
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Tuesday Tags

Hi everybody, time is flying, as always, and I was out nearly all day yesterday, so didn't get much done.
All I managed was 2 little tags, and one of them is too late, but I wanted to do it anyway, so better late that never!
The *late* tag is for Rebecca's *Blog Garden Challenge* Faces Challenge. Both tags have been made as double tags - a tag stamped onto a piece of ceramic card, which is extremely smooth and allows easy blending and stamping, and the bottom piece, made from corrugated cardboard and distressed to match. The top tag has been stamped with archival black, clear embossed, and then painted with water colours, before adding some matching flowers and ribbon.

The second tag - this time not late! - is for the *Dragon's Dream it On*, and this week the dragon has been dreaming of nature's bounty, a lovely theme, so I dreamed with her! I made another double tag, as before, but this time decorated with some yellow sacking, autumn leaves, dried flowers and vintage fruit pictures. I also squeezed in the text of *Come ye thankful people, come*, because we do have a lot to be thankful for. I finished it off with a straw bow, which I discovered tied round one of my flower pots.

Okay, that was it for today! I hope to get a bit more done for tomorrow. Have a nice day you all, and take care!


  1. The look of these double tags is lovely .. gives a depth doesn't it. I have to say the second one is my favorite. I tried to stick my hand through the screen to snatch it, but no luck! Hope you have a lovely day, Valerie. Hope (just maybe) the sun is shining in your part of the world. hugs, Donna

  2. I love your Nature's Bounty - thanks for sharing the dream with the TIO team.

  3. Oh my... I am really liking your first tag!
    These colors work very well together, love it :]

  4. Love your double tags, they look really tag! The hymn on the second one takes me back a few years! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Loving these tags Valerie - wonderful colours and textures.
    Happy Tuesday.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. where do you find all your amazing images?

  6. Ooh, double tags. That's something new for me Valerie and I really like them! Love the autumnal colours in the Harvest tag. Have a lovely day, hope the sun peeps through for you. xx

  7. Two beautiful tags Valerie - wonderfull colours. Have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous tags Valerie and just love the glorious colours on both.
    Have a great day.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. Love your natures bounty tag Valerie very bountiful :)

  10. Hi Valerie. Beautiful tags.
    Regards Florence x

  11. Valerie ILove the layering & colors of both tags! My fave is the bountiful fruit! It Pops! Beautiful. Hugs Tee

  12. Gorgeous tags and the one with the fruit is so bright and cheerful :)

  13. Both tags are superb. I love the layering.

  14. Love your "nature's bounty" tag, in fact I love both! Thanks for joining us this week on the TIO challenge.
    Wanda xx

  15. Two lovely tags, great colours on your autumn one but really like the first double tag. x

  16. Val, wonderful tags, love the layering and the depth it creates.
    My favorite is the second one though so rich and colorful. xoxo

  17. Both of these are lovely Val. The layering is gorgeous on both of them.

  18. Hi Val love the tags, they are both different but beautiful. Good luck with no 2. xx

  19. Woo that really is full of bounty!! I love the riot of colours in your dreaming!!

  20. Love the look of the double tags...double the fun!

  21. beautiful tags today, sometimes it's nice to be out all day!

  22. These are both so pretty and so colourful too. gorgeous work my friend.
    Hugs June xxxxx

  23. Found your blog from the altered paper yahoo group. LOVE LOVE LOVE the tags, you did a wonderful job. So very pretty.

  24. These are georgeous, the ceramic card sounds great, where do you get it?x

  25. wow two great tags Valerie. Have never heard of ceramic card before... xx

  26. Beautiful tags Valerie never heard of ceramic card before , but the result sure is gorgeous.


  27. Two gorgeous tags, I was wondering about the ceramic card as well. Yvonne x

  28. A real Nature's Bounty going on! Fabulous tag. Love each element and just perfect. Thank you for joining us at TIO.

    Janet xx

  29. Lovely tags!!! Hope you have a great day. Hugs, Kim

  30. More gorgeous tags for my eyes to feast upon! Love these!

  31. Love the tags! As always I love looking at all the new things you do!
    Catch you back in email.
    Love and Hugzzz,


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