
Monday 25 July 2011

Monday and Summer of Color - if you can call our weather summer!

Hello you all! Another cold, wet and dismal day here. But the weather prophets have promised us that it will get a little warmer tomorrow, but will stay just as wet....and then we should be getting storms again on Tuesday and Wednesday, and in general, still no sign of summer!
Yesterday was a day of little catastrophes - my hair-dryer started sparking and smoking, my printer has finally had a complete breakdown, a fly caused havoc in my kitchen....

For the *summer of Color* Kristin wants to see purple. I had three pictures ready, and as I was clearing up, a rather dozy fly kept zooming at me and annoying me. I tried to swipe it away, missed, and swiped away the jar with my painting water, which completely drenched one painting, splashed the others, and also ruined several tags I had finished, and a pile of stash which was also on the table. So, the tags, stash and one picture landed in the bin, and the other 2 pics were just splashed, so I managed to patch them up a bit, but the colour doesn't look as it should. And I still haven't caught that scum-bag of a fly!
The first picture is a mask, and the second one is for the grand-daughter of an ex-colleague, who loves hearts, flowers, Seventies Style and purple....

Today I have to go to the dentist again, not looking forward to it, but it has to be! I hope I will be in a fit condition to do some crafting when I get back home.
Have a good day, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh Valerie .. the gods are not smiling upon you this morning! Better your hair dryer than your hair when it comes to 'sparkling and smoking', and the fly will get his own back ... they don't live too long! I'm sorry about the pile in the bin .. such a pity! Always love your masks ... this one frightened me though and Habibi is still howling. Your card is lovely .. very sweet. She will adore it. Good luck at the dentist .. we should be able to figure a way around these things by now .. one shot does it all or something, but I know they have not ... so I will be thinking of you. Take care. hugs, Donna

  2. I too found your mask rather scary. Boogity, boogity... Your card is so pretty, love the soft painted swirls all around.
    Jessi xox

  3. Oh - that horrible fly!!! Hrmf...!

    Your mask is very interesting - and a bit spooky. Those bright green eyes...! *lol*
    And the heart card is just so sweet and pretty, with those tiny flowers,..and I also like those swirls a lot!

    Whishing you a great day, and good luck at the dentist's! :-)

  4. Darn fly! There are hazards to be found everywhere in our work areas. I dumped everything once when a scorpion..yep, a scorpion came out from under a pile of papers! I like your mask! :) Nan

  5. Hope your day got better! Love all the different purples on your mask, it reminds me of a green man mask but in purple and the heart card is beautiful...purple is my fav colour!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog. As I am very accident prone my hubby stood behind me for a good half an hour while I was cutting the stamps, saying 'cut away from you' over and over!!! I have managed to make 6 stamps without any injury which is amazing for me....I bet I've cursed myself now for saying that!!
    Have a great day
    Sam x

  6. Aww I see such a sad face even though she is so brightly coloured must be the effect of the weather :( fingers crossed summer arrives soon
    Hugs Von x

  7. I love the purples and hearts.
    Hope today is better than yesterday for you Valerie and that the dentist doesn't hurt too much.
    Hugs xx

  8. very pretty card...she will love it! i am digging your psychadelic dude too..very funky!!!♥xxx

  9. I love your two pieces Valerie especially the mask. Good luck at the dentist.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. Oh dear, bet the air was blue yesterday with that pesky fly. I think your mask painting reflects your feelings towards the dentist however the heart one is lovely and soft. Sending you hugs. xx

  11. Both terrific pieces Valerie and especially love the mask. Annette x

  12. Oh No! Pesky fly! Super work as usual Valerie. Hope all goes well at the dentist.
    Regards Florence x

  13. Love the colors and design of you card!

  14. Your mask is very striking. Love the inclusion of green.
    Very pretty card.

  15. Two super pieces, love the hearts. Hope all goes well at the dentist today. Yvonne x

  16. If it makes yu feel any better Valerie, its pouring down with rain here too. And expected to carry on for the next week! :-( Ah well, one must carry on. Love the mask, and the simplicity of your heart card. Just beautiful. Hope your dentist treats you kindly!x Julie

  17. Lovely pieces Val, I do hope your dental visit won't be too painful.

  18. Very nice purple pieces - the card is charming and anyone would love to receive it! Looking forward to your orange mask - they're always so creative!

  19. Love your use of purple! Both creations are wonderful! Good luck at the dentist!

  20. Purple is my favorite color and you did a fantastic job of it with your creations. I especially LOVE your mask. LOVE it! Perfect colors all the's wonderful!

  21. dear Valerie, your art is so colorful and cheerful! I love your posts!

  22. Thanks for popping by on this perfect purple day! Love what you've done with this amazingly royal color!

  23. WOW to both layouts...especially love the long swigglely lines on the heart LO..the shadowing effect.

  24. Darn lil bugger. lol. The first piece is so creative & the purples are to striking! The heart is lovely as well...I hope your week improves! xo Joanna

  25. Wow, love your purples--these are gorgeous!!! Best of luck at the dentist office~I can't stand going either!!


  26. I love them both! Fabulous and colourful, Valerie!

    Good luck at the dentist :)

  27. that first one , wow, those eyes really pop against the purple! I love it!
    Gosh I do hope you have a better day tomorrow and catch that darn fly!!

  28. Both are so pretty. my fave is the hearts with the soft background! good luck with the dentist. I hate going too..

  29. Doesn't sound like the best of days but at least your art hasn't suffered. Hope the dentist isn't too bad. Gorgeous work x

  30. oh those darn flies!!! I love the purple hearts - very pretty - good luck at the dentist, today.
    i am wishing you warm sunny weather, too!

  31. Brilliant colours in your card this Monday.
    As for the dentist, hope it wasn't too much of a nightmare.
    Lynne x

  32. Valerie, to me it sounds like it was one of those days you should have gone back to bed.

    Sorry about the mishaps and more sorry about your dental appointment. I hope you feel better than after the appointment last week.


  33. If this makes you feel any better... I wish I could hold your hand, while you are in the dentist's chair. :]
    Love your "summer color" theme project. The mask is fantastic... lov'in the purples.
    Take care <3

  34. Hope you are the right way up now !!!! Fabulous purple creations the mask is amazing . Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


  35. Oh dear, ha ha ha! They say trouble comes in threes! You wouldn't believe a little fly could cause so much trouble. Glad you managed to salvage some art - the purples are gorgeous :-)

  36. Purple I love and your piece is awesome. Good job Valerie. Oh I'm sorry about the dentis, I can't stand them. Hope it's not to bad. Have a great week.

  37. Perfect for purple!

    As the song goes, "Things can only get better....."

  38. Oh no! I wonder if the fly even knows of the trouble it caused . . .I am sorry to hear about the loss of art and your stash, but what remains is just beautiful - I love your style and that mask is stunning. Thank you for sharing, xo

  39. Sounds like amongst all the icky stuff you remain bright and optimistic. Love that.

    Enjoyed your purple today!

  40. I love both of your pages. The hearts are my favorite. I love purple and hearts. The mask is really neat as well. It has great eyes, the green really makes the other colors pop.

  41. Naughty fly!!
    Two totally different purple pieces, the mask is striking with its green eyes, and I love the background on your heart piece :)

  42. Hi Val, so sorry I am late posting on this. Both pieces are very creative. I love that card.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Off to go look at more purple creations. Les

  43. I am quite partial to your mask! Must need a bit of evil in my day :)
    What a time you had and to top it off with a trip to the dentist - well yuck on that!


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