
Saturday 27 August 2011

Weekend again!

Good morning you all! Saturday again, so I hope you all have some nice plans for the weekend.

Yesterday started off bright and sunny, and then every half hour or so it went dark, and it stormed and rained. A good day to stay home and craft! At midday we had a really strong storm, but it it only lasted five minutes and then blew over. Ir was enough to flood lots of roads and cellars again, some places were knee deep in water or hail-stones. I know it's not as bad as in the USA, so hope everybody there is keeping safe.

I made another canvas with scrunched up tissue yesterday, and kept it white on white, just tried to put lots of texture onto it. Usually I prefer doing things with more colour, but sometimes it's good just to try other things. I used different bits and bobs covered with gesso to build up the texture - tissue paper, flowers, a leaf, some string, lace, some snowflakes, cardboard, lace doilies, a felt heart and one of my heads. I don't mean one of MY heads, I only have one, I meant of course, one of the ones I made in a mould. Everything has been covered with several layers of gesso, so it's all hard as a rock and can't fall apart. I have made a second one, too,similar but different; however, as it's a present for a friend, don't want to show it yet.

And another joke from Narda, just a short one this time:

One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very Sexy nightie.
'Tie me up,' she purred, 'and you can do anything you want.'
So he tied her up and went golfing.

So, that's all for today. Have a great day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. I like the white on white for a change ... it's fun to play. hugs, Donna

  2. Love your picture, veery elegant! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Great photo of the stormy sky and super canvas. Love white on white. Have a lovely day. Suze xx

  4. Fabulous canvas and a great joke. Have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Hi Valerie, Fabulous texture and white on white is a favourite, win, win :0) Love the joke, told hubby he chuckled too, thanks! Gay xxx

  6. Great joke Valerie - told DH and he laughed too!
    Love the white on white and all that texture - beautiful.
    Hugs xx

  7. love your 'white on white', you're so talented. And the joke's so funny, lol.

  8. Lovely textured canvas Valerie and the white on white looks great.
    We had loads of rain yesterday too and flooded roads. It was sunny here until a few minutes ago when it started raining so I had to rush in the garden with hubby to get the washing off the line. Dryer now on overtime lol
    Rather funny joke too.
    Have a good weekend.
    Fliss xx

  9. Love White on white and texture your canvas is fabulous!

    Hope the day is a dryer one for you all, XOXO Zoe

  10. Super photo and the white on white canvas is gorgeous. Love all the textures. x

  11. Fabulous canvas, Valerie! Hope you have a super weekend :)

  12. Hi Valerie. Loving the canvas. Something very special about the white on white. All the texture is just fab. Have a great weekend.
    Regards Florence x

  13. Hi Val, we were away for a few days, but it was very wet, not the real holiday weather we would have liked. You have been busy, lovely work as always! Hugs, Barbara

  14. Wonderful canvas!! Now I not only come to visit you for creative inspiration, but also a good joke! Have fun!

  15. Neat technique and texture!! Cute joke, too. :D

  16. Do love your white tissue pices. Beautiful piece today, very dimensional. take care, gerri

  17. Beautiful artwork, Valerie! I love white on white!
    funny joke too!! lol

  18. beautiful texture val and love the joke, lol...

    maria xx


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