
Sunday 23 October 2011

Cold and sunny Sunday

It's another clear, windy and cold day here, after a very frosty night, and I have been watching the sunrise, something I never tire of. I wonder what it is that fascinates us all so much with sunrise and sunset?

Yesterday I worked on an altered box for the Just For Fun challenge, which was to alter something from the bedroom or sewing box. I found a rather battered square box with a nasty, water-stained blue covering. I covered the outside with scraps of some ancient books and some music sheets which have been decaying in my cupboards for years. I can't bear to throw them away, so I am using them bit by bit for different projects. I used mod-podge to fix the scraps, and then gave it a coat of diluted gesso after it had dried. The lovely, art-nouveau paper with the lyres which I used for the lining was an end paper from a music book from 1900. I have also mod-podged the inside, so that it will withstand some wear-and-tear. I covered the edges with TH tissue tape, and rubbed round them afterwards with some inka-gold. I painted the rim round the base of the box with gold-bronze paint. I have glued a tiny magnet into the front of the box and under the lining of the lid, and put a gold button on just for decoration. The top has been decorated with a paper-lace doiley cut into four, some paper daisies and a picture of Mona Lisa, with a metal frame. I will be using the box to store my *best* buttons - the mother of pearl ones.

Apart from that, I spent the rest of the day with my feet up, reading, drinking coffee & nibbling biscuits. In the evening I re-watched a DVD, *Nirgendwo in Afrika* (Nowhere in Africa) based on the novel by Stefanie Zweig. I love the book and the film, so it was a pleasant way to pass the time.

Hope you all have a good Sunday, whatever you are up to. Be good; if you can't be good, be careful, and thanks a lot for stopping by!


  1. This is lovely Valerie, the lining paper is gorgeous. Have a great day. Suze xx

  2. From trash to treasure as they say. Beautiful paper on the inside, Valerie. Your mother of pearl buttons are very spoiled and will adore their new home. hugs, Donna

  3. Lovely work Val, the box looks really beautiful now! Hugs, Sarah

  4. What a wonderful altered box!

    I live in the middle of the forest so trees obscure my view of sunrises and sunsets but I do love watching them every chance I get. I think it's the colors. Just a couple of weeks ago I've seen this amazing sunset when I was driving home. It was pink and turning to reds and purples and all sorts of colors. It was amazing. :)

  5. A really beautiful altered box Valerie. Love the decoration and tissue tape edging with the gorgeous paper.
    We have similar weather here although the sky was very rosy this morning at dawn.
    Off now as I've just found I've got ahead of myself DT work wise and have done next week by mistake so now off to do the right thing! Doh!
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. Now that's given it a new lease of life Valerie a great piece of up cycling from your boudoir and thank you for joining us this week at JFF
    Von xxx

  7. Love this box-so many nice things about it


  8. Hi
    What a stunning box. I love every aspect of it.

  9. Hi Valerie. Brilliant make over. The inside is as beautiful as the outside.
    Regards Florence x

  10. how cool! LOVING your new blog look! And your box is just lovely, I especially like the music paper around the great that your creativity can be used on all sorts of goodies :)
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!x

  11. I LOVE your altered box, Valerie! As usual, I've missed some of your lovely creations. Just starting to get up and running again :)

  12. Wow, an awesome alteration, its fabulous. yvonne x

  13. Beautiful box, Valerie! the lining is soo pretty!! hope you're enjoying the weekend :)

  14. that's a beautiful box, inside and out. And good question ... about sunrise and sunset.

  15. You have made a gorgeous box I love all the detail both inside and outside. Hugs Sandra XX

  16. Beautiful in every detail Val! Enjoy your day.

  17. Wow I love your altered box Val. Really hope your run of accidents is on the wane now. Just been catching up with last week's blog posts. Love all the work you've been putting up. Sorry I haven't replied to each one, it's a bit painful to spend long on the PC atm. xx

  18. Beautifully recycled box and wonderful way to use your papers. Perfect for your precious buttons. Thank you for sharing with us at Just for Fun XOXO

    Hope Sunday has been as relaxing as Saturday.

  19. This is beautiful Valerie, I love your lining paper. Your buttons will be lying very grandly in this x

  20. What a great project.... lovely and useful too:)


  21. Fabulous altered box, but that is a given! We have been cool in the morning, but warming in the afternoon! I do like this time of year! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

  22. Lovin' your posh new button box! Looks like you've been having fun. I like the idea of sitting with my feet up, reading, drinking coffee and nibbling biscuits, *sigh*!


  23. Wait till you're retired Jo - sooner or later the pleasures of old age will arrive at your doorstep!

  24. This is absolutely adorable-makes me think of Spring already!

  25. It's beautiful! Love the flowers and texture on top. Sounds like you had a very nice day.

  26. Lovely box today. Love yr new b;og header to. So scary...take care, gerri

  27. What a beautiful box you made! That's good you were able to save some of the music sheets and use them for other projects!

  28. This is absolutely stunning
    Lindsay xx

  29. Love your beautiful new box a buttons paradise `i would say and the paper inside the box is just delicious.


  30. A fabulous altered box Valerie, I love the paper inside.
    xxx Hazel.


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