
Friday 5 August 2011

PPF & more post received.

Hi everybody, it's Friday again, and that means it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.
I didn't get around to painting that much this week, as I really needed to rest, but I did manage one mixed-media piece. The background has been stamped using archival black and various script, music and flourish stamps, and then painted with 2 coats of gesso - no, I didn't put it on my toast this time! Then I drew and painted the face before adding my *dream elements* - a picture of my Mum with my eldest sister, taken about 1940, and some vintage birds and flowers. Then I stamped the two birds at the bottom with archival black again, and clear embossed them, before giving them a bit of colour with water-colour pencils. My leopard is also walking through the picture again. The sentiment has been cut with a sizzix die, and the butterfly and dragonfly were from my stash. I am not sure that I like the picture as it is, I will think about for a few days and then see if I alter it or not.

And this is an altered canvas on which I have been working for some time on and off. It is for a friend's birthday, and she likes vintage and lace and flowers, so I threw them all onto it. And as their are angels on it, I am entering this into the *Angelic* challenge over at the *Three Muses*

And as this seems to be my super-duper post week, I got an envelope from Marie AKA *Dolly's Daydreams* filled with gorgeous tags. Marie used some of my fave themes - Halloween, autumn and Paris. I asked her yesterday if she was trying to tell me I am batty....No need, I know it! Thanks Marie for all these wonderful tags!

And that's still not everything! I got my second postcard from the *Liberate your Art* Postcard swap, a wonderful photo taken by Jess. You can see more of her work here. This blog has such wonderful photos it would be a shame not to visit it!

Thanks again for all the good wishes yesterday, I am trying to get more rest, and I went out today for a little walk through our little *town*, so did not spend the whole day sitting at the kitchen table crafting!

Have a nice day you all, and take care of yourselves. And thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love your pictures, Val, and the tags and postcard you have received. Have a good weekend! We are off to visit friends with the kids today! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Very nice work! Happy ppf! Those items you received will be wonderful at Halloween!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Love your altered canvas it looks superb and the first one looks excellent too. x

  4. I personally like your mixed media painting. Don't change a thing. The piece you made for your friend is awesome, she will love it. That Marie! She's got talent. (don't tell her, she's probably out cavorting) Love all the tags she sent. The liberate your art postcard is an interesting shot, si? I missed the first one. Will have to go back and look for it. How did that happen???? Take care of yourself, Valerie! Sending the healing faeries! hugs, Donna

  5. Fantastic... where do I begin!
    So much "artful" goodies, great art project you created, the envelop is really beautiful, and the postcard... what an incredible photo.
    Thank you for sharing <3

  6. another great collection of artwork from you and your fellow crafters! i like all the different elements of your mixed media piece and how they all mean something to you.

  7. Beautiful work on all of these Valerie and hope you soon feel much better. I love seeing your art work its so lovely and inspires me
    hugs June xxxx

  8. lovely work and I hope you feel better soon.. Happy Friday x

  9. Hi Valerie. Love the mixed media piece and your altered canvas. As always very inspiring. Super stash from Marie. Thanks for sharing all your treasures.
    Have a great weekend.
    Regards Florence x

  10. Sorry, forgot to say what an brilliant photo by Jess.
    Florence x

  11. I love both your pieces today Valerie.
    The mixed media piece is great as it is (you use such wonderful images) and I'm sure your friend will love the altered canvas.
    Lovely tags too.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. rest if you need to! xx

  12. Those tags you have received are wonderful (lovely Marie) And the canvass is going to be a beautiful gift indeed. PPF is always fun isn't it so glad you play along Dxx

  13. Hi there, I think your piece is lovely. And the mixed media piece for your friend is really cool! Love the Halloween tag you received very cute!!! :0)

  14. Love all the elements in your 'dream' picture Valerie and the canvas is gorgeous, love all the creamy white textures. Fabulous tags from Marie, everyone's a beauty. Hope the weather's nice with you this weekend so you can get out and about for some wee walks. Take care. xx

  15. What a gorgeous mixed media piece. And I love the gifts you've received. Very cool! :)

  16. Lovely artwork Valerie and lucky you to get all those beautiful tags from Marie.
    Glad to hear you're recovering too and thanks for your tip about the back of boxes, unfortunately over here in the UK most of them are grey on the back so I tend to use it by painting or inking unless for a male themed project as it's not that nice. You're very lucky if the inside of yours in Germany is brown.
    Have a good day and a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  17. Two terrific canvases Valerie, I love how you paint your face.
    Terrific tags from Marie and a wonderful postcard. Take care my friend. Annette x

