
Thursday 14 July 2011

Tim Holtz distressed!

Today seems to be another cold and dismal day. The weather here is totally crazy; we get 1 or 2 days when the temperatures soar,followed by thunder and lightning and rain, and it feels like autumn again. I'm sitting here wrapped in a blanket this morning, feels strange in the middle of July,
Today I got another friendly letter from the Town authorities, with a small - and very bad! black and white photo. Apparently I was exiting the tunnel by the Rhine and must have been driving a bit too fast. The strange thing, is that I drive through this tunnel every Monday, on the way to my Doc's, and then again on the way back. It is always full, stop and go traffic, driving slower than a snail walks. On one day, there was no traffic jam. And I was evidently so happy that I exceeded the speed limit. So I will have to make another donation to the town funds! Why don't they give me a rebate for all the times when I had to crawl through there? Life is sometimes unfair....
Anyway, today I did not drive through the tunnel, and spent my time crafting and painting. And I did some H*******k. It was probably the shock from the speeding fine!
At the *Three Muses* challenge blog, they want to see famous people steampunked. Hmmmm! I was rather at a loss whose picture I should use. Then I remembered a photo of me taken with Tim Holtz, when he visited our little craft shop last year. Well, I'm not exactly famous, but Tim is definitely famous, at least in the blogging and crafting world, so I decided to distress Tim! I printed the photo onto a transparency in black and white (no coloured ink in the printer, I think it drinks it at night when I'm asleep!). Then I distressed some water-colour paper, using the clock and cogs templates, and a home made spray using vintage photo ink and perfect pearls. I die-cut more cogs using the *gadget gears* die, and cut a few pieces out of a Dezinaworld Steampunk sheet, and pushed them all around till I liked it. Then I added a TH branch tree, and a die cut of a winged lady that I got from a friend. And finally, I gave Tim a game-spinner. The King of distress has been distressed!

And on the *Blog Challenge Garden* Rebecca wants to see tags with a black and orange colour combo. Not really my fave, but what to do? I found a white tag on which I recently stuck two printed strips before painting it with gesso and leaving it in the kitchen. So, I distressed it with wild honey, rusty hinge, and a bit of black, and then stamped butterflies in black all over it. Caroline recently sent me a giant, die cut butterfly - in black! Predestined for this tag! And I have had an orange, acrylic flower in my stash, waiting to be used.....And here it is! I'm not sure if I really like it, I think I need to cut the wire stem off the flower!

And I was a busy bee yesterday. I made a little book for the Craft Room challenge. The ladies there want to see butterflies this time. I used 2 sheets of paper from the *Sasha* stack from Anna Griffin. One sheet has been cut to make the pages, and then I cut butterflies out of the second sheet. The paper is pale blue with flocked butterflies in different sizes on one side, and the reverse is plain blue. The first page was cut into 6 equal pieces, and I arranged them so that 2 matching pages always came together. The book is bound very simply, with two holes through the middle of the pages and a contrasting ribbon pulled through it. I have only decorated the plain pages, and still need to find some butterfly sayings to write into it, but here are some of the pictures:

Oh dear, this has turned out much longer than I intended again, sorry! Wish you all a lovely day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh Valerie, you are soooo inspirational! For someone who is not fond of orange and black, this tag is gorgeous! I don't have any Tim Holtz 'stuff' yet. Our local 'craft' shop and that is a very loose term! Doesn't extend themselves to his bits and pieces so I will have to look online. And the little book is, as ever, delightful. x Julie

  2. Hi Valerie, Shame about the ticket that would really hack me off:{ Fabulous steampunked photo, lucky you with Tim LOL Your tag's gorgeous too and a mini book, so much talent, hugs Gay xxx

  3. Lovely work Val, love you with Tim, you should send him a copy of your steampunked pic! Hugs, Barb

  4. Your butterfly book is fabulous Valerie - beautiful colours. I also love steam punk Tim - brilliant. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Fab creations this morning Valerie, blue butterfly book is so pretty, REALLY love the orange tag (don't think I've ever done anything orange) and you & Tim look fab all steampunked up. We're going away for a few days so have a great weekend. Suze xx

  6. I love seeing your artwork Valerie. Great distressing there - wonder how Tim feels? lol
    I do like your black and orange tag, although,like you, it's not my fave colour combo.
    The butterfly book is beautiful. :)
    Hugs xx
    p.s. shame on the town wanting money from you.

  7. Lovely work again Val, love your little blue book best, and how could you distress Tim himself!? Hugs, Sarah

  8. Silly people at the city office you were not speeding at all it was just that there was no other traffic to make you go stop go and they got confused LOL

    Well you had another day full on with fantastic crafting always such treasure to behold here. Really think Mr. Holtz should see his distressed self he would love it you have done an absolutely brilliant piece.

