
Thursday 28 July 2011

Thursday, dentist and tags.

Good morning you all! It's another cool, grey and rainy day here, I wonder if our summer has gone on holiday?
My time flew by yesterday. I had to go to the customs office here in DĂĽsseldorf, as they sent me a letter to say that they had 2 packages for me, for which I had to pay tax! I ordered a T-shirt and some stamps in the USA, way back in May, and I was able to collect them today. I think they must have been been there for weeks, so I don't know why it took so long to inform me that they were there. Anyway I paid my dues, always happy to support the state, and was able to bring home my wares! In the (bad) old days, the robbers used to sit in their castles along the Rhine and demand taxes of all who needed to pass. Today it's called inland revenue, taxes, or customs, and they can put their hands into our pockets quite legally. That's progress for you!

To calm myself down when I got back home I made some tags. The first tags are for Grungy Monday over at Studio L3, where they want to see a combination of Grunge board and Rock candy crackle paint, using Tim Holtz's techniques

I made two tags from grunge board, which I gessoed before distressing with Th inks, and embossing with A TH folder. Then I painted them with the rock crackle crystal paint, which I distressed with forest moss after it was dry. I didn't put too much decoration on the tags, as I didn't want to cover up all of the nice background. The first picture shows the tag after distressing, and the others the finished pieces.

The last tag I made just because I had so many bits and bobs on my table which needed using!

And after that I stretched out on my couch for a nice nap; that was good!
Okay, that was it for today - now it's time to go to the dentist. Then I have a few weeks break because he is off on holiday....
Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for stopping by!


  1. Great tags today, Valerie. I especially like the TH embossing in the background. A little different and very effective. Have 'fun' at the dentist. Be well, hugs, Donna

  2. Hi Val, lovely tags again. Our weather seems to be the same as yours - bad! Have a good day and good luck with the dentist, hugs, Sarah

  3. Sparkles for the dentist Valerie.
    Love the tags - I'd never thought of making them from grungeboard - thanks for the inspiration.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. our weather is like yours- grey, grey, grey. :(

  4. Hi Valerie. Lovely tags especially the one with the owl.
    Regards Florence x

  5. My goodness, taxes and dentist in the same week! Things can only get better! Super tags, love that TH background. We had one lovely day of sunshine yesterday but today it's back to being grey. Hope the sun comes out for you. xx

  6. Beautiful Tags, Valerie! Have a nice day, hugs, Barb

  7. Oh WOW, I love that moss effect- it's incredible! And speaking taxes, I heard that in the US they are considering creating a "junk food" tax- really? Not that I like junk food, but is it their business is people want to eat crap?
    Back to you and your beauties- you are so inspiring to me- I MUST try doing some tags! I love how creative these are!
    Hugs- and congrats on your holiday from the dentist :)

  8. wonderful tags. I could send you some of our hot weather if you like. Our weather here has been oppressive with the heat index in the 120 area. Yuck! :-)

  9. Oh the joy's of Tax and import is the worst no way of knowing what it is likely to be unless you are an importer. Hope your tee shirt is worth it!

    Fabulous tags agree about the background it is great without anything and just the minimal compliments it. XOXO Zoe

  10. Isn't it fun to see what can be created using what's already on your work table? Your "leftovers" tag is quite cute! Terrie

  11. It's wonderful the way you used the grungeboard for the challenge. I'm going to try the gesso on it. I'm working on a house with a fence, so you last tag has truly inspired me to make something grand. Thanks so much!

  12. Love all the 'leftovers' and the embossing is so rich!

  13. The tags are all super, the brackgrounds are fab as well.

  14. Fabulous tags Valerie. I've been waiting for a package from the states since the middle of June and I reckon it's held up at customs. I might see it sometime this year.

  15. Hazel, I don't know why they make such a fuss about harmless things! Hope you get your parcel soon!

  16. Hi Valerie,
    I'm so glad your dentist is going on vacation! lol I got the funniest email this morning about a dentist--I will email it to you because I know you'll love it!!!

    I adore the tags you made--they're perfection!! That garden gate is so precious. XO Cindy

  17. Awesome tags the grunge board background! Happy Creating!

  18. Gorgeous tags Valerie and that's a favourite TH folder of mine too. Love what you did with your bits and bobs.
    Hope you got on OK at the dentist too.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  19. Those are great tags. The one with children at play is my favorite. I cant believe it took that long to get something from US. OH me!!! Hope you have a great day, Kim xx

  20. what a super TH embossed tag :) and love the way you make thing's out of what's on your desk :)
    Hugs Von x

  21. Hope all went well with the dentist ! love your tags lots of texture and loveliness. I would love to see your stash seems never ending the amount of beautifulness you are able to incorporate and make it work !


  22. At least your mouth can now have a vacation! Poor thing! Love all these tags, but the cool dude owl, is just the eye catcher!

  23. Valerie, your grungy monday tags are fabulous. I don't have any of the hard candy product so I didn't create for this week's challenge.

    DENTIST....yuck. Hope you came home and can relax while the dentist is on holiday.

    I had to chuckle about your customs office. At one time we had a book round robin and one of the custom clerks admitted that she took the book home to show it off to her family before it went on to the recipient. HOW ABOUT THAT!

    Takes all kinds of people to make the world go round, so they say. I'm just happy you finally received your orders.


  24. Must be terrible to have to pay customs tax on things mailed to you, dosent that fall on the ones shipping it? then have to wait so long to get it, bummer!!!

    Darling tags Valerie, love your backgrounds.

    hope things went well at the dentist!
    hugs Lynn

  25. Great tags, after your trying day!

  26. All of these pieces are just GORGEOUS!

  27. Thanks for the blond jokes ! Am just off to dye my hair auburn lol. Love your paining the skyline is amazing ! Great tag and how could you forget how to make them think you have a bit of a tag fetish.

    Thanks for the jokes great fun.

  28. Love the textured background and the vintage girl cutout on top.

  29. love the images that you used for these. Are they Poesie Scrpas?

  30. Yes, they are the German scraps that used to be used in poesie albums


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