  18. LOVE the Halloween stuff! Great tags and altered canvas, too!!!

  19. Very creative work ~ You have been rather busy! Love them all ~ Happy PPF ~ Carol (Share the Creative Journey) ^_^

  20. What a lot of lovely work. Thanks for sharing!

  21. All kinds of varied and lovely creations this week! Great job!

  22. Great the tags and postcards :)

  23. Fabulous work Valerie and what a lovely post you had. I hope you have started to feel better.
    Take care. xxx Hazel.

  24. As usual, you've been busy (even when you say you're not) and have made some great things. Love your take on the digital collage.

    I've also received some of my Liberate Your Art postcards and can't wait to see more. I was waiting til I had them all to post, but think I'll follow your lead and go ahead and post what I have.....

  25. A fun day visiting your blog from your Paint Friday piece to the gifts from Marie. Your birthday project is marvelous and will become a treasure. I was intrigued with the postcard photo. Very interesting. Hope you have a restful weekend.


  26. Oh gosh, I hope you're feeling better, Val!! I love those pieces and what awesome gifts from dear Marie!! and this heart photo is amazing too!

  27. Good evening Valerie Firstly both of your canvases are beautiful the one with your mother and older sister is quite beautiful. You certainly have saved a lot of pictures and mementos from your family. Love the postcard you received very special indeed . I am glad you liked the tags but was not suggesting for one minute that you are batty everyone already knew, but your a lovely batty ! Please take care and rest and we will all be here waiting for you . Have a relaxing weekend


  28. Fabulous canvases. I really love them both, you are so talented and creative. You need to make us some tutorials. Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs, Kim

  29. Awesome, Awesome artwork Valerie! Love your canvases, especially the one of your sister and mom. I bought a canvas, but it still sits in the corner looking at me! Love your artwork and thank you for your kind words! :) Feel better!

  30. nice mixed media, sort of like a creative family portrait!

  31. Both your canvas's are fantastic, I realy love your first one with the family photo and the animals. Hope today has been a good one and tomorrow will be a bit better, take cars. Yvonne x

  32. Beautiful work again I love that first piece and the altered canvas is gorgeous. And more beautiful gifts Marie is a complete sweetie.

    XOXO Zoe

  33. Gorgeous work Val and love all the tags you got! Hugs, Barb

  34. Your mixed media pieces are wonderful. Love the gifts you received. Very creative. Happy PPF!

  35. these are just awesome! I espeically like the wolf and the bats! :-)

  36. I love your mixed media pieces, they are progressing beautifully! And this has been your week to get treasures, for sure! Did the post lady ask to see them again?
    PPF hugs,

  37. Wonderful goodies you received this week!

    And your collages are looking great. I'm sure your friend will love her altered canvas!

    Happy PPF!

  38. Did you say you didn't get alot done??? I think you have been way busy!! Love the personal touches on your mixed media pieces.

  39. So many things to look at this week! Your mixed media work is lovely. My favorite image is the heart inside the wood picture! LOVE that one! HAPPY PPF!

  40. Wow such treats for us party goers!!!! I LOVE the little tag with the bird and feathers best, but everything is amazing! And you thought you didn't get much done, lol!!!

  41. My goodness, you have been busy! I love your canvas for the Three Muses, it's gorgeous.

  42. good morning,
    I LOVE that Parisian tag! I hope you are feeling better! hugs!

  43. Such a broad range of art.... you are incredibly creative! I love the collages canvases the most.

  44. dear Val,
    Incredible post today , so muc to see. Love yr white on white tag the best. Yr PPF piece was amazing too. take care, gerri

  45. Hi Valerie,
    Hope you get better soon....I think you need to set yourself up in a comfy chair, with some good eats and drink and of course books.....more inspiration for future art works!
    But as I can see from this post though, you have been busy crafting and creating lots of wonderful art.
    Lovely work on the mixed media with your mom and sister pic. I also like the angels and lace canvas...gorgeous work.
    Take care and rest Val : )

  46. Awesome pieces! I can see a lot of work went into them.


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