
Saturday 2 July 2011

Journal for July, a blog award and mail art sent

It's Saturday again, the time is flying by, and I never find enough time to everything I would like to....Did I hear someone say, *Get up off your butt, switch off the computer and you might succeed?* I enjoy my computer time, and the contact with the world it makes possible.
It's a cold and grey day again, feels more like autumn than summer, but we did have 2 hot days this week!
Yesterday I finished my journal pages for July, almost on time!
I used lots of printed tissue and different pictures left over from various projects, which I gessoed onto the pages. Then I painted round them using water soluble wax crayons, and then stamped, drew squares for the days, and generally had a bit of a play till it looked more or less like I wanted it to. I am linking my journal to *The Kathryn Wheel*

Then I sent off a mail-art envelope for a swap I'm doing with Carolyn. It was once again admired from the new young man at the post office, I can still hardly believe it! Hope it reaches Carolyn soon!

And I have received a Blog award from Joni Nickrent at *Pop Art Minis* , a fantastic artist who makes wonderful pictures.

This award comes with *conditions* - I have to reveal 7 things about myself, and pass it on to 8 other bloggers. They, in turn, have to do the same!
OK. first the juicy details about me;
1. I like blogging
2. I hate h*******k
3. I love painting
4. I hate i*****g (can't do it anymore since my i**n fell out of the closet and broke!)
5. I love crafting
6. I hate clearing up and tidying, although it is often necessary....
7. I think my life has been much improved by contact with the lovely, generous community of bloggers, and I would really miss not having you all as part of my life.

Now, I have to pass this award on to 8 other worthy bloggers, no easy task by so many great people out there.
But I have chosen eight, and I hope they will accept their awards:
1.Donna of *Donna did it* , who is a fantastic artist and a wonderful friend
2. Tee of *The Altered Paper*, who organises swaps and challenges to keep us busy
3. Zoe of *This little place* who always finf time to leave nice comments
4.Cindy Adkins who is a lovely person with great style and a big heart
5.Julie of *Sesenarts*, who makes dreams out of silk and fabrics
6. Carolyn of *Digital experiments* who is a lovely lady with a big heart.
7. Susan of *The Twilight Zone*, who spends her time between Kindle, Cropping and Vampires and
8.Jo of *Fiddlesnips* who always makes me laugh, as well as being a very talented artist.

I could have named many, many more, but 8 is 8....
Well, after linking so many names I need a coffee. Have a lovely day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Valerie,
    Thank you so much! This is such a wonderful surprise!
    Sending ((hugs)) to you,

  2. That is so sweet of you Val! (sorry I couldn't resist).
    Hugs xx

  3. Lovely journal spread and mail art to die for. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  4. gorgeous journaly pages and the art envelope is stunning too xxxx

  5. Lovely work again, when the kids are grown up I will make a journal too . if I ever survive them! Hugs, Sarah

  6. Good morning Dear Valerie. How lovely of you to think of me. I am honoured to accept the award, however, it is getting more difficult to 'pass it on' as so many of my blogging friends do not accept anymore. I'll do the best I can. I think your mail art envelopes just get better and better. I wonder where Grumpy Drawers is at the post office?! Really like your calendar - it must be fun to flip through at the end of the year and see all that great art! Thanks again, Valerie. Have a lovely day. Hugs, Donna

  7. Hi Valerie. What a creative mind you have! Super work.
    Regards Florence.

  8. Thank you

    How wonderful to have some one in the post office who appreciates your defaced envelopes LOL They are all so special I treasure mine. Have a good week-end XOXO Zoe

  9. Lots of gorgeous art work here Valerie, love it especially your journal, beautiful. hugs Gay xxx

  10. Fabulous journal page - so much to look at and so many different textures. It took me a moment to spy the lovely lady looking up from the bottom left. Love it! And the mail art as always is fantastic!

  11. I like how the journaling squares are randomly on the page. It adds interest.

  12. wonderful journal pages! Love all the tissue that was added.

  13. Hi Valerie
    Congratulations on your award.
    Fantastic journal pages and of course, your mail art is always amazing.

  14. Fantastic journal pages, and envelope art. Have a lovely weekend. Yvonne xx

  15. Your journal pages look really great and, of course, the mail art is stunning!

  16. Beautiful journal and wonderful post! Your random facts were perfect and so fun! Thanks for playing and for being so awesome!

  17. Thank you, Valerie. That's very kind of you,


  18. great pages and congrats on your award! you do fabulous stuff, Val!!

  19. Stunning pages, love how it all blends together! Gongrats also with the award

  20. I love your journal pages, Valerie, and I can't wait for your "not plain brown" envelope to arrive. It looks spectacular in the photo.

    Blog awards . . . I have the same problem as Donna in that my blogger friends don't accept awards. I rarely participate myself but do appreciate the honor.

    Hope you get some sunshine this weekend.


  21. As always, such lovely creations! I have never done a journal page! Oh I think I could get so much more done, if someone said those magic words to me, "Get off your butt."

  22. Lovely journal pages, I love the printed tissue as a base...brillant idea. thanks for visiting. take care dearie, gerri

  23. Great pages and hope your envelope makes it to its destination, you just never know!
    hugs Lynn

  24. fabby!!! such a great mix of images! Hugs Juls

  25. You are so creative with your calendars and your mail art. Love them both.

  26. Congrats on your award ! beautiful journaling pages and mail art and what a fun filled package from Zoe all thoroughly gorgeous and well deserved.


  27. Here I sit trying to figure out how to leave a post again! Will I never learn?
    I can't believe your 4th grade teacher left that comment on your picture. I think it's pretty amazing for a fourth grader!!!!!! Better than I could do right now!!
    Any way, I've spent lotsa time looking around again. I love coming here!

  28. Hip, hip... hooray!
    Your July calendar page is up.
    Love your collage work for this one, good stuff :]

  29. Grea calendar pages. Love all the collage elements for July. well done for keeping up with the challenge so far. Can you believe we are half way through already?!

  30. Lots of fun stuff on this post! Love your July pages - so creative! Enjoy the summer! Hugs, Terri

  31. beautiful pages....!
    2 days of hot weather...i could not image..were hitting 100 every day here in Texas!


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