
Saturday 8 October 2011

Happy Weekend!

Hi everybody, just a quickie today, as I am going to Bonn with a friend today for the opening of a new scrap and craft shop there; should be fun!

These are the journal pages I made yesterday. I seem to be fixed on playing patchwork with pieces of paper just now. For these ones I used two pages cut out of a home decoration magazine, which I cut into different sized rectangles and mixed with some white and gold paper scraps. I put some other cut outs on top, and the first verse of *Mack the Knife*, which seemed to fit...

And I have received the last of my postcards from Lenna's postcard swap, a beautiful card made by Lynda Roddy Ozzanto. Thanks Lynda!

Okay, that's all for now. Have a good Saturday, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Good Morning Valerie, Sounds like a day of fun is planned, I hope you have a fabulous time:0)
    Love your pages you are the master of collage, Gay xxx

  2. Hi Val, love your journal pages, and of course, the verse! Have a good day out, Hugs, Sarah

  3. Morning Valerie. Brilliant journal pages. Love your chest of drawers. Sorry I am catching up with your posts. Have a great day out.
    Regards Florence x

  4. Fun journal pages Valerie. Love the big bad fish. Nice postcard - it was a fun swap. Enjoy your day in Bonn. hugs, Donna

  5. Hope you enjoy your visit to Bonn, I bet you'll find lots of lovely goodies!

    I like how your journal pages have turned out and lucky you for your lovely mail art received.


  6. That's a lovely card you recevied. :) And great pages as well. Have a fun weekend. :)

  7. How exciting..a new craft shop! Hope you have a great time.
    Loving the journal pages and that song is one of my favourites.
    Fantastic postcard too.
    Enjoy today.
    Hugs xx

  8. Hi Valerie
    Thanks for sharing more art with us and enjoy your trip to Bonn.

  9. love your journal pages and hope you had a great time with your friend visiting the new craft shoppe :)

  10. Great pages, hope you have had a super day out at the new craft shop. Yvonne x

  11. Those journal pages are beyond striking. wonderful postcard too.

  12. Fabulous journal pages! Have a great time shopping at the new craft store!

  13. Nice journal pages and nice vintage looking postcard you received! Enjoy your time in Bonn, sounds so fun.

  14. Love these and you are right Mack the Knife is perfect. Have fun checking out the new shop.

  15. Great pages, and perfect words chosen to go with them!

    I love Lynda's postcard and its superb colours.

    Hope you enjoyed your day out in Bonn!


  16. Hi Val,

    I hope it actually WAS fun visiting the new scrap and craft shop here in Bonn :-) It was great to get to know you, your friend and (of cource) Emily. Thank you for coming.

    I'm going to explore your blog now. Have a nice evening!

  17. These postcards are fantastic, what fun!
    I really like the one created by Lynda 'down by the sea" :]

  18. Great images! Hope you had fun at the new store. On second thought, I'm sure you did!

  19. Had fun looking again!!!!!!
    I love the old Myrtle Beach post card. That's the type of swim suit I need to be wearing !;0}

  20. Happy Weekend to you too...sorry it took me so long to pop by today! Always fun to see what you've been up to POP ART MINIS

  21. Lucky you to get such good swap great postcards ! Love your collages always so interesting and beautifully crated.



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