    Still thinking about my Orange and Black but the colour is exciting to me.... Love your take on the theme how wonderful that your friends knew in advance what you would need and supplied it LOL

    Then there is your book for us at Craft-Room Challenge, it is beautiful love your books and this one is special with those lush papers and then all your gorgeous additions. Thank you for sharing with us at Craft-Room Challenge. XOXO Zoe

  9. Ticket Smicket! RATTTS! Love the Tim photograph ... your glasses are very very cool! It was butterfly day for you .. they are all gorgeous. Your book is perfect. So many different butterflies. I used to have so many butterfly stamps ... and now none. It is one my list to order one ... but which one! The Anna Griffin paper is beautiful ... I love her stuff. I hope it has warmed up sufficiently that you are 'uncacooned' from your blanket now. Have fun today. See you manana. hugs, Donna

  10. Oh, now I feel better! LOL! I'm not the ONLY one with LOOOOOOOOOOONG posts!!! Sorry to hear about that speeding ticket, but LOVE the steampunk remake of you and Tim!.. And your black and orange tag is gorgeous! I've been wanting to participate for Tag Tuesday, and just haven't had a MOMENT lately! I have to cool it on the swaps! (0; Your little butterfly book is sweet!... Have a great day! Enjoy! ~tina

  11. Tim Holtz would be PROUD of you Valerie and I'm glad you joined the three muses otherwise I would overlooked it !

  12. Beautiful use of the Tim Holtz products. Tim would be proud of you! Thanks for joining us this week at Three Muses!

  13. Hi Speedy! LOL! sorry! Fabulous projects as usual. Stunning butterfly book.
    Regards Florence.

  14. Sorry you got a ticket! I love your creations today though. Gorgeous as usual! :-)

  15. YAY! A photo of you!!!! And what a fun way to dress it up! Your butterfly creations are wonderful!

  16. Oh wow, how fantastic!! And I'll bet that time would love that picture!! I'm so sorry about your ticket...not fun! Yes, stay home and create--it's safer!!!

  17. Beautiful little book filled with treasures! Thanks for your kind comment on my flower page.

  18. Valerie
    How annoying that is to receive a ticket :(
    Great takes on the challenge themes and clever to use a photograph of Tim.
    Lynne x

  19. Valerie your post are most enjoyable,and never too long for me! The longer the better! lol. Oh I love your Mr.Tim Collage! Great! Is that you? With Tim? When Where? Oh Even better!
    You just gave me and idea for the next Mystery Envelope Swap! Thanks!
    I love your stamping on the Tag Tuesday Challenge!
    Your mini book is in the prettiest blue.I enjoy altering the little mini comp books, my new fave craft. Hugs,Tee

  20. I received my first ticket some months back. Was making a left hand turn when the light turned yellow. Apparently, my front tires when over the line as the light turned red! I received a $560 red-light ticket for .04 tenths of a second! Not even a second! I went and saw the redlight camera video and could not believe they were ticketing me for that!

    Anyway, your creations are amazing! Love the orange and black and the steampunk "Tim" is fabulous and then some! The butterfly book is so pretty and each page so detailed! Beautiful work!

  21. You are such a generous person Val, so kind of you to be donating to the town coffers, have you suggested they make a statue of you? I'm sure Tim would be so proud and flattered that you chose to distress him, that did not sound right did it. Loving those beautiful butterflies too, you are a genius dear!

  22. Love these! That butterfly die is gorgeous! Thanks for all your support and well wishes, too :)

  23. You and Tim make a fab steampunkery pair! Butterfly card is gorgeous!

  24. ORANGE these wonderful! Awesome're a rock star!

  25. steampunked, now that's something different! Sorry to hear about your ticket, they never seem to catch the real culprits. The good news is you did the h******rk! lol

  26. Another collection of wonderful art Valerie :) Your Distressed Tim is tag gorgeous and the little book delightful :)
    Bummer you got caught on camera but know how that feels lol
    take care speedy ;)
    Von x

  27. Great work again Valerie. Do you still teach at the craft shop? Annette x

  28. Wunderschöne Werke hast du gezaubert, gefallen mir alle sehr gut.

  29. Wonderful work and loving that butterfly tag. Too bad about the ticket, hubbie got one when we were on our vacation this year. Thanks for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge. Kim x

  30. Stunning set! I particularly like the book. Tim Holtz would look good in a bin bag :-)!!! Good luck and thanks for joining in at the Craft-Room Challenge. Maria x

  31. oh my, you were cetainly busy creating all these beautiful pieces! I like your idea of steampunking Tim....very clever!!

  32. Valerie I Love your tag and book you've created- just lovely- thanks for joining us at Craft Room challenge, debi x

  33. Oh Valerie, I remember getting one of those B/W photos of me driving a rental card at 3am driving my way to the airport in Victoria BC. There was no traffic and I was impatient at a red light. Needless to say, I got a ticket as I slowly went through the light. Anyways life happens. LOL
    LOVE LOVE your creations, all of them and nice to see a pic of you and T!m altered. Butterflies are always a delight and you captured them perfectly on your tag and book.
    Love that book!!!
    PS I can send some nice heat to you and humidity if you like.

  34. Hi Valerie. Love your book and the tags. Love the butterfly. Always inspirational. Have a great Friday.

  35. What a fabulous selection of butterfly inspired projects :o) Thank you for joining us this week at Craft room challenge. Good luck. Nikki DT

  36. Everything in this post is totally wonderful, and your steampunkerie for the Three Muses is brilliant.

  37. Never mind Mr Tim loved YOUR goggles !!!Great pieces distressing the king of distressing. Great butterfly book you really know how to make these beautiful projects and bring them to life just gorgeous.


  38. Love all the butterflies!
    Great little book you made... love it :]

  39. Gorgeous little Butterfly book - you have been buys ! Love your other projects too - distressed Tim is such fun! Thanks so much for joining our Craft-Room Challenge...Esther xx

  40. Oh wow, these projects are all so gorgeous!


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