fabulous! I LOVE the B & W images with the rich images and colors - really great inspiration, thank you! xoxo

  19. Gosh you have been a busy bee. Fabulous pieces, the envelopes are great. I agree that h..... k should be last on the list, it is in my house. Yvonne x

  20. Love everything Val, love the mail art, very cool, is that part of Lenna's group? Too much fun you are having! lol, Hugs and thanks for stopping by! Marilou

  21. WOW! a fantastic "round-up" of art!
    So much inspiration, thank you for sharing.
    Really like your mail art envelopes :]
    Take care <3

  22. You aare the queen of texture. Loved the first couple of crads. The patchwork journal pages are awesome too! You have been a very busy artist. Love all you showed today.

  23. Sleeplessness becomes you !!!! fabulous pages and envelopes and love what you have written on the tag.Could you please stop hinting at the H ......k just the mere suggestion of it sends me into a dither and I don't need any more of that thank you very much !


  24. great notebooks and mail art! Don't you hate when bad dreams mess up your day! So strange how powerful they can be sometimes.

  25. My goodness woman you are a craft demon. Fab work x


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