
Friday 2 September 2011

Time for Paint Party Friday again

Good morning everybody. It's another PPF today, hosted by our Superwomen Eva and Kristin, so pop over there if you can and see what everybody is making.
I needed to do something calming before I went to the dentist's yesterday, and decided to finish off a painting which I started 3 years ago. I wanted to give it as a gift for the Jewish New year to some friends, but somehow never got it finished. And then I wanted to finish it the year after, but never made it on time. Last year I at least had an excuse for not getting it done, as I was in hospital for an operation. And now I have done it, although I may still alter a few things as I'm not quite happy with it, and it's still 4 weeks to the New Year celebration. It shows a stylised shofar - the ram's horn which is blown at New Year (Rosh Hashanah = *head of the Year*), painted in gold onto a blue background representing the sky. New Year is the holiday where the creation of the world is remembered, too, so I wrote the beginning of the first verse of the book of Genesis along the shofar, *In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was a formless void*. Then I painted more Hebrew letters randomly scattered with stars, planets, sun and moon. I will keep it where I can see it over the next few days, and then see if I have any other ideas. And the people I was originally painting it for have moved....I used gold and silver Edding pens to draw in the stars etc and do the writing, but the silver looks white here.

So, sorry if I have rambled on rather long, I just wanted to explain it....

Have a nice day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Val, lovely piece, great colours, and congrats on getting it finished! Hugs, Sarah

  2. This is wonderful! And such a thoughtful gift. :)

  3. Gorgeous Valerie. :)
    The man on my blog is Patrick Dempsey AKA "McDreamy"..he's in "Grey's Anatomy" on TV and several of my favourite films.
    Hugs xx

  4. Thanks for the info, I don't watch much on TV, must have missed him....I will have to switch on more often!

  5. Beautiful Valerie, the sky is fab, love the colours. Hope you're not aching too much after yesterday. Have a restful day! xx

  6. The colours are wonderful and I am glad you managed to finish the painting. I have a few kicking around that I need to finish too!

    Happy PPF

  7. The colours are wonderful and I am glad you managed to finish the painting. I have a few kicking around that I need to finish too!

    Happy PPF

  8. The colours are wonderful and I am glad you managed to finish the painting. I have a few kicking around that I need to finish too!

    Happy PPF

  9. Gorgeous, the sky is alive. did not know about the horn or Jewish New Year that you for explaining. Hope yesterday went OK and you are not suffering today. XOXO Zoe

  10. Hope you are resting up a bit after yesterday Valerie.
    Thank you for the info as never knew any of this. Great colours in your painting and am sure your friend will love it. Enjoy the weekend. Annette x

  11. And the time was NOW! Great painting and finished with time to spare1

  12. what a wonderful post, not too long at all.I enjoy when people teach me new things,, the painting is lovely and will be well recieved I just know it.

  13. Hi Valerie. I have had a sort of celestial project whizzing around my head for a while but the background has eluded me. Thanks for sharing this it has inspired lots of ideas. Your posts are always a joy to read and it is always interesting to know where your ideas come from.
    Have a great weekend.
    Regards Florence x

  14. This is a beautiful piece and what a wonderful gift for your friend. The Hebrew letters look great!

  15. Doesn't it feel great to finish something that has been languishing forever?

    Yes, especially good work on the Hebrew lettering.

  16. Awesome piece ~ something sacred about it ~ yet 'new age' also ~ friend will love it ~Thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  17. It always feels great to finish those works that we have set a side for a time. It's very creative. Happy PPF!

  18. thanks for explaining the meaning of your piece, it makes me appreciate it even more! Now you have 4 weeks to decide if you will give it to someone right in time for the Jewish New Year!

  19. Such a wonderful and meaningful painting - I'm so glad you were finally able to finish it and share it with all of us :)


  20. BEautiful, Valerie. Love the colours, the meaning and depth. Hebew script ... makes my heart go pitty pat .. so ancient, so fabulous to look at even though I don't understand any of it. It doesn't matter, it's like art in itself. A lovely gift. Enjoy your day, Valerie. hugs, Donna

  21. Great piece Valerie!. Love the sky and the meaning behind your piece. Thanks for explaining. Holds a lot of meaning. Great job! Have a great weekend, take care.

  22. What a great gift!!! It's a gift of the heart and those are the ones that really count ♫♥♫

  23. Lovely painting Val, I hope the dentist was good to you.

  24. Lovely piece, love that color combination. Hopefully dentist wasnt too bad. Hugs, Kim

  25. A beautiful painting of blue and will be a treasured gift for sure! Happy PPF! POP ART MINIS

  26. I LOVE the flow is this so beautiful AND meaningful. Wonderful work!

  27. Love your ramblings cant do without them ! Fantastic painting amazing colours.Hope all went well at the dentist yesterday.


  28. Love your painting and all the information. Hope you are recovered from the dentist. Yvonne x

  29. Another great painting!
    I sometimes find it difficult to work with gold and silver, you did a fantastic job. LOVE IT :]
    Happy Friday <3

  30. Well, I've learnt something new as I had no idea Jewish new year was in a few weeks time. I liked your post as it taught me something new and nicely explained the back story to your art work - which by the way is lovely and a very thoughtful gift!

  31. Oh Valerie,
    What a beautiful piece for the New Year!!! Absolutely beautiful and vibrant!!

  32. Valerie, this is beautiful!!! And I LOVE how you told the story behind it!!! Very , very magical!!!! Deb

  33. Love all the colors of the sky - so much movement and mix of dark and light. I always enjoy reading the story behind people's work - be it their motivation, inspiration or technique. Keep those stories coming!

  34. Hi Valerie, Oh yes I think you should paint more often too:0) These are wonderful, I love all the meaning behind the images and writing, Gay xxx

  35. Another lovely painting. The blues are gorgeous with the gold on top. x

  36. Again the colour combination is so striking. What impact!!!

  37. Oh my must have felt so fabulous to finish something after starting it 3 years ago. I love the vibrant blue!

  38. Beautiful and inspiring gorgeous, symbolic and spiritually uplifting! i am very drawn to brings me back to a time in my life when I was ill..and I began recieving visions and drawing symbols..(at the time I didnt know what they were)..and it took me on a wonderful journey of seeing them here in your beautiful painting sparks my heart! Gorgeous story behind the art and i enjoyed hearing about how this came to be!Very special!!
    Also wishing you well and hope you feel better!

  39. Beautiful! I love the colors. The symbols and their meaning make this painting even more wonderful. I LOVE this piece, Valerie! :)

  40. Thanks for the explanation! It's a beautiful piece.


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