
Sunday 17 July 2011

Sunday, Sunday sketches, a fairy tale and no sun!

Sunday is not living up to it's name here, cool, windy and wet! And there's a park Fête going on near here, which I wanted to visit, but not if the weather doesn't get better!
Yesterday I had a fun day with B. We each set a challenge for the other one, a pile of different papers and embellies which had to be made into something. We both made mini books, but different ones. I got a sheet of wood grain paper, a sheet of paper with greeny-blue flourishes, some matching fringed fibres and a few white flowers. The book is finished, but not yet decorated, so I will share in another day.
Today is time for Sunday sketches over at Sophia's *Blue Chair Diary*. I am sharing 2 more of the roller paintings I made this week. They are a bit wild, but I just did what I felt like! Sometimes it does good just to let go and splodge and smear, and this week has been one of those times! And sending lots of hugs and sparkles for Sophia and her Dad, who is due to undergo surgery again.

And I would like to share with you a little fairy tale book I made some years back. I wrote the poem, and used some pages from the *Fairy Tale Stack* to write them down, and bound it with my old office binder, that was before I got a BIA. I wrote a part of the text by hand on each page, but the whole poem is on the first page, neatly typed, so it might be easier on your eyes to read that!

So, that was it for today! Here's wishing you all a great Sunday, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Not much of sunny day here either Valerie :( but your roller paintings sure brighten the mood :)and what a delightful poem and book :)
    Hope it cheers up for you
    Von x

  2. Love you bright and sunny roller paintings, and the book is fab! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Oh My! I'm quite overcome by the book, Valerie. It's exquisite and the poem .. well, lets just say your talent is showing yet again. Very beautiful. If it goes missing one day ... it will be hiding under my bed. :o) Your roller paintings are such a breath of fresh air. Freedom to do .. ah yes. It's a good thing. big hugs on a not so sunny day, Donna

  4. Good morning Valerie. I love your fairy poem and the book is wonderful. The roller paintings are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. Raining here too Valerie - a good day to go to the cinema methinks!
    I love your roller art.
    That fairy tale book is fab-u-lous!
    I have that stack but have never been able to do it justice. You rock girl!!
    Hugs xx

  6. Love the great patterns and textures in all your work. Very inspiring.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  7. Love the roller paint...and the book is magical...

  8. Hi Valerie, WOW clever you that's some poem, I really enjoyed reading it, and your pages are beautiful:0) Glad you had a good day yesterday, I love to have a messy splodge too I think it's good for the soul. I hope today's good too, Gay xxx

  9. Hi Valerie. Super poem book. Love everything about it.
    Regards Florence.

  10. Shame about the weather but makes it easier to stay in and finish yesterday's mini book LOL

    Love those roller paintings great freedom and expression in them. Your Magical poem and book stunning. XOXO Zoe

  11. The poem and book are awesome, love the pages of the book so pretty. And your roller painting is great fun. Rain here today also, but that seems to be the norm here this Summer.

  12. that is just beautiful,, the peom and the art work,,

  13. I should try the roller brush painting some time. Might help me vent with things going on right now! :) Thank you for your kind, warm thoughts for me and my father.

  14. Lovely work again, the paintings are gorgeous and so is the little book! Hugs, Barb

  15. love, love, love the fairy tale book! So v inspiring. Am doing a study of fairy and folk-tales for my art MA at the moment and am loving entering this world!

    Thanks for sharing.


  16. love your roller paintings, you're really at your best when you let yourself go wild!

    Nice fairy tale too.

  17. so much detailing on the book! I LOVE the roller paintings...the colors are great!
    cheers, dana

  18. I'm so glad you had fun with your friend and I love what you created...and I adore this fairytale book--WOW!! it's rainy and gloomy here too--I wish the sun would come out and stay! lol

  19. Hi Valerie. Your fairy tale bood is wonderful. What a great job. The roller paintings you are doing seem to just flow with your mood. Very nice Valerie. Glad you had a fun day. Have a great week.

  20. Oh I love your poem and your little book Val. It reminds me of one I made for my grand daughter a couple of years ago. The roller art looks very theraputic too, I think the second one is my fav. Weather rubbish here too, we had a leaving party for our curate today and ended up with the bouncy castle in the church and the barbie in the hall!! It was a great party though. xxjeanie g

  21. Sorry for the lack of sun, but your gorgeous and magacial fairy tale are beautiful and bright! Love it! POP ART MINIS

  22. your first two are fun and loose and I enjoyed seeing them. and your fairy tale is wonderful, so many charming details and heart felt magic.

  23. It must be a book day lol i am in the midst of a board book creation as we speak lol, fingers are all gluey and i thought i would leave it to dry a bit and come and blog hehe while i have a cuppa.
    i adore your fairy book, i am fairy daft myself lol
    hugs June xxxxx

  24. So that's all for today she say's !!!!!!!!!!! Wahhh what a delight each page of your books is fantabulous ! Did you publish it ? You should have this is amazing, love ya splodges too


  25. Valerie, I'm so glad I didn't miss your post today as your fairy tale book is so precious. It is one of those little books that should be published so that more can see your beautiful art. I LOVE THIS ONE!

    If Donna doesn't steal it first, I'll sneak in and see if I can locate it.

    Have a great new week.


  26. Great sploshings and a wonderful book Valerie. Look forward to seeing your Summer of Red. xx

  27. Love the transparency of the paints on your roller painting. And your fairy take is amazing with the detail you have created. So much subtle texture with the embossing and I love your whimsical stamps. Just delightful! x Julie

  28. dear Val,
    Such a wonderfully detailed fairy tale book. It is so amazing and creative,,,I cant say enough. take care and I hope you get some sun soon! take care, gerri

  29. Love, love love your poem and book! The roller paintings are really neat too.

  30. Lovely book and I must apologize for not visiting. I look in google reader and didnt realize it was you (I think of you as craft attack) I see all you wonder work though. I will be back, thank you for alway coing by my blog and your lovely comments. Have a super week. Hugs, Kim

  31. The roller paintings are soooo fun! i really like the colors you have used....sorry for the late visit - i just got back into town! hugs to you ! have a creative week - ( i know you will)!!!


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